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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28866250 No.28866250 [Reply] [Original]

After a coordinated attack on both Strudel Twitter accounts, and on the N3rdz Twitter account as well, its safe to say they already raised some eyebrows, but who has an incentive to see it fall?

>> No.28866461
File: 9 KB, 239x211, angry pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the fucking wBtc guys isnt it.....

>> No.28866550
File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, B5D44656-E284-4680-98FD-E28C5DCBCE8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you know it’s big when big time Fudders come in and get twitter banned, most likely REN whales/team or Jews against the burning of BTC

>> No.28866561

the same people who complain about btc burning
the value of their crypto holdings is directly predicated on people being stuck in the bitcoin ecosystem and afraid of exploring alternatives

>> No.28866592

there's a few suspects here I think. Simplest is that its just twitter being twitter, but the fact that both accounts got suspended pretty much rules that out. It could be a competitor such as Ren, but I think that it is a mass report by a group looking to accumulate on a dip that is relatively easy to create.

>> No.28866758

>N-no you can't burn my boomercoins to participate in defi

>> No.28867040

Even more bullish than before

Nice try FUDsters

>> No.28867129
File: 89 KB, 1280x914, 8AD51D43-E955-45B0-A733-E9483583365C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullish as fuck.

Never selling

>> No.28867229

the jews actually want to see this burn? Just bought

>> No.28867398


>> No.28867453

Wish I had time to farm, but this could explode any time now so I'm holding my comfy bags close.

>> No.28867469

You guys are all from the telegram clearly. Twitter being suspended just means this shit is a fucking crapcoin. It already did a 10x. Have fun when this shit dips back to $2

>> No.28867560

Without going to Alex Jones in here, there has to be a group of people who absolutly hate the fact that a protocol sucks BTC from its own Blockchain and makes it work for themself, its a parasitic act in its essence, very disruptive for the dinosaur BTC protocol, very bullish for DeFi. And lets not forget that its only the first bridge, any other protocol will get reached when Strudel succeeds.
Imagine you could right now, right now, move your BTC over to the ERC20 framework, lending it out for a stable coin, farm that stable coin for NFT´s for example, lending these NFT´s for more BTC and do it all again. The potential routes are endless, this has to scare some BTC maximalists, it has to be.

>> No.28867637

obviously the industry bros involved with badger. strudel and vbtc is just a better version of badger/digg with an actual connection to bitcoin

>> No.28867889

The intentional attack truly shows how disruptive Strudel Protocol $TRDL and $vBTC the first trustless bridge are.
This is only the beginning and competitors/fudders are going to do what they can to get better entry/slow us down.
When you are literally transferring the largest crypto asset to the 2nd largest because it is a better network, it is going to be disruptive. Strudel Protocol will be disruptive.
Like I said, only the beginning.

>> No.28868935

I dont think its the Badger brigade, they are to close to the devs of Strudel, long lasting friendships arre established.

>> No.28869016

My guess is either ren whales or btc boomers

>> No.28869042

what is slippage? how many people do u think could buy at $1?

>> No.28869569

ignore that retard... i am on Telegram, i am on Plebbit, i am on Twitter and i am on Biz, oh...Discord as well, thats how the play is gamed.

>> No.28870008

holders flatlined, buy or sell signal?

>> No.28870068

fuck off discord tranny

>> No.28870142

this is primed to blow up, its gonna get a lot more attention the following weeks

>> No.28870202

how so? sry not following it closely just intrigued by the trustless setup

>> No.28870490

If one participates in the farming process, you enter another smart contract, thus you get removed from the other holders list, so thats not the best indicator, but TVL is rising constantly, Twitter and TG follower as well.
who fucked you this morning my little princess, calm down retard.

>> No.28870617

it's about to release a bunch of things and start marketing properly via twitter influencers and whatnot

>> No.28870849


>> No.28871459

Why is the collecting fees on my farm higher than what the Strudel is worth? Every time I get more strudel, the gas fees goes up in same proportion.

>> No.28871554
File: 90 KB, 829x450, future Pepe Strudel bike bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strudel Kang here, fuck you wannabe Guerilla warriors, read the whitepaper and rope.

>> No.28871790

Ur mom sucked my dick but she bit my foreskin now im mad and it hurts. Tell ur dad to teach that bitch how to suck dick before bringing her over to watch her suck my dick u stupid strudel pussy

>> No.28871962

Agree I’m mc lovin in

>> No.28872080

This is impotent curry rage if I’ve ever seen it. Very bullish.

>> No.28872283
File: 200 KB, 947x957, 1613334925509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got rugpulled, called it. Sorry you fell for Pajeets robot shills.

>> No.28872354

Hey it's that fag from the discord, you still wasting your time flinging poo?

>> No.28872578

I'm sure its just faggots trying to fud weak hands out so they can accumulate. Seems to be working.

>> No.28872583

somebody tell that telegram admin pussy ian to stop with the 10 pharagraph motivational speeches about how great strudel is, i agree but hes making me nauseas

>> No.28873078

this coin was a little experiment made by the sushiswap developer who made it and then went back to sushiswap. its a cool little project, but why would you want to permanently burn your bitcoin and not be able to convert back? it makes no sense. also their twitter was just banned. i took my losses and exited. too much shilling going on

>> No.28873355

>convert it back
Why would you ever want to

>> No.28874327

you still dont get it, thats honestly amazing for someone who bought into it, amazin.

>> No.28875825