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28917455 No.28917455 [Reply] [Original]


$20 transaction fees

2.0 isn't going to fix it
>Cheap layer 1 transactions are probably gone for good, and Eth2 as currently planned is not going to change that. This will be surprising and disappointing news to many people.

What are you retards going to do now?

>> No.28917501

Why I'm going to dilate of course.

>> No.28917579
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, pricedoutmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth is, eth was digital oil all along

>> No.28917633

I'm all in on nigerian food farming scams on binance, of course.

>> No.28917765
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>> No.28917816

honestly? every day i want to turn my ETH into BTC.

>> No.28917869
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>eth was digital oil all along
Nope, ETH is old news. The ground the oil was dug from.

>> No.28917920

Use Avalanche lol

>> No.28917949
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>poorfag seething because he got priced out of ETH blockchain

>> No.28918006

absolutely based.

>> No.28918016

buy ethereum classic

>> No.28918031
File: 83 KB, 1156x743, may szabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC's ethos is way more based than ETH's.

Free markets, Austrian economists vs Communists, Pedophiles, Jews, etc.

>> No.28918039

>march 3, 2015

>> No.28918201
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72,000,000 token premine
Move to PoS

>> No.28918256
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>> No.28918300
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>> No.28918361
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>> No.28918370

that was before vitalik endorsed and used tornadocash. bet he gained some good libertarian points from szabo there.

>> No.28918406

lol. i dont know why this made me giggle. it was supposed to, right?

>> No.28918522

Endorsing a coin mixer doesn't change the fact the chain is broken


>> No.28918572

Tim May was hilarious.
He's featured in this documentary series.


>> No.28918671

Move to classic

>> No.28918972

oh you didn't understand szabo at all nevermind

>> No.28918978

ETH 3.0 fixes this

>> No.28919062

Szabo is based and is literally Satoshi.

>> No.28919390

ninja re-approvals, giving throughput controls to miners/stakers, etc.
I know what he's saying, it's centralized garbage now.

>> No.28919577

I don't think that guy has been involved with ETH for year now. He's a fucking idiot.

>> No.28919681

Peter Todd had a freudian slip on the swan bitcoin podcast when he referred to satoshi as they.
If I had to guess it's finney, szabo, and may using the hashcash and other white papers to build a prototype.

>> No.28919752

Szabo had a freudian slip where he referred to Satoshi as himself, twice.

>> No.28919790

And Peter would know more than Gavin Andresen
Peter was talking with Finney and Adam Back in highschool before bitcoin was launched.

>> No.28919858

Oh yeah, lol
That's probably why he doesn't do many podcasts.

>> No.28919922

I like this thread. I don't like the ETH hate. But it's good to know wtf is going on. That Gupta guy sounds like the biggest s/oy boy.

>> No.28919932

Szabo is fucking based

>> No.28919978

Gavin is literally CIA, Andresen isn't even his real name.

>> No.28920185

This is true. When he told Satoshi he was in touch with the CIA, Satoshi ghosted his ass. Gavin I remember him shilling for bigger blocks. I don't like him.

>> No.28920303

1 month to deposit in poloniex.

>> No.28920363

Fucking idiot is going to get locked up in Gitmo if he's not careful. Dickhead already leaked his IP address to Hal in an error log.
Not only him by Mike Hearn had ties to GHCQ, glow niggers everywhere in the early days of bitcon.

>> No.28920405

Use L2. It's really that simple. We build highways AND roads for a reason. Get with the program.

>> No.28920507

BTC is superior to ETH in every single aspect.
Smart contract are useless right now. They are only used for scams and rugpulls... sometimes its better to develop slowly than to have an accident, like what happened with AVAX recently. Smart contracts for bitcoin will come in due time, when they have real utility, like tokenizing the stock markets, for example.

>> No.28920700

What's with all the tranny tier shit going on within the ethereum dev team?

>> No.28920807

>eth2 never coming
we (non pajeet non retarded channers) have been saying this for years

>> No.28920861

Checked. I have 32 ETH that I was saving for staking. But after reading the news article that anon linked earlier about Eth2 not fixing high gas costs, I might swap most of my ETH for AVAX or whatever other eth killer works best. Vitalik lied to us and belongs in jail

>> No.28920894
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>We build highways AND roads for a reason
to bring nonwhites in

>> No.28920937

Chainlink will fix ETH's shit scalability problem soon.
Sergey is more smarter than stupid vitalik.

>> No.28920964
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>> No.28921078

And pay $150 in gas for onboarding and offboarding? If I had to pay $150 in gas every time I got on and off the highway I don't think I would drive anywhere

>> No.28921823

expanse is the first parallel network to ethereum, they just successfully tested a two way token bridge with exp <-> eth, they have been testing with matic and dai this week. Starting friday their swap, eggswap, will provide a crosschain swap ecosystem for erc20 and other tokens.

eggswap isnt even on coingecko yet with a $100k mcap. (https://www.eggs.cool)

Expanse Network for Metamask wallet:
• Network Name: EXPANSE
- New RPC URL: https://node.expanse.tech
- ChainID: 2
- Symbol: EXP
- Explorer: https://explorer.expanse.tech

>> No.28922238

Then only take the roads you dumb fuck. L2 to L2 bridges are coming. If you're paying high gas fees on ETH you're a moron. Users should only be using L2.

>> No.28922574

Everything will be hidden under the hood (like BTC's phoenix wallet right now), all you will see is send, receive and balance. But your fees will be 1c.

>> No.28922829

Algorand obsoletes eth1/2

>> No.28923124

Algorand is the endgame.

>> No.28924034

I can see this happening, and there will be autistic trade offs in custody, privacy, difficulty of use.