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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 300x300, avalanche_token_round.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28926611 No.28926611 [Reply] [Original]

double minted piece of shit

>> No.28927429

We all know bro, just let it go

>> No.28927613

thanks buying more fuck off. Have you tried using the platform (pangolin)??

Name a shitcoin being shilled on this board (including shitty ethereum) thats more promising

>> No.28927720 [DELETED] 

200 usd

>> No.28927803

There isn't. Avax is the most undervalued project in the entire crypto existence.

>> No.28927810

My avax farming me png I dont give a shit just letting it ride

>> No.28927842

Thought I would have killed myself by now when I sold a couple days ago, thank god I was right

>> No.28928100

Warm that rope up next week

>> No.28928164

bagholder cope

>> No.28928191

farming pangolin already boy

>> No.28928205

Its gotta go +30% before I'm at my sell price, plenty of time to buy back in, but I won't cause its a broken coin

>> No.28928267

Jesus Christ you still hanging on ? Go beat your own brain against the sink again.

>> No.28928278

how low can it go?

>> No.28928305
File: 513 KB, 1366x1306, AF882B57-20F2-4C16-85F9-6CD28D8EB5B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double min emin

>> No.28928328

AVAX roaches showing up in hordes

>> No.28928364

I actually borrowed a shitton of money to buy this shit. I thought I was gonna make it.

>> No.28928374

I sold when the hack was announced. Can't believe all the roaches on /biz/ telling me to hodl

>> No.28928387

You all thought I was crazy. I warned you at $55.

>> No.28928802

>I knew about a cross-chain minting bug triggered by another bug that caused the C-chain to slow down and stop before it happened

>> No.28928827

>he is not making several AVAX daily from farming
Why do you hate free money?

>> No.28928829

thats sum double minty fresh shit yo

>> No.28928964

I'm hodling and staking. Might buy more.
This is a top 3 coin sooner or later. You can't just expect neverending pumps forever.

>> No.28929054

*double spent piece of shit

>> No.28929113


I mean I fud AVAX as hard as anyone but lets be clear here it was not a hack it was a doublespend

>> No.28929142

Cope. VCs about to take a huge dump on your face

>> No.28929327

Double minting fud and drama is a buy signal. Consolidation is happening right now, not a bad place to be at top 30 con gecko.

>> No.28929540

Long term hold for me, accumulating to 1k stack

>> No.28929553


it also wasn't a doublespend

>> No.28929691

>it was a doublespend
imagine being so stupid that 10 years after bitcoin came out you still don't know what a double spend is

>> No.28929779

>double mint fud
Why does /biz/ call everything fud? FUD is Fear, uncertainty, and Denial. Basically, things which MAY OR MAY NOT BE true in order to scare you into selling. This is a public ledger. I can point out the double spend and the bonus blocks to you. I can show you categorically that a double spend occurred. It is not a "may or may not be" scenario. It isn't fud. Sure, it looks terrible for your shitcoin, but it isn't fud.

>> No.28929788

he knows very well anon. ever questioned his motivation?

>> No.28929804


>> No.28929844

It's a bad place considering AVAX have zero reasons not to be a top 3 coin already

>> No.28929886

VCs don't dump coins less than a year from when they invested retard

>> No.28930145

Ah. Just move on to FUN and LINK. You win some and lose some. Name of the game.

>> No.28930435

Imagine not owning thousands of these


>> No.28930767

le double mint man