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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28813433 No.28813433 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28814028

Typically biz. Missing out another 100x

>> No.28814260

I dont know why it wont let me connect wallet. Is it because i a from USA ?

>> No.28814323

You mean ROT?
easy gains indeed

>> No.28814524


>> No.28814532

Maybe, use a VPN. Do you have the BSC network configured to your Metamask?

>> No.28814586

>hey guys we need a website for our shitcoin
>we could design one, or...
>yeah, you're right, let's just make a direct copy of pancakeswap but with GOOSE instead

>> No.28814664

You don't need a VPN when using the binance smart chain

Setup your Metamask wallet like this:

>> No.28814747

Just put in 9 BNB total (16 eggs 4.5 BNB) and I'm making around 1 BNB per day. The developer seems fucking awesome too.

>> No.28814757

Oh yeah let's call it SUSHI!

> Sushi makes a 100x
and you missed out

>> No.28814852

Bro they literally bought back 1/3 of $1mil in tokens... I've never seen that before and I've been in the game for a long time. Devs aren't fucking around.

>> No.28814978

Biz is dumb. I made threads about this two hours after it launched, no replies. I guess now that people have spent a few days farming with 5-figure APYs you've hired some pajeets to shill it so you can dump on biz. Well thanks for pumping my bags at least, I'll dump on biz along with you

>> No.28815102

Actually not the case, I'm deleting this thread.

>> No.28815244
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how do I buy in? new to crypto

>> No.28815301

Are you from the USA?

>> No.28815327


>> No.28815414
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yeah, nah.
May be worth it in the end but I'm not messing with that. Although I will say it'd probably make your transaction fee about the same as if you did farming on ETH, they should have made this a flat fee rather than percentage.

>> No.28815530

who's the dev?

>> No.28815705

buy BNB using CAD on Binance (Let's say 11 BNB for example)

install Metamask and follow this guide https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain

Send BNB from Binance to Metamask (be very careful)

go to https://exchange.goosedefi.com/#/ and put 5 BNB into EGG and leave your other 5 BNB

go to the liquidity tab and select "add liquidity" and purchase BNB/EGG LP tokens

Go to https://www.goosedefi.com/farms and add to the EGG-BNB LP farm

The remaining 1 BNB is for transaction fees

>> No.28815714

smart anon, how did you first come across goosefinance?

>> No.28815785

I have no clue but he deflates the fuck out of this thing and keeps the price stable with buybacks so he must be pretty keyed

>> No.28815863

im in usa how do i buy

>> No.28815878

a part of me feels like all these dex clones are ways for criminals to launder money desu :(

>> No.28815898

Check if you can buy BNB on BinanceUS and follow the same guide if it works out

>> No.28816018

probably are a lot of the time but like who fucking cares

>> No.28816033

what about impermanent loss? the volatility is off the charts

>> No.28816043
File: 995 KB, 1232x1518, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.26.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- TVL >24M on day 5 of the project! (it grew 10m over 30 hours)
- More farms are being added everyday
- Certik audit report expected to be out on 20/2
- Boxmining and Trevon James spoke about $EGG
- Insane unique burning program.
Total EGG Supply 180,665
Total EGG Burned 91,959

This thing is gonna moon so hard while y'all just sit and wait

Here is your clue ;) look at the tweet.


- CZ Binance is following this person on twitter.
- He bought Cake when it was 0.18 cents.
- He is calling out EGG as the 'BSC gem of 2021'

>> No.28816172

unironically twitter, scanning latest tweets with #bsc. the BSC bull is still heating up imo, it's like DeFi summer all over again

>> No.28816205

>sell drugs
>make millions
>create fake website to launder
>legally rugpull the project and pay taxes and live like a king
>100x profits???

>> No.28816275

Yes this is starting to feel like last August for Uniswap. I love it.

>> No.28816280

It's July 2020 on BSC DeFi

two more months to make a 100x

>> No.28816513

Which means the BSC mania will end in a fuckload of rugpull yield farming scams.

>> No.28816517

can you explain a bit on why you have me put some into EGG and then some into add liquidity desu plz

will the egg be in my metamask?

>> No.28816666

you can't swap one coin for another if that coin doesn't exist in the exchange marketplace. so, in order to create liquidity, users can stake their coins to help maintain the system. they get a pay out for helping. was this simple enough for you?

>> No.28816783

any time i see "farming" i stay the fuck away from that rugpull.

>> No.28816848 [DELETED] 

wow really?
they don't even try to hide it anymore

>> No.28816849

This is a complete scam. Anyone who buys this is an idiot.

>> No.28816949

Literally DO NOT. This is the only advice you will receive on this board.
Why would people shill a coin that has already had a 500% increase? Only explanation: So they can dump it.

>> No.28816990

If you are a newfag then I suggest you to yuy a few eggs and drop them into the staking contract


Don't rekt yourself with IL on this one because the impermanent loss will be gigantic as this thing is going to moon a 100x!

>> No.28817104

yes, appreciated

>> No.28817121

it is up 50% and has a limited supply and burn mechanism.

if you listen to this guy >>28816949
then you will miss out a clear 100x

Do your own research: https://goosefinance.medium.com/

>> No.28817133

shut up. the newfag only needs btc and eth and stay away from scams. btc and eth will 10x this year, anything else is a waste and too risky for normies who cant tell scam like this from legit projects.

>> No.28817263

This isn't a scam, it's not normie friendly though. So they should stay away I agree.

>> No.28817407

Crypto has totally turned into a kindergarten.

>> No.28817411

It's a low effort scam clone.

>> No.28817524
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, italians kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sushi releases
>sushi does a 10x
>sushi does a 50x
>sushi does a 100x

>> No.28818088

Fuck it, threw in my CAKE/BNB LP tokens

>> No.28818941
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lol good luck getting them back, sucker.