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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28850938 No.28850938 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.28850994

Nuclear south

>> No.28850998

>luke Youngblood
who dat

>> No.28851010

I have to wonder why people would jump onto AVAX when BNB and Pancakeswap exists

>> No.28851063

Finally unlocked and sold my avax today.
Massive supply dump soon

>> No.28851078

just use google you subhuman

>> No.28851101

Thats what im talm bout Young blood, we finna get rich as a bitch off dis shit

>> No.28851124

BNB is centralized thus have no long term prospect in this space. AVAX does anything BNB does while remaining the same philosophy of Bitcoin+Improving on BTC implementation of the philosophy as AVAX is more decentralized by design.

>> No.28851143

Same, shouldn't tell these retards though. Let them get dumped on

>> No.28851147

then you don't understand the point of crypto

>> No.28851164

coinbase listing incoming?

>> No.28851199

If you want to make people FOMO, at least pick a coin that is rising instead of dead and make it a little less obvious. The person you want to panic buy has to make the connection in his head himself.

>> No.28851206
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Emin the Double Mint Man

>> No.28851352

It’s happening, frens. Word is spreading. Can’t wait until this fag discovers Zero Exchange, even better than Pangolin, with only a $30 million market cap.

End of month, check em:

AVAX $120
Pangolin $2
Zero Exchange $2.50

>> No.28851449

Hmmm is he talking about BSC?

>> No.28851470

Tezos dev who worked for Coinbase and designed the architecture for Amazon's AWS.

>> No.28851550
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>"eth killer"
>obnoxiously shilled for months
>doesn't work properly literally the first week it has anything going on

>> No.28851612

this but with loopring/matic/xdai
it's almost as if some people are looking for convoluted excuses to pump their eth killer bags because they're upset they missed the boat

>> No.28851716

Zero Exchange will soon have:

- native NFT integration
- Polkadot bridge
- charting
- limit orders
- lower fees
- fiat gateways

The first DEX to launch on AVAX, with support for 3 blockchains. How the fuck can Pangolin compete?

>> No.28851877
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>> No.28852052
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>> No.28852075

Zero is buggy as hell

>> No.28852106


>> No.28852109

it will go nuclear as in leaving a hole were investor's money was kek

>> No.28852138

is the double spend promotion still open or did I miss it?

>> No.28852178


Sounds like bad meme magic to me

>> No.28852219

Avalanche and Zero Exchange are about to re-write the rules of crypto.

- instant transactions
- no front running
- fees in the cents
- cross-chain trading

So, yeah, it’s about to go nuclear.

>> No.28852549

It literally doesn't work. Kek.

>> No.28852571

it wasn't a promotion, it was a lottery.. also it isn't a bug anymore, now it's a feature

>> No.28852582


>> No.28853645

Spot the Pangolin dev!

Why are you whiny, entitled fags so threatened by Zero Exchange? You come across as spoilt little socialist brats, the type that hang out in academia. I fuck you not, /biz, one of them was crying in the Avalanche telegram yesterday, saying it wasn’t fair that Zero Exchange launched on Avalanche first!

>> No.28854173

when kids like you start to actually learn about trading then you will get that FOMO feeling when price is low

>> No.28854223

>anon says shit doesn't work
>instead of refuting him you spout off some unrelated nonsense about another project being jealous
kind of a sell signal, desu

>> No.28854253
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To any anons who need to see this, ZERO is an obvious rug.

1. Entire team is anon
2. They made their own bridge with unknown secret relayers and unknown code. The team claims Chainsafe helped them, Chainsafe team says they have never heard of zero. Relayers can take bridged funds at any time.
3. ZERO smart contract allows for anon devs to mint half of the total supply at any moment and rug.

Rug Rug Rug

>> No.28854320

why u gotta be a bitch ass?

>> No.28854412

MATIC is the L2 solution for ETH

>> No.28854437

>bitch ass?
ebonics again.. are you a tourist or a literal, unironical nigger?

>> No.28854572

This post reads like you were literally paid to write it. Writing that, I realize that is probably what has happened. Yikes. I knew it had anonymous devs but now I really know to stay away - thanks.

>> No.28854885

So what ur saying is, Rugs are gonna rug

>> No.28854895

Quit clutching your pearls.

Pangolin is the Reddit of Avalanche.
Zero Exchange is the chans.
You know what to do, lads.

>> No.28854942
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pic related is all you need to know

>> No.28855334

which show is this anon?

>> No.28855514

Even worse, he has pasta'd it in every AVAX thread.
We will both be accused of being Pangolin devs now, seems to be his MO.

>> No.28855895

Nah, you just sound like a regular fag.

>> No.28855943

source on this plox

>> No.28856189

It's cool that parts of the wider crypto community are starting to look I to avax now

>> No.28856236

>source on pangolin metrics

Use your peanutbrain for one second

>> No.28856319

shieeet shut yer bichass up homie

>> No.28856780

How does anon not notice larp lmao

>> No.28856998

Don't get priced out fren

>> No.28857072

>liquidity went up even while the network was down
>volume is still lower than it was before the bug
I smell shenanigans.

>> No.28857338

A lot of the initial volume was probably people trading avax for wrapped erc20, then adding those pairs to liquidity.

>> No.28858266

You lucky bastard. I feel like I am tied to a chair watching a cobra slowly slither up my pant leg rn.

>> No.28858414

Where’s the guy who’s obsessed with AVAX. He is a Turk worshipper

>> No.28858488

>centralized shitcoin

>> No.28858570

We know. Everyone knows. Except for poor bastards who bought the pump. Ava labs literally said do not use Zero for anything. in chat. They shill in everythreaad at least fucking 2-3 times. The most obvious PND. Worse than Rubic or Everest. Almost as bad as MCDC...actually worse because Zero isn't "fun".