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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1303x329, oly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28870686 No.28870686 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday I shilled you OLY at $0.3. You hate money, so normally you cried it's a scam and about muh tokenomics. Today it hit $2.3. All you had to do was stop pretending you're smart and understand crypto and you would have 7x'd your money. But you fell for the ecochamber of biztards as usual. Well, OLY is now done for, the pump is gone. I'll let you in a better project tho, one that's going to at least 15x from here. Check out MOD ;)

>> No.28871082

Tell me why this is going to pump and I might consider it

>> No.28871186

number go up

>> No.28871260

its already almost 3 dollars

>> No.28871374

That's part of the DYOR, but, https://modefi.io/.. Dextools is already partnered with MOD, and this is Chainlink on Uniswap roids ;)

>> No.28871448

Listen here, bub. You may think you’re a big shot where you’re from but I’m here in this little mom and pop board you better show some respect. We got all sorts of folks here but we all know that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, treat others like you want to be treated, and buy high and sell low.

>> No.28871477
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OLY is still not done this shit is going to $5 soon

>> No.28871615

how about you shill me something i won't need ETH for?

>> No.28871734

Lmao do newfags really?
Here's a free Econ lesson. Price in general doesn't matter at all, only Mcap does. Why? Well consider a coin/stock with a market cap of $1 billion at the price of $0.01. For this coin to increase by even a measly 10%, you would need $100 MILLION entering the market (buying), to push the market cap at $1.1 bill and increase the price by 10% (to make 10% of profit). Consider another coin with a $1 Million market cap at the price of $100. This coin only needs a measly $100k entering the market to pump it's marketcap (and thus price) by 10%, to make 10% of profit. Price means absolutely nothing when it comes to trading. Do with that freebie what you will.

>> No.28871848

price unironically doesn't matter, it's less than 50 mil fully diluted market cap.

>> No.28872034
File: 39 KB, 472x472, 1519184607080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A more simple question friend, why do you help the anons on this board by posting these gems?

>> No.28872112

Sorry buddy, OLY is not going anywhere beyond $2.5 (my prediction yesterday was $2 so $2.3 stretched it but that's it)
Take your money and 15x them while MOD is still at 7Mill MC

>> No.28872139

That's not how it works, although it's true that higher mc need more money to push it up

>> No.28872267
File: 64 KB, 700x541, 1_HNDBE9Xf8Qqz7H-GH7q1NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, op I appreciate the hustle, but I cannot put my money into a project with a team that looks like this.

>> No.28872348

Obviously out of self interest. I'm invested in these coins so the more you buy the more money I'll make. When you come for the payday, I'm gonna rip your eyes out. I'm gonna make a fortune. The good news is Vinnie, you're not going to care cause you're gonna make so much money. That's what I get out of it. Wanna know what you get out of it? You get the ice cream, the hot fudge, the banana and the nuts. Right now I get the sprinkles, and ya - if this goes thru, I get the cherry. But you get the sundae, Vinny. You get the sundae.

>> No.28872432

Literally is.
t. Econ Major

>> No.28872496
File: 520 KB, 918x720, 1516704060492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizoanon I appreciate the honesty, if you said anything other then you make money too then it'd be a glowing red flag. Thanks anon having a read on the project now. Consider picking up a trip as my timezone is not for current posting hours and id like to see your future posts

>> No.28872514

Ok anon, how does it work?

>> No.28872976

Thanks foreignanon. My time is all over the place, but next time I post I'll share proof it's me so that you'll recognize me ;)

>> No.28873041

just use a tripcode

>> No.28873500

5,000,000,000 total supply... this thing already has a marketcap above 10 billion you're retarded if you think that's sustainable...

>> No.28873518
File: 41 KB, 400x400, Coreto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has been chugging along quite nicely for a few weeks now. Low market cap with a target that its staff are loyally grinding towards.

>> No.28873696
File: 191 KB, 620x400, 1372751397270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fucking SOLD

>> No.28874263
File: 50 KB, 674x864, 1468923895312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a coin that I may share schizoanon if you're interested

if your shit was doing well you wouldn't have to shill it in a thread about another coin. fuck off.

>> No.28874980

Sure anon, I'm always open to new endeavors altho most of my bags will not move from MOD in the foreseeable future

>> No.28875418

site is down so I can't even do my own research, can I find the whitepaper anywhere else?

>> No.28875557

ParaState aims to provide an industry standard, highly optimized & extensible SMART contract execution environmentwhile maintaining #Ethereum compatibility

It does so as a #Polkadot parachain which allows it to provide services to other Polkadot parachains and applications.

>> No.28875592

in for 2 eth

>> No.28875625

kys pajeet

>> No.28875694

Ape'd in.

>> No.28875827

how long is "the forseeable future"?

>> No.28875871

Look retards. FOMO'ing in after it's already up huge is how you lose money. If you were considering buying or missed something that later mooned, you just accept that it happened, realize there were many other potential buys that wouldn't have mooned, and move on. You don't greedily buy in with the assumption that it will just happen again, that's just asking to lose money.

>> No.28875953

nobody asked, fuck off

>> No.28875968

Literally released 3 hours ago and has been crabbing the entire time you brainlet

>> No.28876139


>> No.28876226

First of all, you’re shilling way too early. Everyone knows /biz/ only buys coins that have already mooned. And are being shilled with pre-made Pepe memes
Second of all, the site name doesn’t have a “.finance” at the end of it. So I can’t trust it.
Third of all, I went all in so the price can only dump and crab from here on out. Nice try buddy.

>> No.28876304


>> No.28876427

Still holding from your post yesterday. Bought in at 0.5
For once op was not a fag

>> No.28876603

How'd you know it would release on coingecko today?

>> No.28876627

>newfag animeposter is retarded
lol. enjoy losing your money poorfaggot.

>> No.28876669

It’s a blatant scam you stupid nigger

>> No.28877088

>getting assblasted coz I didnt read your wall
no one asked

>> No.28877284

>t. four figure poorfag

>> No.28877564
File: 973 KB, 923x725, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol claiming something is true because you have a degree
>pic not related
also your wrong, maybe you should read something other than what they lied(taught) to you at college

>> No.28877753

Tell me why it's a scam and I might consider not buying it

>> No.28877803
File: 54 KB, 530x527, 1439039056402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. one. asked.

>> No.28877949

Until at least 50 Million MC from the current 7.

Didn't you say this yesterday right before we pumped? You never learn do you?

>> No.28878345

fuck is MOD? cant find it in binance

>> No.28878437

When do you predict we hit 50M market cap? That’s a 7x. I also heard they will dump more tokens in the future won’t that fuck up the price?

>> No.28878506

I appreciate the banter but in all honesty want to get serious for a sec bcs I was also told this yesterday for OLY. Truth is, the "shilling too early" meme is actually not a meme and there are people who actually want to accumulate more so they can earn more. Personally, these people can get throat cancer for all I care. And I don't say that because they're making others miss out on money, couldn't care less about that. I say it because if you're such a massive faggot that you need to scrape for 1 more penny because what you have is never enough, just stop trying to make money. The point of making money is to enjoy it, not to hoard it like a retard.

>> No.28878728

this thread is beyond money, finally someone shows philanthropy to newfags (not talking about the shill but the info and the vibes of the thread)

>> No.28878742

All you have to do is read the original post buddy. There's a dextools link there. And it's on Uniswap.

Whoever wanted to sell in the short term already did so today and we already consolidated and found support at ~$2.5. The token dump is going to be a 3%/day for each presale investor, which means their tokens are defacto locked for about 80 days. With the current bull market and the MOD project being actually interesting, as well as shilled by famous faggots like Ivan on Tech or unfamous faggots like yours truly, I give it about 1, 2 weeks maximum.

>> No.28878786

>not on binance
cringe and shitpilled
hard pass

>> No.28878792

>best fundamentals among all tokens shilled on /biz ever
>blatant scam
This is why you are poor /biz fags

>> No.28879296

Wow OP with your ability to 7x your money overnight you must be very rich sir !

>> No.28879350

Oh how's your bitcoin stock doing? You must be an oldfag now, 3 days in the club?

>> No.28879585

Finding the Goose that lays Golden eggs is not the same as shitting them out yourself, madam.

>> No.28879764

Okay I’m waiting for that. I’ve seen so many /biz/ meme coins get shilled then dump same day. So I’m hesitant with this coin and I don’t wanna get greedy then watch it dump before I can sell. So I think I’ll hold till maybe $8 or $10 before the inevitable meme coin dump. I did my research and the coin indeed sounds interesting. let’s just hope it can organically grow before /biz/ memes it to oblivion.