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28922115 No.28922115 [Reply] [Original]

My financial advisor got mad that I was heavily invested in crypto. Told me I was a stupid kid and demanded I show him how much I have and what I own. I got scared and showed him my portfolio (20K LINK, 3 BTC, and other shitcoins). He called me a dumb kid and told me sell everything and put it into bonds, safe stock options and give a little back to the community (mainly the retirement center). I havent sold yet but he's friends with my family so I know this is going to trickle down and Im going to get in trouble with my family and will be forced to sell. Pls help. Got the money to invest from my grandfather who fought for Germany in ww2 (I miss him so fucking much bros).

Icing on this cake is the financial advisors surname is stein. Im scared bros.

>> No.28922185

>financial advisor's brain short fuses because an autist neet retard showed up with 5x his savings

>> No.28922198

Surname was Goldenberg, Goldstein, Silverberg?

>> No.28922199

>telling an agent of the trad finance matrix about your linkies
if you're not trolling what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.28922210

obvious sour grapes and envy, your best bet is to do exactly the opposite of what he tells you

>> No.28922220

This can’t be real

>> No.28922261

autism is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.28922267

>give a little back to the community (mainly the retirement center).

>> No.28922280

Just don't sell and say you lost it all just like the advisor said you would. They're just seethe that they spend 20+ years trying to get half of the gains you got. Serious. Finance heads are almost all complete ego, they just want to be told they're right.

>> No.28922288


Yes goy give to charity

>> No.28922291

>and give a little back to the community
this is something out of fucking Atlas Shrugged. Is this shit for real. What's happening to people!?

>> No.28922332

You're a grown man, stfu.

>> No.28922346

this. 100%

>> No.28922366

Tell everyone to fuck off. They wouldn't accept you telling them what to do with their money, you do the same.

>> No.28922368

is this larp?
post proof

>> No.28922373

did this totally not fictional jew explain his flaming range? the only logical explanation is the bubbly situation crypto's in

>> No.28922377

Just get rid of your shitcoins, get some more BTC and ETH, put some in USDC in an interest bearing account and move some of your profits into stocks to make your family feel better. They cant MAKE you sell anon. Sticking by your convictions is part of becoming a man, might as well start now.

>> No.28922390

If this is real- trade all your holdings to xmr, transfer to another wallet then claim to have gotten scammed. Best part of this plan is that they will absolutely believe you if they really do think you are that stupid. Btw do cold storage if possible.

>> No.28922408

>He has a financial advisor
>"My family is gonna get mad at me"
Either you're from a really ritzy family, or this is a larp

>> No.28922438

oh really you think? what tipped you off, sherlock?

>> No.28922531


>> No.28922613

Yes dumb kid, sell everything to become as dumb as the advisor.

>> No.28922968

Fire him. Then, Jigstack bruh. Wait. Read. Listen.

>> No.28923074

This is single handedly the worst bait I've ever read

>> No.28923121

All financial advisors are literally scam artists who just take your money

They overdiversify and put you in garbage like pic related--hasnt even recovered since coronachan

My friends financial advisor had him in this, he is fired now

>> No.28923186
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Fuck here is pic related. ticker is IOFIX
Most days it does +0.0% might as well be in a savings account

>> No.28923290
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 5C485E1F-59AA-4A90-ACED-728282F9F1BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s your financial advisor, not your babysitter, is your mom gonna ground you for having too much money?

>> No.28924197

tell him to go fuck himself and fire him, why you taking shit from someone you pay you fucking pussy?

>> No.28924238

It's a larp. It's the same anon who keeps making my dad pasta.

>> No.28924452

forced to sell? wtf are you talking about? you have to be 18 to be here dude

>> No.28924537

>My financial advisor
Stopped reading here. All financial advisors are bullshit. They just want to steal your money.

>> No.28924630

>and give a little back to the community
This is how you know you need a new advisor

>> No.28924891

Dont be a pussy, man the fuck up (probably larp)

>> No.28924932
File: 30 KB, 158x182, CHAINOMEGALULINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My financial advisor

>> No.28924952

You have money, you don't need to give a shit. Buy a house and a 10f fence and never see your family again

>> No.28924984

Ok, I went back and read this. So, my net worth is $2M. I gave 100k to some finanacial advisor to see what he could do. He has had my 100k for 5 years, and he has only made like 10k. 10% in 5 years? Fuck this guy. His last name ends in stein as well. Wtf? My vanguard account from work is making more than 20%, my real estate is shooting up, and ofcourse, my bitcoin is up. So what the fuck is this clown doing with my money? I checked and he is dicking around with goldman sachs and airlines and shit. The guy is a fool. He is an acquaintance of my in laws, and my wife is the one that wanted to try him out. Total joke.

>> No.28925039

>Half a million in account
>Family can for you to sell

>> No.28925045

were they the BTC tokens from BoringDAO OBTC or were they regular old boomer coins

>> No.28925149

hes a fucking idiot

>> No.28925299

nice larp

>> No.28925369

If not a larp, tell this kike to fuck right off, and if your family gives you trouble tell them to fuck off too. For fucks sake OP, you're a grown man.

>> No.28925371

So are you going to get rid of him or what?

>> No.28925419

He’s mad because otherwise he’d have his heeby little fingers on it to invest in company’s that also help his kin. If you are reading this, never trust a jew.

>> No.28926846

He's a grown ass man with a grown cock!

>> No.28926953

Kars 4 Kids



>> No.28926969

Based thread, bumping

>> No.28927043


>> No.28927051

just lie to your family and tell them you bought bonds if they ask. It's really not that big a deal anon

>> No.28927134
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put him in the minecraft gas chamber

>> No.28927339

I am working at a bank and people know that I'm kinda the crypto guy and constantly ask me questions about it but they're literally boomer tier questions, they don't understand the basic functionality or difference to video game currency. So anyways, I know their savings are all around 50-200k and they ask me how much I have. I have almost 0 in my bank account and the absolute minimum savings rate for some funds that I get tax deduction on. I literally have 400k in Chainlink and constantly have to lie, boomers are so weird, why do they ask?

>> No.28928568

>my wife's boyfriend and my financial advisor

>> No.28929777

Kek that dump. And then they have the balls to say that crypto is bad because of volatility

>> No.28929842


Just say you sold it, and never talk about personal finance to family again.

Its just never worth it, if you lose money you'll never hear the end of it, if you gain money they'll say its a scam and show nocoiner rage.

Its just a lose lose situation.

>> No.28929962
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just a nocoiner lashing out

> and give a little back to the community (mainly the retirement center
hahahaahha am laffin

>> No.28929964

We have the exact same portfolio and my grandpa also fought for the Germans in ww2. Never selling. We're all going to make it. Do not underestimate the

>> No.28930092

"I'm sorry, but I can no longer trust your services due to your being a retarded jew boomer. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors"

>> No.28930186

This is clever. I might do this and fake my death when I "Make it."

>> No.28930235
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>taking financial advice from anyone other than autistic internet strangers

>> No.28930297

bait. Faggots will take it

>> No.28930332

I gave my families stock guy an aneurysm bc I made so much of GameStop and my grandfather was grilling him for not dropping any insider tips like that.

Advisors are losing their minds.

On one hand they can’t in good faith recommend ape’ing some geriatrics retirement fund into speculative shitcoins.

There’s there risk the coin itself deflates totally and you’re stuck bagholding or that the old fucks panic sell at the bottom. One week of trading crypto and you’ve seen the bottom fall out of the market then a boomer who’s been stock trading their whole life.

But on the other hand it’s glaringly obvious that institutional money is moving into this field, fortunes can be made overnight. And the more money that a good project gets, the better it will do.

This is really where our generation shines.

If you’ve read 50,000 troll posts on 4chan you probably have a bullshit radar 10x more accurate than any boomer advisor.

Speed wins here. No time to wait for consensus and a piper jeffries report on whether or not it’s a buy.

Buy the time they find out about it , we’re already exiting and they’re holding our bags

>> No.28930372

How the fuck would they force you to sell?
Are you implying they will take it out of you by force?

Also, you are a fucking retard, learn to keep quiet.

>> No.28930447


>> No.28930454


>> No.28930466

Dont listen to him, your grandfather would be proud that your not a little bitch

>> No.28930539

For some weird reason, the internet offers you the most useful tips but also the worst scams, you just need to stay here for a while and develop your bullshit radar.

>> No.28930681

>Im going to get in trouble with my family and will be forced to sell
You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.28931858

You may be young but try to behave like an adult. Make your own decisions and stand by them. If someone else has another perspective, listen to it and appreciate their point of view, they are trying to help you. But not everyone knows as much as you know, especially not about crypto. Afterwards, make up your mind yourself when you processed all the information. Stand by your decisions. Only you are responsible for them and have to justify them. Don't let yourself be pressured in to something you do not want to do. If you feel scared, that's a warning signal your body is giving you, that a person is not treating you right. Stand up for yourself.

>> No.28932014

>and Im going to get in trouble with my family and will be forced to sell.
Damn, sounds like a harsh family if they'll literally put a gun to your head, threaten you with death and torture you until you sell, I could see how it is difficult to say the word "no" when you are being forced like that.

>> No.28932248

God I wish someone would also leave me a decent inheritance...

>> No.28932259

Don't listen to people on this thread or your financial advisor.

The best play is somewhere in between.

>> No.28932334

Just be white.

>> No.28932595
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>be financial advisor
>cant figure out how to be financially free and not have to work

>> No.28933805

DON'T LET ANYONE PRESSURE YOU TO SELL! My opinion is to sell now then buy again during the bear market. Repeat that pattern for consistent profits. It's pointless to hold crypto for good as it's highly volatile. People fail to realize that the dump in the pump and dump is the goldmine. Not financial advice.

>> No.28933837

Don't give shit to anyone. You would be fucking retarded to let that Jew deprive you of the future value of those coins. You will get literally rich from holding those.

>> No.28934040

>1 post by this ID

I can't believe people keep falling for this multiple times a day

>> No.28934233

10% returns on 100k in the last 5 years is legitimately retarded. If this story is real you need to fire him

>> No.28934276

>he doesn’t know most of the board is phoneposting

>> No.28934305

we've got a genius here

>> No.28934324

I'm phoneposting right now, and I have access to this information.

>> No.28934374

your wife is sleeping with him, he used most of the money you gave him to buy her stuff

>> No.28934405
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