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File: 84 KB, 1607x442, Aleph Private Node.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28817693 No.28817693 [Reply] [Original]

Going to share a couple bread crumbs today because I have finished accumulating. What you are looking at here is Aleph's node network. I circled the private node. The private node is the node being used by the yet to be named partner. That node is currently an unnamed partnership believed to be announced in April. Rumor has it that it isn't even a crypto partnership but an actually company using Aleph.im. Check it out for yourself here: https://account.aleph.im/#/

Sitting at a 30 million market cap and 40 cents this is your chance to get in before the baloon to $4.

If you are looking to buy alts on the dip as you should be look no farther than Aleph.im. It honestly does not get much easier than this.

>> No.28818093

still hodling my 10k stack since october
the recent pump was nice, but why do you think it'll pump more

>> No.28818528

the real pump hasn't even started Aleph has been a defi laggard.

>> No.28818622

They've been gaining partners consistently for a while now. I think people sleep on it because it's not "sexy", but if defi is going to be fully decentralized, it needs infrastructure for computing, storage, databases, etc. That's what this is all about, and it's crosschain with the biggest chains in the game. Send it.

>> No.28819497
File: 17 KB, 343x308, aleph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like 2017 chainlink

>> No.28819767

are there any clues as to who this could be? im feeling especially bored tonight and willing to autistically pursue any leads

>> No.28819820


>> No.28819828

Or Raiblocks before they rebranded to Nano. I think Aleph is a Hebrew word. Moshe is Jewish, so it has some significance to him, though don't know if it really screams "defi infrastructure that is needed".

>> No.28820206

thanks alephbro. Im only buying because i played lobotomy corporation though.

>> No.28820808

True, I guess they can do with better marketing
On the upside, the website looks pro and does a good job at simplifying aleph's role

>> No.28822330

I'm cool with staking and chilling while they build it out. Target is $3-4 range for me, but will re-assess if it gets there. It does have huge implications for defi if they succeed. Moshe's a smart dude and busts his ass, so I do believe in the team to deliver.

>> No.28822492

My problem with Aleph is that the nodes (or whatever the fuck they are called) can have a large amount of people just withdraw at once. I rode the first pump, flipped out into another coin, and a bunch of other people did as well because something like 5 nodes went offline.

I messaged Moshe about it in the chat, and I was curious if the team ever considered a 28 day lock period like The Graph does, and the dude just could not answer a simple fucking question. Kept asking me to go check my Metamask to see if I had my tokens. Of course I do, I understand how your shit works, I was asking a question because everytime this shit pumps nodes are going to go offline.

Honestly not sure what to think of this project because of his autistic ass.

>> No.28822730

Most likely a french company

>> No.28822858

He's an autist savant he is building an excellent and easy to use project

>> No.28822975

It's still an issue and if he can't handle answering that question there has to be someone on the team that can. I actually got the impression that he had no idea that there were other approaches to staking.

I honestly think the project has good potential, but I said fuck it and pulled out for now. I may flip back in once I am done riding shitcoins for a while.

>> No.28823198

He's been pretty responsive to questions maybe just misunderstood cause english isn't his first language or maybe his autism got to him lol. Tech is there use case is there and it's been lagging so expect a hard pump.

>> No.28823268

on it
will report back or make a new thread if i find anything substantial

>> No.28823333

Keep me posted very interested to see what company it is.

>> No.28823707

We all are. Sitting around in telegram trying to figure out what else they're cooking.

>> No.28823782

>3$ eom confirmed

>> No.28823980

I'm an autist. Digits?

>> No.28824087

>pepe meme
>shitcoin logo
congrats lads, instantly added Aleph to the filters

>> No.28824268

Solid criteria bruv.

>> No.28824315


>> No.28824338

id expect better from an autist. is this your first time on 4chan anon

>> No.28824492

its a proven success.
hows the track record for shilling trash on biz?

>> No.28824624 [DELETED] 

Pretty good in this market desu lol.

>> No.28824735 [DELETED] 

Pretty good in this market desu lol

>> No.28824860

Pretty good in this market lol.

>> No.28825427

Thanks, sold a thousand.

>> No.28825507

damn big money dumping bags over here

>> No.28825569

Here sparingly for when I must do my duty to shill my bags.

>> No.28825851

duplicated numbers in post ids are lucky, check em.

>> No.28826080

Gotchu. Cheers breh.

>> No.28826084

I noticed that private node last night.. Hoping it's the first of many non-crypto partnerships. This is freaking amazing!!

LINK announced strategic partnership after partnership before people knew they ment serious bussiness.

Looking to pick up some more ALEPH when my next pay check drops

>> No.28826240

Volume's been picking up the past few weeks- highest ever for it, so clearly eyes are on it after it broke out from 20c resistance.

>> No.28826297

try to pick up a 10k stack so you can stake for passive gains.

>> No.28826660


The way I see it, to ensure you get your staking rewards as a node operator is to accumulate 700k ALEPH.
200k node + 500k Community tokens which you will self stake. You'll become independent and don't need to worry youself with people selling everytime it pumps.

Currently costs $280k to pull that off.. All in, works out to around 35% APY, which is not bad.

Once this shit gets to $2+, you'll be looking at $1.4million buy in to get those returns.

Before this bull cycle runs or after ot cools down will be the two entry points. Anything im between is a fools errand