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28865189 No.28865189 [Reply] [Original]

(Post 1/5)

I see you sitting there...frustrated. You either missed out on the 2017 run, or you caught the run but held through the duration of the great bear; you missed out on DeFi summer, or you participated in the most speculative projects and experienced rug pull after rug pull; fast forward to today, and you watch as you are currently missing out on gain train after gain train of this run...stop, breathe, listen...I am asking you to end the cycle of overly emotional investing and zoom out; get your psychology in check, and relax...

The key to successful investing is finding undervalued market opportunities in advance of the herd, all the while remaining objective and in control of your emotional state of being. If this works for Warren Buffett, it can work for you...if you let it, of course (it's always on you).

Today, I am covering DeFiat ($DFT): a fully governed, deflationary ERC-20 token that has been LEFT FOR DEAD. Taking a lookout the macro price history, it would seem the project has been nothing short of a dismal failure. Looking more closely, however, we can gain further context and make sense of things.

Launching at the tail end of DeFi summer, one can say DeFiat's timing release hurt its rise to greatness...all part of the game, unfortunately, as no project, team, or individual can time market cycles perfectly -- anyone telling you otherwise is a charlatan! I personally love these types of opportunities...you know, the ones where the underlying project has a REAL use case and trajectory, yet is damaged via overly emotional panic sellers and broader market downturns? Yup, those.

>> No.28865224

(Post 2/5)

Contrarian opportunities ironically present the opportunity of providing the most outsized returns...so long as underlying fundamentals are present, of course. In the words of Benjamin Graham, "In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine." Let's delve further into DeFiat's fundamentals to see how Graham's sage advice relates to this exciting and unrecognized market opportunity.

DeFiat has the ultimate ambition of allowing HODLERS the opportunity to earn staking income on their most coveted ERC-20 projects. Everyone LOVES Chainlink ($LINK)...want to know what they love even more? Earning more Chainlink, at NO ADDED EFFORT. This is the idea behind DeFiat's AnyStake platform. Simply stake via AnyStake, sit back, and earn passive crypto rewards.

Let's be honest, in this space, we all act a little frenetic at times, chasing pumps while trying to strike it rich, overnight. Deep down, though, we know the simple HODL strategy of the most truly fundamentally sound projects is what allows you to "make it" to the big leagues. I'm not trying to reform the crypto space by indoctrinating a strictly HODL type mentality, no way! Swing trading has its merits in a given portfolio, as does outright selling when an investment thesis is no longer valid. What I am advocating is a bit more discipline in allowing core winners the ability to win, and what better way to reinforce this idea than by adding ERC-20 staking to the mix?

AnyStake allows the best of both worlds:

1) HODLING of fundamentally sound ERC-20 projects
2) Participating in a steady crypto stream of said projects.

It's a win-win, and more importantly, an absolute game changer for the crypto space.

Let's talk about DFT's native deflationary feature. With each DFT transaction, a portion of DFT is permanently burned (0.5% of the TX), which naturally reduces supply over time.

>> No.28865303

(Post 3/5)

In terms of governance, DFT is community driven, with HODLERs of DFT granted proportional voting rights in network based decisions (for example, the setting of token burn rates).

Let's summarize some of the key ideas presented so far, and then draw conclusions:

1) DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
2) Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
3) As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.

On their own, each of these features have bullish ramifications. When combined, however, do you see where these elements lead from a pumpamentals perspective? I see a lot of proverbial "light bulbs" going off right now...read on if you're still with me...

The team is currently operating at full throttle. Specifically, DFT's testnet is launching this week, with its mainnet following only 1 short week later.

In terms the AnyStake launch, this will culminate in the following staking pairs rolled out via its staking platform: $WBTC, $USDC, $USDT, $UNI, $YFI, $LINK, $MKR, $CEL, $SNX, $AAVE, $CORE, $AMPL, $QNT, $LTO, $UOS, $TRB -- a lot of familiar names here, if I might add. Keep in mind, the eventuality is for Anystake to support ALL ERC-20 tokens; I cannot emphasize this enough. Looking at it through this lens, DeFiat has the potential to become as utilized as UniSwap ($UNI).

Aside from its core staking function, AnyStake has developed a novel approach to deal with the current gas crisis by reworking and streamlining the way staking contracts are called and executed; the net result is lowered gas fees when staking via the AnyStake platform.

>> No.28865425

(Post 4/5)

You can read about it more via the article below, but this is yet another example of the team's overlooked creativity and problem solving acumen:


Remember what I said earlier about the importance of finding undervalued opportunities in advance? Look no further. DFT's market capitalization is currently sitting at a paltry 2.4M, with a low total supply. From a tokenomics standpoint, the team was only issued 5% of the total tokens...this is as close to as good as it gets from a grassroots perspective and has the added benefit of aligning incentives.

When you look at the upcoming release items, project fundamentals, tokenomic model, inherent burn mechanism, low market capitalization, and low total supply, how could you not get excited on where things are headed? Remember the axiom to buy undervalued, practical use case projects that have been forgotten; strategically accumulate, sit back, and be PATIENT. When theory meets real world application, the only factor remaining for equilibrium is price correction; in this case (considerably) higher.

>> No.28865501

(Post 5/5)

I don't like price predictions, but given the low MC and token supply, I could see DeFiat hitting $500 sometime in 2021, and this is my low end estimation. Although it seems astronomical, it is also not without precedent.

I hope this helped provide greater context into the larger ambitions of DeFiat, as well as helped open your mind as to the possibilities lying in plain sight before you. Most importantly, my motivation is to bring back a semblance of normalcy to the broader crypto "conversation."

Best of luck to all. If you stay focused, unemotional, and objective, there is nothing but blue skies and greener pastures ahead. Never go all in, perform your own due diligence, maintain a level head, and question everything.

Sorry for life story post but I genuinely think this is something all anons should take a look at. WAGMI

>> No.28866098

This one is definitely hitting $500-$1000+ Especially after the recent whale activity, testnet release, and the mainnet release coming soon with the 16 supported projects ($WBTC, $USDC, $USDT, $UNI, $YFI, $LINK, $MKR, $CEL, $SNX, $AAVE, $CORE, $AMPL, $QNT, $LTO, $UOS, $TRB)

>> No.28866466

I put in 2 eth last week speculatively, obviously happy with the quick gains and holding for now.

If the platform launch goes smoothly this is probably a 50m mcap to start.

>> No.28866989
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 9BB7DC65-A47E-4B74-8098-FBAF646AC29C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ton of projects linked. We are steadily gaining attention and new holders. A whale has steadily bought 10k Dft over the last few days. Accumulation is almost over

>> No.28867069

The time is near. TO VALHALLA!!

>> No.28867112

When is mainnet?

>> No.28867304
File: 26 KB, 411x260, SmartSelect_20210216-103440_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 10x from here, easy

>> No.28867495

Testnet has launched successfully. New medium article today with details but it should be here soon in the next week or two. Us as a community have been focusing on spreading the word while devs have been machines working on this

>> No.28867841
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 1500915779430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 dollar mark looks like a top.
Should I wait for pullback from here?

>> No.28868102

Could dip, could go up to $25 with a few large buys. Pull back doesn't last very long so you better watch it 24/7

>> No.28868660

I literally shake thinking about this project.

>> No.28869511

Dang guys ! this is amazing, it dipped back to 17 but went back to 20 fast.

This is going to be insane the next weeks

>> No.28869584

$30 soon (ATH)

I think road to 100$ will be faster than people expect

>> No.28869858

Is there a discord or telegram or anything to discuss this? /biz/ is a bit dry and the official telegram is messy.

>> No.28870065

There is a trading telegram group, ask in the main channel. Discord isn't very active