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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 283 KB, 2874x362, btcretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28934719 No.28934719 [Reply] [Original]

>sold literally ALL his btc at the local bottom
>never went below his exit point again
>paid atleast $1m in taxes
>wife is probably off spending all his money while he stares at btc chart daily with rope in his hand
an anon told us we have to keep reposting at every major BTC milestone (50k, 75k, 100k+). How must it feel to go through hell, being literally on the verge of never having to worry about another dollar again but backing out at the last minute? I get that he got out with a decent amount but must feel a little bit bad not to atleast keep 10 btc of that...

>> No.28935146

No, he had enough money. I 100% guarantee he goes to sleep every night thinking "what if", stares at the charts even more than before, and lurks constantly, though.

>> No.28935179

Well if he kept to his word he'll have enough money to be comfortable for his whole life.

>> No.28935222

For 3mil there's no way he couldn't buy a few BTC to just forget about it for some years

>> No.28935268

Actually I was in the original thread. He was calling people retards and saying it’s gonna crash in under 2 weeks

>> No.28935302


Why? Why do this? Why not keep even a 1/4 of what you had?

>> No.28935317

All he has to do is stay comfy, wait to hear on the news that BTC has plummeted to $15k, mass capitulation, and then buy the dip.

>> No.28935323

He has 3 millions instead of 5
if i were him i wouldn’t care since 3mil is enough to never work again
but then again he bought a gay porche so he probably will fuck it up anyway regardless of 3 or 5 million

>> No.28935328

I don't understand 100% liquidation and I never will

>> No.28935337

I am more worried for the anon that tethered at 11k and was praying it to go back down when we broke the ath

>> No.28935382
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 25171A89-18E0-42C9-A9F7-C371342C37D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. With the media attention btc has been getting there’s literally zero chance of him being able to ignore it. He’s probably seething at his wife but can’t do anything about it else she gets half

>> No.28935405
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1612102022638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean he made 3M he sure could've waited more and made way more gains, but i don't think he can complain too much, he regrets it for sure tho.
Whats the amount to retire? in your country of course, cause in italy 3M would be enough

>> No.28935469

Dollar is going into hyperinflation

He will have to work again if he didn't buy proper assets like gold, silver, rental real estate...

>> No.28935475

Remember all the reddit posts at the start of Jan about how theyre gonna cash out and buy a fucking car hahahahaha

>> No.28935477

if youre buying dumb shit before $10mil net worth you wont make it

>> No.28935479

Not after paying taxes and buying two inflated shitboxes. If he's on a coast he could be flat broke right now. Midwest, maybe he has 1-1.5 mil left, which is good but given his penchant for consuming (Porsche over BItcoin? Gay.) I doubt it lasts him long.

>> No.28935554

link thread in waruso

>> No.28935631

So? It was 28k on 29-12. He'll be able to buy back lower eventually if he wants to.

>> No.28935675

I didn’t save it but I’m about to go through my history and see if I can find it

>> No.28935840

hyper inflation leads to government seizing assets like gold and real estate, so that wouldn't help him

>> No.28935934

I found the link to the original thread. How do I get it in warosu?

>> No.28935946

>so 2mil after tax
>buying 2 houses
so he literally has nothing left and needs to work to live
shit plan

>> No.28936078

Well he did liquidate his whole position so there's no hope for him.

>> No.28936135

$3MM instead of $5.5MM makes a big change
for starters he sold directly with no tricks, so he's going to pay at least 20% taxes on that
then there's the student loan + 2 houses. let's be generous and say $600k for all of that
so from $3MM he's left with $1.8MM
whereas with $5.5MM he'd have $3.8MM left
in the latter scenario, simply stuffing that money into something fairly safe with 4% APR gives him $152k/y, $121k/y after 20% taxes
in the former scenario, it's only $72k per year, $58k after taxes
it's a comfortable living either way, but at $4MM you literally can cruise on interest and never have to worry about money ever again. at $2MM you still have to watch your expenses or wagecuck on top

>> No.28936201

he probs sold for DIA which would be a good move about now. i suggest you go look at the binance chart.

>> No.28936219

sorry the housing market is shit where you are but you can easily buy a modest home in a safe area with access to amenities for $300k or less in most states

>> No.28936418

See >>28935268
Id link the thread but it’s deleted

>> No.28936544

>getting married and then buying a home
Oh no no no no

>> No.28936884



You can type in the post number in warosu to find it.

>> No.28936929

guess our thinking about it all wrong, this dude wont have to work again. just invest in crypto. buy random shitcoins. idk maybe buy some Bitcoin kek

>> No.28937128
File: 75 KB, 768x578, copebtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cope

>> No.28937134

Interesting, thanks for sharing

>> No.28937309
File: 96 KB, 2784x254, copebtc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks

>> No.28937914

its enough anywhere but burgerland