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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28838243 No.28838243 [Reply] [Original]

After I started browsing /fit/ and bodybuilding forums in my early teens I became obsessive over my physique and how strong I was and what percentile I was in, eventually I got bored of that and played video games.

Now I’m in my 20s and I have money coming in from a job and all I do is obsess over my net worth and what percentile I’m in relative to my peers, it’s sickening. I didn’t even care about money like a year ago, now it’s all I think about. All I want to do is have 99.9th percentile net worth for my age, I know I’ll never achieve it but it’s all I think about.

>> No.28838466

So stop coming to this god forsaken website. Problem solved

>> No.28838610

As long as your net worth isnt going up in linear fashion youre winning anon

>> No.28838682

You know the answer, get bored with this and play video games,

>> No.28838710

/g/ forced me to have an extremely fast compooter

>> No.28838733
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Not even once

>> No.28838753

Jsyk fit stands for faggots in training, not fitness

>> No.28838939

this place is literally (pre GME) wsb for autistic people. Posted gains / claims are not representative of the norm if they’re even true to begin with. I come here for memes because every other board is shit and gamble a little along the way

>> No.28839035

for real, just like close your eyes or turn off the computer and sheeeit.

>> No.28839117
File: 355 KB, 1000x1000, 1596532176948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz has only made my life better. I have made lots of money by finding the diamonds in the shit here.

>> No.28839174

post body

>> No.28839538

Heh me too. But if I'd never went to /fit/ or /biz/ I would be fat and poor, fuck that. Learning to not be obsessive isn't so hard

>> No.28839676
File: 17 KB, 326x287, 1585242734380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on /fit/ for a long time, and coming to /biz/ since 2017, never had any of your problems. Maybe you're just looking for excuses, maybe you're just a piece of shit and that's it, OP.
Being conscious about problems is half the battle won tho, gotta give you that.

>> No.28840475

based & /g/entoo-pilled

>> No.28840602

>/fit/ gave me body dysmorphia
>/biz/ made me a rich hermit

>> No.28841710

just make easy money and shut the fuck up you pussy. long bitcoin and make x100

>> No.28841749

this, /biz/ has made me fuck you rich. /biz/ is the final boss of 4chan

>> No.28841817

I havent come here since 2017. I pray for a bear market everyday so I can be rid of this lifestyle

>> No.28841845

sounds like a you problem

>> No.28841955

/biz/ has made me care less about money than I ever have.

>> No.28841967

/o/ ruined me now all i do is worry about how many feet i have traveled since my last oil change and im constantly worrying about my head gaskets and if i drive a cuckbox or a shitbox and if i could improve my power to weight ratio by not carrying a spare tire. always worrying im a wrenchlet. I know ill never achieve it but it's all i think about.

>> No.28842049

What about exponentially down?

>> No.28842242 [DELETED] 

Im just trying to get rich enough so my family and i never have to wage again.

$15m is the number at which I reach full on escape for my family and I.

>> No.28842384
File: 7 KB, 250x229, 24F05EB2-E7F0-4401-B702-6FCA4B05F790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really don’t understand posts like this. where are these gems at? all i see are pajeet shitcoins that have already pumped 200% being shilled

>> No.28842429

what are your top 3 shitcoins?
also drink monster zero ultra white