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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28934464 No.28934464 [Reply] [Original]

Any BNBros here, sitting comfy with my 1.5k stack

>> No.28934510

>holding so much bnb and binance is getting closer and closer to being destroyed

>> No.28934516

Or is this board full of shitcoin chasing pajeets kek

>> No.28934558

I have 5.

>> No.28934586

Why u think binance is getting destroyed?

>> No.28934610

Nope, too late now

>> No.28934695
File: 48 KB, 760x1051, 064aec52e88872c63a79fbc845034a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag with 10 BNB staked on venus and another 10 BNB worth of cake farming everyday currently on bunny, also hold some julb & juld for the incoming airdrop. Feels so comfy bnbros

t. seething ETH whale
have fun with your $200 anal fee per tx

>> No.28934794

regulations will strangle the life out of binance


>> No.28934896

Which one? The .US is fucked but what retard can't just VPN on to the non-fucked one?

>> No.28934941

they're coming for that binance too
the bigger binance becomes the harder it is for regulators to ignore it

>> No.28935216

Binance is literally getting licenses in the US to operate, seethe harder lmao

>> No.28935246

Shut up nibba is this your 1st 10% income ?
don’t be a faggot who trashtalks here
tell me what bot r u using for it
I am clever enough to understand how it works
Bot Ocean - the thing you need

>> No.28935253

Not in us, but centralized shit anyways.

>> No.28935289

wtf do you think that the united states is the world government or something? how about you think outside your little bubble for once, doesnt matter if all the regulators in the USA at once have a burning seething hatred for binance. they cant do shit.

>> No.28935350

holy based
ETHcucks need not apply

>> No.28935387

Love all the coinmetro and other shit exchange retards fudding binance