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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28862424 No.28862424 [Reply] [Original]

What’re your thoughts on Bancor, frens? Any chance it’ll shoot up soon?

>> No.28862692

i have the same feeling as with DMM. the market knows something is up in the air

>> No.28862909

Slow and steady gains while making a shit load with staking

>> No.28862914

its a slow crawl coin but the pullbacks arent bad so theres that

>> No.28862940

Something seems off desu. the idea is they print BNT shitcoin to cover the impermant loss on volatility. I don't see how this incentivizes liquidity, or transfers value to the shitcoin. you dont get something for nothing.

Also they have a rolling rewards period to print more shitcoin. maybe it will go up, but not worth it imo.

>> No.28862978

liquidity providers get bancor as rewards and constantly dump on you. dont hold unless you provide liq.

>> No.28863416

will dump like anything else after bitcoin shits itself. sell now if and get out

>> No.28863423
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It's my comfiest hold. I know we've passed out this pasta before, but I can't overstate it.

#1 IL protection. Not as impactful during a bull market but larger stacks looking generate revenue from providing liquidity will obviously want IL protection when things settle down or go south for a while.
#2 Single sided staking. Wanna stay all-in on your token of choice and still provide liquidity? Bancor is your guy.
#3 Vortex. You get vBNT from staking your BNT that you can swap for different coins if you think they will outperform BNT, then swap a portion of the tokens back to vBNT to unlock your BNT stake when you want to.
#4 Massive growth in TVL, #1 pool for locked Chainlink. Marketcap hasn't gone up proportionately. Sitting around 500m while competitors with inferior tech and higher swap fees sit at 10x that.
#5 Working demo on arbitrum testnet with 50x lower gas/swap fees.
#6 EOS bridge up and running, actively building a Polkadot bridge
#7 Sweet sweet passive income with insane APY% (for now). Tons of linkwhales chilling in LPs.

>> No.28863536

That's the fucking way
Anyone who doesn't get it doesn't deserve to be rich

good info listen to that man

>> No.28863570

Exactly. If your gonna choose a shitcoin farm printer then at least buy pancake swap ffs. Imagine buying BNT instead of CAKE. fucking bagholders from 2018

>> No.28863706

>bought this shit at $1
>sold at 1.5, very pleased with my clever self

check up out of morbid curiosity 2 days back: fkn shoulda held

>> No.28864221

its up like 80% in recent month or so.
it won't shootup though, its very resistant to pump.
it is massive pleb filter, most are failing to understand.

>> No.28864306

>liquidity providers get bancor as rewards and constantly dump on you. dont hold unless you provide liq.
no really, 65% of BNT is staked and that has been constant now since LM started.

>> No.28864391

>liquidity providers get bancor as rewards and constantly dump on you. dont hold unless you provide liq.
also, if you remove your earnings, it resets the reward multipliers, so taking profits while maybe prudent costs you if you intend to stay in.