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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28858156 No.28858156 [Reply] [Original]

Where do we go from here?

At this point, I think we will never see another crash like 2018. It's simply too big to fail and has been adopted by too many institutions to be considered a meme.

>> No.28858198

>all we need to get to 100k is a 2x
mama mia...

>> No.28858237

Institutions keep posting $150k-200k EOY 2021

Theyre basically signalling to each other like pajeets and neets signal to each other on here with shitcoins.

>> No.28858265

>At this point, I think we will never see another crash like 2018. It's simply too big to fail and has been adopted by too many institutions to be considered a meme.
New Paradigm

>> No.28858288

>this time its different

>> No.28858332

>New Paradigm
Bull trap incoming

>> No.28858368
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how does 1m sound?

>> No.28858533

BTC 270-330k in Q3
then crash down to 40-50k Q4.
Bear market starts. Then you have to wait 4 years for very big moves.

>> No.28858778


>> No.28859291
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this weekend I listened in to a bunch of women and black people on clubhouse going all in on bitcoin. one lady was selling her rental properties to into bitcoin.

>> No.28859370

ok larp, post proof.

>> No.28859465

Smart decision from her, Bitcoin will never fall below 50k again

>> No.28859520

please be true

>> No.28859727

not lying at all. seriously join and listen into the crypto rooms, it's un-fucking-believable. it's one thing to look at the sentiment on twitter but when you hear these people vocalize their reasoning it's really startling on how unsophisticated and sure they are of their choices. i really think this is going to end very badly for a lot of people.

>> No.28859798

>and has been adopted by too many institutions
who do you think is going to cause the crash by doomping this worthless shit

>> No.28859844

nobody buys bitcoin here to dump lower

>> No.28859864

I was on vacation a couple weeks ago and boomers in the hot tub at this 5 star resort were talking about fucking DASH and DOGE
It's almost time to eject brothers. We got another $20k - 30k max. Look for the giant spike, you'll have about an 18 hour window to get out.

>> No.28859885

>I think we will never see another crash
thanks for triggering the "new paradigm" signal

>> No.28859900

sounds plausible

>> No.28859959

Funny, I'm trying to time my exit from Bitcoin to buy rental properties lol

>> No.28860077

I think Saylor fomoing with $600M of borrowed funds is going to be the top of this cycle

>> No.28860118

yep. i'm hearing more and more people that have otherwise had zero interest in crypto starting to talk about it. mainstream acceptance is good but these are people that don't even know what they're buying.

>> No.28860152

who is that guy and why do people keep talking about him? he was a bear?

>> No.28860232

First he bought btc with a big portion of microstrategy's funds, then he borrowed $600M and bought btc with it + some company's funds, then he started dumping all profits into btc on the way up, now he's going to borrow $600M again to buy.
And he doesn't even stagger it he just market bought for two days. It's what broke the old ath.

>> No.28860391

or not and you sit on your hands as we make it to the moon

>> No.28860397

Well, this is now a fact. Checked.

>> No.28860560

Oh my sweet summer child. The only way to make money on a negative yielding asset is to sell when you are on the green. That is where the gains come from otherwise it's just paper gains. These institutions will start dumping at some point to realize gains and so does every other whale. That is how the game is played.

>> No.28860602

yikes. hope he knows what he is doing.

>> No.28860622

his digits?

>> No.28860732

he doesn't his company nearly collapsed in the dot com boom and he got charged by the sec with fraud.
He's going all in and it's going to end up funny. He could cash out very high and look like a genius forever. Instead he goes margin long chasing the pump.