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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28838120 No.28838120 [Reply] [Original]

work tomorrow

>> No.28838225


>> No.28838228
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, 0562_-_R0C0k9m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love my job
>manager is chill as fuck
>make good money that I can invest in crypto
>10 weeks paid holiday
>browsing /biz/ most of the day
>fucking a qt co-worker on the sly
>come home without stress
>browse more /biz/

>> No.28838617

>27 yo
>make $2k a week post taxes; 9k monthly
>live with parents
>manager is pretty chill
>parents are pretty chill
>only have to work 3 days a week
>spend off days browsing /biz/ and market watching
>job is generally easy going but can sometimes get hectic
>still able to browse /biz/ and market watch while working
Bros I feel like I’m finally gmi...

>> No.28839095

Run my own business, don't do shit unless I have to.

>> No.28839369
File: 191 KB, 1680x943, 1519844312705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 year neet here and still going
>tfw living 7 day weekend lifestyle
>tfw i dont even keep track of the days or time

>> No.28839483

>10 weeks paid holiday
what kind of shit is this? kek

>> No.28839640

i've spent 2016 to 2020 wageslaving in hospitality under the most threatening abusive manager i've ever had to put up with and a horrifically toxic workplace culture
and here you are doing this
well fucking done.

>> No.28839683

how can i get a job like what you guys have?

>> No.28839750

One of the benefits of working at a university

>> No.28839989
File: 36 KB, 600x600, imagine working.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unemployed and use taxpayers' money to take potshots in crypto, comfy and easy life.

>> No.28840015
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My mistake. It's 12 weeks paid holiday

>> No.28840039
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Have fun wagie :)

>> No.28840069

don't think
just breathe

>> No.28840075

If you have 10k link it's fine to quit now buddy

>> No.28840144
File: 26 KB, 315x284, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw truck day's not so bad

>> No.28840193

Since when did people become proud of being losers? Men really have been poisoned by the Jews and stripped of all pride, haven't they.

>> No.28840523


>> No.28840608

what are you gay?

>> No.28840665
File: 81 KB, 1080x1078, 9qm8vwiece461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't worked more than 3 days a week since fucking march
>full salary
>even got promoted a few weeks ago despite doing literally nothing but making autismo charts for officers
Almost makes up for uncle jodi

>> No.28840678

shut the fuck up & get back in your cage

>> No.28840753


cant be that bad right?
at least you can look for other jobs at your pace while employed

>> No.28840779

What's truck day

>> No.28840798
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>> No.28840895

military is vip welfare, congrats

>> No.28840920

I got no shame in sucking green cock for welfare my man

>> No.28840943

chin up anon passive income will feel that much better when it does come.

>> No.28841013
File: 61 KB, 656x633, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cash out some profits to buy a nice computer

why does it feel so bad, bros? I love watching number go up but as soon as I turn any of the number into liquid cash I instantly feel like I'm not gonna make it

>> No.28841038

Are you a Eurofag? I've never heard of someone getting 10 week paid holiday (or even 1 week paid) in America.

>> No.28841093

>condition myself to look forward to work by only drinking coffee on a workday
cant wait to smell that delicious coffee tmr morning bros

>> No.28841109

go back to facebook you fucking normie

>> No.28841115

what a loser attitude. I aint retirin till im dead

>> No.28841135

Really feels like hell doesn't it

>> No.28841214

Because you know that computer is consoomer bullshit. If you bought some land with that money you would feel better.

>> No.28841290

ITT: wagie cope

>> No.28841345

So fucking based
Chill out schlomo

>> No.28841411

12 weeks of paid holiday a year, kek

>> No.28841566

>have 1.9m in crypto
>still work my bartending job otherwise i naturally isolate myself and become depressed.
>none of my co workers know how much money i have, i do drive a 2016 M5 though.

inb4 larp, been here since 2016

>> No.28841913
File: 107 KB, 339x354, 93D0F7FE-CE3E-4E7E-9CE8-8267FEB2734F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractured my ankle back in December, been living off worker’s comp since at 70% base. Kinda sucks but I made $1.2k off doge by accident, then made another grand off XLM, again buy sheer luck. Waigie numbers still. Also am 24 year old 5’11, 240lbs fat pseudoNEET, kissless virgin living with my father. Constantly contemplating selling all of my possessions and assets and then just fucking off. We all got it bad man