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File: 147 KB, 604x827, 1613375656427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28865119 No.28865119 [Reply] [Original]

>ATH of the current civilization
when is the next healthy correction?

>> No.28865185

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.28865250

tfw its an achievement for niggers to read a book that's worth posting on social medias

>> No.28865271

Enjoy the ride while it lasts

>> No.28865293

Happening right now
Why ? He's obviously progressive, did you even look at the picture ?

>> No.28865334

ik. leftists are the most unintentionally racist people on earth. at least when im racist i know what im doing

>> No.28865367

ATH was probably 30+ years ago
we're just riding the rugpull all the way down at this point

>> No.28865412

I love people of color, maybe too much, kind of a BBC addict, take your meds you fucking scitzo

>> No.28865424

And WE are the racists lol..

>> No.28865450

Do leftists seriously treat niggers like apes

>> No.28865537

news flash

>> No.28865648

Damn, this picture is so old I'm fearing for the safety of that kid

They really do


>> No.28865695

but we are

>> No.28865778
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and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.28865818

This. Standards for nigs is fukkin low to where if they manage to act even remotely civilized it’s considered to be an achievement.

>> No.28865841

Just like Askhenazi Jews play stupid with goyim.

>> No.28865929

Like pets, they feel sympathy everytime one of those pets gets in trouble or hurt.

>> No.28865971

delusional narcissism

>> No.28866001

They're reading books! quick take a photo.

>> No.28866289
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>> No.28866386


>> No.28866877

we are but that's not the point

>> No.28867081

>le /pol/ face

>> No.28867084

Back in the 80s and 90s I used to see blacks reading on the train pretty often. Smartphones killed that. I still see lots of whites and asians reading though.

>> No.28867085

niggerress is probably reading harry potter

>> No.28867280
File: 236 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20210203_152739749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the next few decades. The west is in stage 7 of the 10 stages of genocide against whites, bio-Leninism is ensuring that the managerial elite won't be able to maintain control without some very seriously bloody measures, suicidal altruism is now experienced by the descendants of those who built the modern world to an overwhelming degree, and the violent minorities who don't produce anything of value becoming the main inhabitants of all our cities means this can't last much longer.

Hope ya'll have lots of ammunition stored away.

>> No.28867377

yes i am

>> No.28867632

imagine being a race denialist. like the brown people are going to secure your future for you.
here's the future they have planned for you: everything you have is forfeit and you will be ruled by brown supremacy.

>> No.28867678

get fucked underage Trumpcuck

>> No.28867877

That is more racist than all the /pol/ threads put together.
> why isn't this picture of a unicorn going viral?

>> No.28867886

Libtards are ironically more racist than the nerd typing nigger on 4chan

>> No.28868192

The most racist people are brits and their hatred for slavs

>> No.28868213


>> No.28868659

we are in the correction bruh. this pic of people reading paper things is from 16. there ain't any analog book readers left

>> No.28868752

Imagine typing a comment like this even just to troll

>> No.28868983

I mean Germans definitely loved Slavs and never tried to exterminate them. The white race is certainly an example of fraternal coexistence and barely distinct white ethnicities never tried to genocide each other through the ages and into the modern era for a sliver of useless clay or because their neighbors had an offensive accent. Truly the most noble and non-niggerish race on Earth.

>> No.28869120

>I mean Germans definitely loved Slavs and never tried to exterminate them
Yeah sure, so the invasion of Poland never happened and dirlewanger slaughtering belarusians and other slavs didn’t happen too? Nazis called the slavs subhuman as did the greeks

>> No.28869316
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And if you portray a black person as successful, you are accused of making them too white.

>> No.28869378

Again, slavs aren’t white and they were never considered white by an white european country. Britbongs, scandis and germanic people still look down at them.

>> No.28869447
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>> No.28869477
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To be fair its quite difficult to find 3 nogs that know how to read in one place

>> No.28869613
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>> No.28870011

If the pinnacle of whiteness is the cucked nations of the UK, Germany & Sweden then maybe I'm better off not being "white".

>> No.28870125
File: 58 KB, 900x676, 1321546454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe mutt
your country has way more niggers than we have sandniggers, you're way too far gone

>> No.28870192

Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, etc are uncle tom white supremacists

>> No.28870240

Its funny how loud they screech about slavs not being white but than more than half of their newborns are actual non-whites. Still better than americans I guess

>> No.28870254
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>Angry burger

>> No.28870344

first thing that came to mind when i saw the OP image

>> No.28870347
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My race does disappoint me these days. I find myself looking at "lower whites" for inspiration now, Italian and Balkan people, who are still unabashedly proud of themselves and not ugly passive feminine cosmopolitans.

>> No.28870645
File: 103 KB, 744x1024, 1612999599705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to Berlin
>get treated like royalty
>cab driver straight up apologizes for the holocaust apropos of nothing
Nice epic white master race society you have going there, yurop

>> No.28870655
File: 35 KB, 596x739, 1612466117653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh look at our accomplishments everyone, there more civilized now then before."
>MMHM shaquisha, we's niggas can read now. black power"
Was the but end of the joke in the ethnic gene pool and now seen as trophies to fulfill this bullshit sense of accomplishments to satisfy these people's egos. Everythings a joke.

>> No.28870888

degeneracy has taken down every civilization. It will be yours next, but probably not in your lifetime

>> No.28870891

I'm white and I'm not proud of being white because being part of this group of losers and cowards fucking sucks and it's clear nothing is going to change in my lifetime. Might as well make the money and get kicked out of 109 countries.

>> No.28870987
File: 57 KB, 1125x641, a0793c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian isn't a race, they are rape babies from everything from normans to arabs

>> No.28871252

> berlin
> germany
pick one

>> No.28871705

how is this in any way notable? What, it's supposed to be remarkable that they're reading books instead of their smart phones/tablets?

Jesus, these fucking libtards and their bigotry of low expectations.

>> No.28871729

He was obviously sarcastic with the statement you quoted.
Stay at your containment board

>> No.28871820
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They are probably just looking at the pictures.

>> No.28872150
File: 791 KB, 800x600, congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse.

>> No.28872273

more like they see them as innocent pets to be protected from evil whites. so yes, even leftards know niggers are dumb

>> No.28872365

you don't belong on this domain

>> No.28873155

Exactly. I’m a person of color and you WILL pay my gibs you racist colonists.

>> No.28873159

If kikes are so intelligent then how come they follow the white man where every they go and eternally seethe when the white man kicks them out of his land? If kikes are superior they wouldn’t be following us for millennials always begging us to let the “poor” stranger in at our city gates. They’d always turn everything to shit once in and we had enough and kicked them out everything would improve. After the Black Plague Jews were banished to Eastern Europe and “coincidentally” we had a Renaissance of culture and art. The parasite always sucks everything good from it’s host. A tape worm is not more superior then the majestic creature it leeches from

>> No.28873723

We are. But we are more honest about it, and we don't patronize them.

>> No.28873982


>> No.28874242


>> No.28874377


>> No.28874537

>slavs aren’t white and they were never considered white
Not true, but the germans, british, and swedish calling others subhuman is pretty funny when you consider that they are all currently working to death to pay for the welfare of niggers, pakis, and other shitskins, embarrassing and sad.