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File: 135 KB, 1261x1280, SENT-WAVE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28909315 No.28909315 [Reply] [Original]

sentinel token isn't needed. That is the beauty of a dVPN that doesn't force you to use their native token like Orchid and the other VPN projects that will never take off. SENT is required however to stake and validate the decentralized network between the bandwidth seller and bandwidth user. Without the validators, a bandwidth seller could spoof and fake the amount of bandwidth used - i.e. the user used 2GB of data, but the seller charges for 4GB. In exchange, the validators get a % of all transactions on the dVPN and mixer. So if someone uses BTC to pay for dVPN, you get a % of the BTC as a validator. That is the incentive to buy SENT.