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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28916180 No.28916180 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t know


>> No.28916380
File: 86 KB, 515x1024, BF761D28-6E71-4ABB-A1AC-617C1998CFFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those onchain fees though. It’s still cheaper to use Monero.

But that’s ok. You’re probably new.

>> No.28916512

monero's only purpose is privacy ie illegal activity therefore it will be delisted from most exchanges. Ethereum will never be delisted. Tornado cash is doing more volume than Monero as of late too

>> No.28916700

Maybe, maybe not. But it’s still cheaper to use Monero.

>> No.28916781

>on eferium
Fuck that garbage blockchain

>> No.28916816

And post source of data that shows Tornado has more volume than Monero transactions? Ty.

>> No.28916982
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I love to see you Monero fags Seethe kek. $2000 eom, Poojet

>> No.28916992

True, but do you really think that exchanges are going to accept deposits from ETH that has gone through tornado cash in the future? They're going to blacklist the shit out any ETH that has gone through there.

>> No.28917024


>> No.28917061

>what if Monero cost $500 per transaction
wow sign me up

>> No.28917078

>privacy ie illegal activity
ngmi litchrally

>> No.28917076

Tornado cash has been live for two years and millions of eth have flowed through it at this point. Chances are pretty good that we're all holding some

>> No.28917171

>therefore it will be delisted from most exchanges
You can buy wXMR on Eth and swap for XMR. No KYC necessary.

>> No.28917181

Tornado cash has too many steps for the average user. It's also very new and they could find ways to deanonymize users.

Monero is a far better privacy solution for now.

>> No.28917330

Yes, and atomic swaps soon.jpg. Regardless, major exchange delistings are going to tank the price of XMR

Tornado cash is two years old and ZK-proofs have never been cracked. It's a far more versatile protocol as well. You will see entire defi platforms integrate tornado cash soon

>> No.28917412

wait just realized this is a fucking governance token and you guys are unironically trying to compare it to Monero lmfao filtered holy shit

>> No.28917540

I don't doubt that. But if one of your talking points is about XMR getting desisted everywhere, why wouldn't exchanges eventually blacklist wallets that have used the tornado cash contract? Some exchanges already blacklist funds that have come from shady places e.g. darknet markets, and I can't see any scenario where they would allow one but not the other.

>> No.28917570

>Yes, and atomic swaps soon.jpg. Regardless, major exchange delistings are going to tank the price of XMR
Who cares if the prices tanks if all you are doing is moving funds around?

>> No.28917652

no it's not. i've looked at BISQ, you need to buy a fuckton of monero if you don't want to pay insane premiums.

>> No.28917767

>anonymous currency
more like tor pedo

>> No.28919100
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Literal garbage. No, thanks.

Most mongoloid take on /biz/. Congratulations for your award of being a literal retard.
>privacy ie illegal activity
Good Lord you really are not very bright eh? Have you ever done an IQ test? I do recommend you do one. Even if you end up with being just a double-digit simpleton, don't worry, there will still be a place for you in modern society, but at least acknowledge how dumb and unqualified you are to talk about subjects you simply don't understand.

>> No.28919491

No, but I scored a 178 on the lsat.

You are a lolbertarian with no grasp of reality. Why would I shill tornado cash if I didn't value privacy? Unfortunately, the powers that be will never your privacy, regardless of how much you piss and moan. Monero lacks plausible deniability.

>> No.28919704

>Monero lacks plausible deniability.
Monero ceases to exist when you want it to.

>> No.28919760

Lol at all the monero fags on here. Its funny because tornado is actually safer to use than monero. It’s actually theoretically impossible to reverse transactions on tornado.
Only 200k tokens circulating
Anybody who doesnt have a bag of TORN will be crying in a few weeks when we hit 2k

>> No.28919807
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>Monero lacks plausible deniability.
Lmao. The whole point of ring signatures is plausible deniability which simply proves my point that you don't understand the underlying technology and you also don't understand privacy implications in a more general and broader sense.
Monero is not banned. It's not illegal. Kraken offers it for a very long time. St Louis Fed actually recommends regulation that lets private cryptocurrencies to be created and managed by the population instead of a centralized power. Tor is not banned although it's the only door to darknet markets and actual pedophilia. Monero is not going anywhere. Grayscale announced a Monero fund so institutional investors can pour money on it.
Apple has been positioning itself as the only privacy-friendly company from the big 5. You think the government is gonna go against what is the next "cool" thing? LAUGHING MY ASS OFF. Wake up to real life, son.
Imagine shilling a fucking token from a highly expensive network that was actually premined via an ICO so you can make the owners rich. Pathetic.

>Why would I shill tornado cash if I didn't value privacy?
Because you're either dumb or a massive bag holder.

>> No.28920022

XMR maximalists that put all their bags into XMR

>> No.28920239

You sound smart guy, don’t discredit zksnarks on chain using smart contracts. Its ok not to buy but its straight retarded to shit on tornado . Even microsoft is in on it https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/spartan-efficient-and-general-purpose-zksnarks-without-trusted-setup/

>> No.28920684
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Yes, the abstract for this paper has been published by Srinath Setty firstly in 2019. I remember the discussion around it on the Monero Research Lab on IRC @ freenode. It's only an abstract and still early but it was argued at the time that if this is truly the best option that protects privacy for normal users without big trade-offs then Monero will adopt it. I guarantee I can find the log for that or a source if needed.
You have to understand that the Monero project HAS the brightest minds in open source technology and privacy research working on it. If something is too good, it will simply be adopted, no questions asked.

>its straight retarded to shit on tornado
Sorry but I believe it's straight retarded to believe a token in a smart contract platform guided mostly by one dude is going to become akin to cash in a real world environment. Just the fact that Ethereum is PoS bothers me because I prefer the network to be protected by an actual commodity than random people and institutions that can be coerced. It's a whole different ball game, man. But you're free to invest on tornado or whatever and I honestly hope you make money out of your investment, but that's the end of it.
Also, a reminder that if it was really that good then the darknet markets would be using it, but they are not.

>> No.28921132

Point taken. Appreciate your thoughts