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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 179 KB, 881x495, The Zuck is King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2891594 No.2891594 [Reply] [Original]

Zuckerberg has over $70 Billion and became a millionaire by the time he was 21. Think about it, he can literally buy all the top 5 crypto currencies by himself and every bitcoin in existence almost twice over.

meanwhile you faggots toil away gambling all your money and thinking you are going to get rich on crypto without ever having to work or creating anything yourselves.

Wake up cryptofags. The real way to get rich in life is with hard work and invention.

>> No.2891603

good example fag. he fucking coded some shit at the right time. same shit as buying bitcoin 2009.

>> No.2891605

and being in the right place at the right time
and fucking over literally everyone you know
and being ridiculously lucky

>> No.2891610

By hard work and invention do you mean shameless marketing and idea stealing?

>> No.2891619
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>> No.2891620

He couldn't buy every bitcoin because I wouldn't sell him mine.

And if I did, it would cost him all of his millions.

Therefore, by your logic, my 1 BTC is worth more than everything Zuckerberg has combined.

>> No.2891625

you mean to steal from everyone around you, which is what zuckerberg did

>> No.2891632

autistic amoral faggot jew steals a great idea, fucks over anyone and everyone, and marries some fucking gook bitch telling America it needs to import every third world piece of trash

literally fucking cancer

>> No.2891640

typical /biz/ dipshit that doesn't understand how markets work

if zuck the cuck tried to buy into crypto with 70B, he'd only be able to invest about 5 or 6 billion until the price of all crypto tripled

>> No.2891665

>blaming lack of success because hasn't thought of any good ideas and wishes he thought of it first.
>Thinks business and life has to be fair

Timing is an excuse. luck is an excuse. Just face it, you're a fucking loser faggot for the rest of your life thinking that way.

>> No.2891700


So by that logic, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were just lucky thieves too then?

You faggots are delusional if you think success is all luck and timing. It takes vision and no one said life is fair.

>> No.2891853

>cia puppet gets his social media site propped up by government sponsorship to more effectively spy on normies

Yeah, I'm sure it was ALL him.

>> No.2891869


>> No.2891900


Bill Gates stole DOS, Steve Jobs stole from Xerox.

>> No.2891904
File: 205 KB, 800x396, 1-LF4KgAsu2kglgQCt9nfLtQ (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

king of facebook.


>> No.2891909

his parents already were millionaires, though

>> No.2891922

>Think about it, he can literally buy all the top 5 crypto currencies by himself and every bitcoin in existence almost twice over.

the vast majority of his net worth is tied up in FB stock. To buy all that crypto would involve him cashing out billions, and would trigger a massive sell off, decreasing the stock value in the process.

>> No.2891926

>Right place right time


t. You

Facebook is literally a weapon, pushed by various elites to the point of mainstream acceptance. Do you think it's all a coincidence that MySpace died not even 6 months before "MySpace 2.0, This time it's your personal info" started making waves?

Facebook came from literally fucking nowhere, and before you knew it, it was everywhere.

>> No.2891957

Bill Gates was big before DOS (created BASIC). He also bought DOS from someone else who stole it.

>> No.2891983

Partly true. But he's still no poor fag like you. He can take out billions at a time without affecting the stock price.

>> No.2892016

>Priscilla Chan

>> No.2892049

>Bill Gates created BASIC

oh my fucking god how dumb is this board?

>> No.2892060

And they stole from people who had visions. They're lucky thieves.

>> No.2892062

he was given everything he has by his elite jewish relatives. hid real name is greenberg.

>> No.2892143
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Almost everyone who's ever made it to a position of power and wealth had to step on a few eggs to there. Blaming the Jews or saying his hard work and vision had nothing to do with his success is just retarded.

>> No.2892147

This is why people like you are morons. He CANNOT buy all the cryptos. He can only buy what people are willing to sell. That means that for everyone who holds they get to sell portions of their holding for astronomical rates. Cuckerberg cannot just take his non liquid 70B and liquidate them to buy at the current rates. You think his arch enemies the chad twins are going to sell their 1 PERCENT holdings of BTC to this kike if he starts buying? Fuck no.

>> No.2892198

No, unironically, Facebook was propped up by the aforementioned

I'm not saying Zuckercunt wasn't smart

>> No.2892310


Your argument is as stupid as it gets. In order for BTC to keep going up that means people have to buy it not just hodl. He could theoretically buy their 1 PERCENT in 1 fucking day.

>> No.2892317

serious question
could he afford to purchase your sexual purity ?

>> No.2892367
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I'd give it willingly to the Zuck. Perhaps some of his semen will make it into my bloodstream and make me royalty.

>> No.2892379

What is a 51% attack

>> No.2892401

Cryptocurrency is the future retard. Ghost from TCR knows this all too well.


>> No.2892411

>Think about it, he can literally buy all the top 5 crypto currencies by himself and every bitcoin in existence almost twice over.
>Think about it

I'm selling my 1 bitcoin that is left after he has bought all the bitcoins for 70Billion... can he really afford my 1 singular bitcoin after he has bought the rest?

>> No.2892435

> zuckerberg

He's still an ugly jew manlet that looks like a choked penis, married to an even uglier chink-jew. I have literally never felt an ounce of jealousy for Zuckerberg in my life.

Most of us don't want to be billionaires moron, we just want to be free from the slaver-industrial complex. I'd be happy with the equivalent of 50k/yr for the rest of my life as long as it doesnt involve working at some soul crushing "job" that consumes all of my youth.

>> No.2892474

>can take out billions at a time without affecting the stock price

wrong. Facebook has a market cap of ~$500B. If Zuck tried to cash out $1B of stock, that would be the equivalent of liquidating .2% of the entirety of the entity's value, and approximately 80-95% of its daily trading volume, which would most likely move the stock value significantly unless he's willing to wait literal months to accomplish this.

Only way he'd be able to unload $1B of stock in any reasonable amount of time is if he sold at a discount to a large-scale investor off-market. It would take him a significant amount of time to find such an investor, and no investor of sufficient size is going to pay market for 5 million shares of stock.

Suffice to say, Zuck is not sufficiently liquid to buy up bitcoin or eth all for himself.

He could probably buy a shitcoin without too much trouble though; not sure why he would, but I guess he could.

>> No.2892478
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you should pursue that goal.
it might be easier than you think.

the future is unwritten

>> No.2892522

>Fuck over literally every user by selling their personal info to governments and ad agencies.

>> No.2892610
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You've been sold a LIE by the cryptowhales to make them even richer faggots. Even if 1 BTC makes it to 25,000 you're not going to be rich. That can't even buy a decent compact car. Just accept it, there's no such thing as easy money or getting rich sitting on your ass waiting for crypto to moon.

>> No.2892804
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You autists seriously have no idea how businesses work. With his kind of collateral he can borrow billions in bonds and put the money in offshore accounts without having to liquidate anything. The whole system is based on borrowing money not selling actual stock.

>> No.2892819
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I don't even care about being a billionaire. Half a million would be more than enough for me.

>> No.2892825

>Even if 1 BTC makes it to 25,000 you're not going to be rich. That can't even buy a decent compact car.

It can.

>> No.2892836


>> No.2892851
File: 33 KB, 479x401, mark-zuckerberg-priscilla-chan-pregnant-zoom-a57d196e-e90d-41ed-b0b2-4ace73869b4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this man is his wife, he also drive Toyota Fit


Fucking loser

>> No.2893019

>think the price of cars isn't going up with inflation.

BTC will take years to get to 25k cuck,

>> No.2893127


Jewkerberg worked for some twins in making a project.
Jewkerberg took the project and published himself.
Jewkerberg is now a billionaire.

Anyway you fucking normie, that $70 billion is only an estimate of his NET WORTH. Net worth meaning anything and everything summed up. That isn't LIQUIDATED money that's chilling under his mattress that he can go xfer into BTC.

You're not even factoring in the BTC that has been lost or the fact that Jewkerberg would have to pay a 3% xfer fee. Onto of that, the feds would more than likely step in or the exchange would cancel the trade completely.

You normies look at someone's net-worth and get all uppity uppity about it, when in reality they'll have barley any in their bank account. It will be in real estate, land, stocks of other companies, bonds, and other assets. It doesn't surprise me though, you normies look at someone with a Corvette and get all creamy in your pants - when it's just a rental or someone that has the new 2017 Benz, when really it's being a leased by the company they work for.

You're just a dense ass retard that needs to go off himself.

>> No.2893138


You act as if he can walk into a bank and demand a loan.

You're stupid as fuck.

>> No.2893146
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>not a lambo

>> No.2893152
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>waiting for the day Zuck and Prisc honor me with their presence and wisdom.

>> No.2893163


> lambo
> trying this hard

>> No.2893172

didnt you watch the social network? This faggot stole facebook and only won because he could get better lawyers from the CIA money.
Not even gonna go deep on his fucking IPO scam.

>> No.2893178

that's why you'll never make it. You imposed a limit on yourself, and the closer you get to it, the farther it'll be to reach.

>> No.2893198


he could easily be married to a 10/10 supermodel and driving a bugatti veyron but he obviously doesn't care about that

if anything, it should make you respect him even more

>> No.2893205


He's fckin' 10/10s on the side.

If not, he's a cuck.

>> No.2893282

Jobs stole from both Samsung and Microsoft.

>> No.2893311


fuck you op your mom's a bitch

she hodls balls

>> No.2893336

>tfw i read "hard fork" instead of "hard work"

>> No.2893346

If it was that easy he wouldnt be one of the very few with such net worth in this world.

So because i dont have the guys or knowledge to start a business or invent something i also should abandon crypto? Fuck outta here OP you are just plain stupid /thread

>> No.2893358

Only losers define their existence through sex. The rooshv network is a testament to that.
And what about "traditional and moral values" (we) are supposed to enforce?

>> No.2893382
File: 90 KB, 500x326, IMG_2089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh movie say so

He's denied over and over that the film is mostly fabricated and not true. Do you really believe the chads could have made facebook into the behemoth company it is today?

>> No.2893385


Every BTC he buys and plans to hoard would be a BTC out of circulation, so for every so many he buys, the remainder would be more valuable

And the cycle continues

>> No.2893426

Tfw have hot af gf
Tfw not happy with her
Tfw always looking at different women
Taller fitter different skin nicer ass etc etc etc
Can never just love her

If I had billions I feel like I'd just stop working and spend all my time climbing mountains and fucking as many women as I could

>> No.2893431

Hey, speak for yourself, OP. I put in $2,000 of my savings into ETH in May before the boom and my portolio skyrocketed. Now I spend a couple hours a day trading crypto and work a job part time a couple days a week on my own schedule. My income comes to plenty enough to fit my needs and savings.

By only wageslaving a minimal amount and getting additional income from crypto, I have a ton of free time, which I mostly spend travelling, experiencing different parts of the country (and sometimes world) and working on various projects. Right now I am focusing mostly on learning Python, GoLang, and piano, which I practice 2-3 hrs a day.


>> No.2893442


>makes a website

>wastes hundreds of millions of people's time

>creates stalkers

>creates outrage ads

>spreads degeneracy faster

Wow, that's soooo cool! I too wish I could infiltrate college networks and force them to use my site! That would make life so much easier!

Fuck you.

I would rather synthesize a neurotoxin that targets men who wear a specific type of fabric and sell them the antidote for 5 billion dollars a pill.

I would buy 4chan and shut it down.

>> No.2893472

We all know you want the Zuck deep in your ass, stop denying it.

>> No.2893501
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>projecting that hard

>> No.2893562
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Funny how you wrote all that to define net worth as if we don't fucking already know what that means. Go back to your basement poorfag you can't hang at the big boy table.

>> No.2893563

Zuckerberg is a typical Jew thief who got his great idea from White men. He even ripped off a fellow Jew and had to pay him off.

>> No.2893625

>diluted eduardo saverin's stake from 34% to 0.03%
>stole the idea from the Winklevoss brothers
yeah real "hard work"

>> No.2893628
File: 1.24 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The website happens to be useful to billions of people. Personally I don't use it that much but it's good for communication with far away friends and family. I'd say that's a good thing. Bottom line is he created something useful and is rich af while you just sit on 4chan and get angry at the world wasting your life. Who's winning?

>> No.2893736

There's literal public proof he had no vision. He was hired help from the Winklevoss twins. 13 years later, he sat on his dominating position and made nothing of extra value while they got in Bitcoin and built the most reliable Bitcoin exchange. Who's really a visionary here? Give it 13 more years, there's a good chance the gap between zuck the cuck and gemini bros will be much smaller.

>> No.2893783

She looks physically stronger. I bet their kids were conceived in laboratories.

>> No.2893958
File: 117 KB, 800x800, IMG_2093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it started that way but he had the vision to steal it from those stupid cucks and make it into the massively adopted social network it is today. Do you really think the chad twins could have done that?

>> No.2893988

>Zuckerberg has over $70 Billion and became a millionaire by the time he was 21. Think about it, he can literally buy all the top 5 crypto currencies by himself and every bitcoin in existence almost twice over.

no, that's not how that works dummy.

>> No.2894421

It's usually quite dumber, but newfags and total retards are less obvious, they usually have been jaded by buying hihg and selling low if they have stuck around for a few months

>> No.2894477

>average reddit newfag
Chad twins have gone around new projects while chirping away at them, zuck the cuck has literally done nothing but let management buy out new ventures/competitors that fail within months, he also had all the worthwhile competition sudoku itself starting with MySpace and a few years ago Twitter
The only worthwhile thing zuck has done it's letting management build a worthwhile ad platform after autistically rambling about it for years, and jewing out all good early investors who were dumb enough
Peter Thiele it's one of the few who weren't dumb enough for it

>> No.2894557

The only thing more important than money is a legacy.

He'll be known as a greedy lying jew. He won't be listed next to the greats.

>> No.2894838

that's why he's trying charity and internet zeppelins fro Africa or some shit

>> No.2894847

hopefully Trump executes this faggot in the oval office on live TV


>> No.2894849

He can buy employees to shill trade.

>> No.2894852

>pledged 99% of his fortune to charity.

When's the last time you heard a greedy Jew do that?

>> No.2895088

>moving the goalposts
Keep coping brainlet

>> No.2895101


>> No.2895113

then why isnt everyone a billionaire if all it takes is "hard work and invention"

>> No.2895132

This is what Jews consider hard work

>> No.2895134

It was rhetorical, yet your answer further serves my point.

>> No.2895146

So what, youre saying he cant/wont lie?

>> No.2895322

Your beloved is getting triggered by steemit the same way moot used to get by altchans

>> No.2895335

dude reminds of Data form star trek

>> No.2895340

>Asian ageing

>> No.2895495

So u b sayen we wuznt kangz n sheit?

>> No.2895503

I still both don't use Facebook or its subsidiaries and don't understand the purpose of them.

So, seeing as his multi-billion dollar industry is a thing I never considered wanting anything to do with and (quite mistakenly) assumed nobody else cared for (Handing over as much personal information as possible on an internet that seemed dangerous and unpredictable in its early days), I could never make Facebook.

>> No.2895509
File: 137 KB, 500x566, Twitter-lol-a0c4f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the covered Microphone and Camera

>> No.2895915

s a m e

>> No.2895922

>Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were just lucky thieves too then?

Literally yes. They were visionaries who could see the future of things clearly. They were lucky to be born in their time and they both stole, paid others to do work, and took leaps of faith. btc is the future just like computers were at one point.

>> No.2895924
File: 60 KB, 700x700, shellfishgene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't seem to be having any fun with his money and instead lives a lifestyle of constantly trying to prove himself and his spending habits to shareholders and the Chinese

is it even worth it ?

its just a myspace clone anyways.
its not liked he's mapping the human genome .

>> No.2895929

Damn, any tips right now?

>> No.2895946

Is there anyone in the 1% who made their wealth without doing something unethical like this?

>> No.2895960

You ever think he's probably real cheap and a sneaky cut throat? That's how a lot of these people are, they smell a little money and can't help themselves.

>> No.2896031

nice bait, is this /b/?

>> No.2896384

Tons of people, actually. Much of the 1% consists of doctors, engineers, surgeons, small business owners, comedians... even frugal people on minimum wage can end up part of the 1% after 20 years of saving and investing.

>> No.2897584

Zuck my cock

>> No.2897804

b-but he is JEW

>> No.2898011

/biz/ is turning into /b/

>> No.2898126

>he can literally buy all the top 5 crypto currencies by himself and every bitcoin in existence almost twice over.
No he can't, I'll never sell my coins to him.

>> No.2898129
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lazy excuse making and lack of faith.

>> No.2898559

I wont give him my bitcoin for no matter how many of his shitbook shares, so no, he cant.

>> No.2898565

I'll give my half for his half though ;)

>> No.2898594

>net worth
>has over $70 Billion
Are you mentally handicapped?
Or do you just no know the very, very, very basic terms in economy?

>> No.2898634

Capitalism is a system where literally only a handful of people actually succeed and everyone else is poor.

The only difference between capitalism and communism is the peasants have iphones.

>> No.2898676

You're literally insane if you believe that. Not the modern version of "literally", either. The average "peasant" in the United States has a higher standard of living by most metrics than the richest men of the 19th century.

>> No.2898710

Luck and random chance have an enormous amount to do with it. It doesn't seem fair, but that's just how it goes. If a building collapses and some guy just happened to be at lunch when it falls, it doesn't make him any more "skilled" than the guy who was taking a shit and got caught in the fall. Everyone will look at that sole survivor and say "wow he must be blessed! he must have known something!" anything. They'll try to rationalize it however they can because human beings are absolutely atrocious with handling randomness. Meanwhile the guy who survived will likely play it up and say "yes I'm actually blessed. I had a psychic premonition!" only for him to walk down the street and have a piano fall on his head and kill him. Which people will then say "woah there must have been some spiritual force at work!" or he'll go on the rest of his days with no piano falling on his head and be celebrated as some supernatural prophet because he survived that collapse.

That's the way the universe works. It's failing again and again and again until you manage to get lucky and not fail and it just happens to be the time you're betting big. You see this sort of pattern in market traders. "oh he's a billionaire!...now he's broke...oh he's a billionaire again!...now he's broke...oh he's a billionaire again!...now he's broke." It's just the compulsive, nearly sociopathic gamblers betting enormously and getting a lucky streak that is doomed to end if they continue to play.

>> No.2898742
File: 91 KB, 660x880, angry cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. luck plays a minor role. zuckerberg would have made another app and atleast become a multimiollionaire, same with best traders, they are 100% out of luck factor mathematically

>> No.2898748

its a bit more than random luck.
unless you are talking about being born into a wealthy educated family and not having disability or extenuating circumstances preventing you from pursuing a tech start up and being willing to be liberal enough to get loans in silicone valley as luck.

>> No.2898810

It's like they don't know what would happen to the price of FB stock if Zuck sold even 1bil worth. It's 58bil on paper. He took a whole year dumping stock to fund a charity of his mostly, and it was almost 1bil worth of stock. Had to fluff it up as for charity, to fund his Chan and Zuck philanthropy org.

>> No.2898879
File: 45 KB, 400x412, mark-zuckerberg-is-jesus_o_2332293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who says it's only luck don't ever mention that there were very popular websites like myspace and friendster already doing the same thing at the time. Zuck came in late in the game but created a social network that was just better than the competition even if he did steal the idea from the Winklevii. Was that all LUCK?

>> No.2898904
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how hard are you gonna troll/b8?

what is the response you actually want?
you should just post it yourself.

or it is just an insatiable hunger for attention?

>> No.2898905

Take look at Viktor Niderhoffer and at Long Term Capital Management to name 2 examples that come to mind immediately. In the former's case you have a guy swearing by all the laws of statistics that it's virtually impossible for his success to be attributable to chance...and he blows up...twice. LTCM, the most brilliant minds in finance and arguably a lot of other STEM fields completely blowing the fuck up like some amateur retail traders. Meanwhile, you have farmers and high school drop outs amassing enormous fortunes and simply dodging out of the markets, becoming educators, or going into other ventures that never achieve 1/1000th of the success they achieved trading. For every person "doing everything right", there are several times that number who did everything equally right and still failed enormously. You can still get 1987 level market crashes, flash crashes, etc. all of these things that are hilarious amounts of standard deviations away from the mean and it's certainly not some divine hand guiding those things. It's certainly not exclusively random luck, but it's a Hell of a bigger part of it than people want to acknowledge. I personally wish with all of my heart it was mostly attributable to skill. My life would be way easier, but as it stands, 99% of the world is illusory bullshit. You have algorithms basically playing video games against each other in the market, a bunch of people pretending they can guess the future, a money system where banks can essentially just reset their risks by printing money, people exchanging their time (which is the most valuable currency in existence) thinking that magically they're just going to hit some point and become multimillionaires, people blowing money at the most critical points in their lives on "education" and so on. Meanwhile if it could, the universe would be rolling around laughing as probability just distributes out results that we call reality and then make up reasons for it after the fact.

>> No.2898937

no you faggot, he can't.

You can't just dump a billion dollars of facebook stocks in the market at once without making the price crash.

Besides he would lose control of the probably most powerful company in the next coming years

>> No.2898950

No of course it's not ALL luck. Generally, you can't sit on your couch all day and magically get rich and successful, though that certainly has happened. Not the sort of odds I'd play personally. You need to develop skills, but the diminishing returns on mastery kick in a lot quicker and luck takes over a lot sooner. I mean, even what you mention there. Zuckerberg happened to have an entire framework to build on and refine that MySpace, Live journal, Friendster, etc. simply didn't. Those companies didn't play big enough during their run of good luck and they ultimately failed as a result. They were playing $100 chips and never increasing their risk so they just muddled along until someone came along and tweaked the system they already had in place...lucky for Zuckerberg eh? The truth is, if Zuckerberg didn't exist, someone else would have developed some equivalent of Facebook and it would have likely been successful for the same reasons FB was; the right market conditions. Now Zuck is playing at the table and he's playing right. Bezos is another great example of a guy who is playing right. Striking while the iron is hot. The iron will heat up and cooldown and heat up again over time. When you are winning, you need to win big because you won't win forever. No one walking this Earth right now is so smart and unbelievably exceptional compared to the average person. There's nothing mystical going on. We're all social apes playing in a probabilistic universe.

>> No.2898951



>> No.2899186


Go check your Facebook, I sent you a message.

> tl;dr = fuck you

>> No.2899623

>tfw noone needs 70 bill
>keep dreaming big

>> No.2899662

>You faggots are delusional if you think success is all luck and timing.

get a load of this fucking faggot lmao, you're in for a ride newfriend

>> No.2899703

>I've seen 4 movies about muh bisnes and I think I know everything

you're L I T E R A L L Y fucking retarded

>> No.2899761

Steve Jobs also ripped off his friend. He's a fucking asshole many people worship like some sort of god.

>> No.2899944

Fucking idiot kys

>> No.2899959

Check my id and numbers faggot homo limpdick fuck for proof

>> No.2899966

Idiot faggot

>> No.2900165


>the mark Zuckerberg foundation to benefit mark Zuckerberg

Real altruistic charity there

>> No.2900325

No, it takes fucking over anyone in your way, at all costs, to get what you want.

That's what the fucking kikes do, and their jewish faggotry practically runs the world.

Lesson? Fuck over people harder than Jews fuck over people.


>> No.2900335

you realize they set up these family run charities to dodge all death taxes right?