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28925309 No.28925309 [Reply] [Original]

TSLA and BTC catering in the same day

This will be epic

>> No.28925751
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>within six months at most you will get to witness the downfall of BTC, TSLA, Bitfinex, USDT, MicroStrategy, DOGEcoin, the US housing market, the US indices, the COMEX, the major investment banks, and best of all, it will probably all happen within the same week.

The next year is going to be exciting. I can't believe I'm finally siding with /pmg/, but they seem to be the only good guys at the moment.

>> No.28925820

None of that will happen though, if you think so it means you’re still bluepilled about how the clown world economic system works. You’re applying 1900-2000s economic outcomes to the present day where reality and truth no longer matters.

>> No.28925864
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>instead of buying 3g worth of silver in December I put another 14k into my Ameritrade and Coinbase accounts to sling memestocks and shitcoins

I'm not gonna make it. Do you think if I buy a lot of canned food I can trade it for ammo when the collapse comes?

>> No.28925937

Sounds delicious bro what are we having

>> No.28925959
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>> No.28926069

You retarded doomers always say “THIS IS IT ITS REALLY GONNA HAPPEN THIS TIME!” And it never does, people stormed the capital building and Wall Street got caught with their pants down doing blatant Market manipulation and no one batted an eye.

>> No.28926158

>clownworld economics
anything which doesn't make sense won't last. No prices have made sense since 2000. Anything which could be bought on debt or leveraged has gone up 1000x since then. Everything else is about the same. There will be a massive correction, either in real consumer products going way up (forcing people to sell their inflated assets like houses, stocks and BTC just to eat) or a crash in assets due to interest rates being hiked.

Position yourself accordingly. This situation will not last forever.

>> No.28926235
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I can't wait for the feast anon

>> No.28926299

>you retarded doomers say Benie Madoff is running a ponzi but everybody knows and nobody cares because we're all rich except you lmao
>you retarded doomers say the Fed is running a ponzi but everybody knows and nobody cares because we're all rich except you lmao
>you retarded doomers say Tether is running a ponzi but everybody knows and nobody cares because we're all rich except you lmao
Yes, it normally takes longer than the bears think for the market to wake up. But anything which doesn't make sense simply doesn't last. No bubble lasts forever. Whether housing or dotcoms or stay at home stocks or tesla or bitcoin. Every mania ends and every bubble pops. As I said above, you will either be forced to sell your 100k BTC to buy your $1k tank of gas, or you will watch your $100k BTC go to $1k when rates are massively increased to save the us dollar. It can only go one way or the other eventually.