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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28827650 No.28827650 [Reply] [Original]

RSR has a massive supply. RSV is a stable coin that, when it fluctuates, can burn the RSR supply to stabilize. If you hold now at 5 cents you can get in before burns and it will be glorious. Plus it is built to attack hyper inflation in Shit hole countries. It’s really undervalued

>> No.28827867

and with a lot of countries printing money to pay gibs during covid, inflation is going to hit hard even in non shithole countries

>> No.28828027
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>> No.28828505

PLEASE NEVIN DUMP SOME MORE COINS until we get under .01c at least so I can buy more.

>> No.28828615

i only have millions of this coin bought at under .003 because i fantasize about obese women doing ungodly things to me for 5 rsr per 2 hour session

>> No.28828647
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He gets it

>> No.28828708

What kind of prices are possible? I don’t quite understand how the token burn works to calculate it. It’s much easier to tell what may lay in store in the future if it’s just a set number of tokens

>> No.28828814
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Haven does what reserve does but better and with the privacy of Monero

>> No.28828828

$0.20 eom
$1.00 eoy

>> No.28828928

$3 eoy
$50+ 2025
if this works eoy 2030... priceless.

>> No.28828936

So when does Theil dump his bags?

>> No.28829054
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For fucks sake. Either go below 1 cent so I can buy more or rocket already!

>> No.28829223

I live in a shithole country and I'm thinking of switching my dai savings for rsv and shill rsv to people as an alternative to dai. Stablecoins are becoming all the rage here, seriously. Specially because we are not allowed to buy USD.

>> No.28829294

Do you have access to the app though?

>> No.28829330


>> No.28829468

mainnet likely, thiel likes to dump and take profit immediately. He dumped FB at IPO I think

>> No.28829507

No, but I can easily swap the tokens.
I will, I have no hurry to swap now plus it will cost me some money, but I will for consistency.

>> No.28829561

what country are you from and how you deal with gas fees?

>> No.28829593

He invested 500K into Facebook and sold most of his shares they were worth a billion+

So after RSR does a X200000 he will probs dump

>> No.28829639


>> No.28829816

Argentina and idgaf about gas fees. I 3xed with rsr and have been holding eth for quite a while. I can afford a little transaction fee every now and then.

>> No.28830007
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Viva la libertad carajo!!!!
La concha de la lora de Christina que se garche a Macri
Pasame la vela SAPEEEEEEEE

>> No.28830189
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I have 15000 RSR. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.28830284

Milei es judio

>> No.28830676
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Tenemos que eliminar la plaga judia de mi villa gatooo

>> No.28830695

If you hold long enough you will have a very good launching point for the next bull run. I would try and get to 100k though.

>> No.28830851

Mainnet but they aren't launching it in a long time according to their last ama.

>> No.28831112
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Thanks fren. I can put $100 every week or two but it's hard saving up. What I'm doing right now is riding other coins pumps and transferring it into RSR. I'm confident this coin will moon in the future. I already got myself a nice 3k extra from doing it. My main goal right now (first short term goal I'm aiming for) is 100k RSR but man is it hard for a poorfag like me when I'm dealing with ETH gas prices being jacked up.

>> No.28831180

How does $4,000 sound?

>> No.28831196

I thought they were planning to launch it this year?

>> No.28831557

Where do you buy it? I have a little to spend on a cheap coin just for the fun.

>> No.28831795

uniswap has it, if you have a metamask wallet its EZ af

>> No.28831882
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Eventually. I put $400 into RSR when it was lower and now my small stack is worth $1000. Feels great. This coin is gonna take me to the moon.
I use uniswap and metamask. Just copy the token contract number or w/e.


>> No.28831914
File: 136 KB, 1200x800, B1B9FB24-C3E1-4DC5-98CE-FF24CB2D90BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a long hold but with coinbase involved and PayPal I believe it is worth the patience

>> No.28831945

Thanks for the answer fren. I’ll check that out

>> No.28831980

It was cheap when it was 1/20th this price. You're 8 months late.

>> No.28832192

If they launched it today the price would crash to hell and never recover. The development is supposedly done, but they’re waiting until they have more rsv adoption/demand so mainnet doesn’t implode.

>> No.28832380

I bought then. There's still a good 5x left on this price at a minimum just from mainnet launch and coinbase listing

>> No.28832752
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See picrel and see this tweet :)


Hope you fags are happy with your stack because we're running out of time.

>> No.28833053

big if true

>> No.28834387

genuinely lolled.
i have 3.5m sirs, will i make it?

>> No.28834528

wait wtf... is this real??? BREADCRUMB

>> No.28834975
