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28803340 No.28803340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s the point of “making it” if the world is turning to a shithole day by day. Water poisoned, vaccines, legally reducing your freedom with absurd laws including taxation, food is low quality, hyperinflation by the end of the year I can go on and on....

>> No.28803459

My idea of making it is becoming so independent that I don’t need the system at all. Financial independence is just a part of that. It crypto allows me to gain financial independence from any government then I can live wherever I want. I would leave the US and renounce my citizenship if I had to be free from the tyranny

>> No.28803515

literally nothing wrong with vaccines but the rest fine just deal with it don't worry about what you can't change

>> No.28803633

>I would leave the US and renounce my citizenship if I had to be free from the tyranny
How much crypto are you looking to acquire before renouncing

The main downside for me is that I'd not be able to do remote software eng for US companies as easily, assuming I had to

>> No.28803800

This too shall pass. Be poised for success when it does.

>> No.28803882

This. I plan on leaving forever if I can muster 2-3m with my crypto stack. Probably would go somewhere cheap, where I can build a compound and farm.

>> No.28804011

Just move out of Burgerland?

>> No.28804061

The right side of this picture is the future liberals want, is that what you really want OP?

>> No.28804250

Thought all the faggot redditors left already

>> No.28804427

Right side is Eastern Europe and left side is freedomland, why do we have to make this political?

>> No.28804731
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There are two options anon. You can make it to get away from the hell anon. Get as far away from these monsters as possible. Get to as virgin of land as possible, and live as self sufficiently as possible. Maybe musk will get his rocket business really going and interplanetary travel will allow us to create new mini paradises across the Sol system.
Just know that even at the bottom of the Marianas Trench there are coke bottles and human filth. And seemingly every fish in the ocean and rivers is tainted by human pollution. If we do not attain space travel, eventually the hell will encroach upon your land and you will be forced to act, but at that point it will be too late.
Alternatively you can use your gains to destroy the system that destroys our world and poisons the minds of our youth.

>> No.28805137
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that is WHY you need to make it. when lifes good it doesnt really matter if you "make it"
you think people in the 50s had to worry about that shit? you could graduate highschool and then go into a job that would pay enough for you to buy a home and provide for a wife and kids. you didnt need to autistically chase max gains
the fact that shit sucks now and is going to get infinitely worse is why its so important to make it. so that you and your loved ones dont have to experience the ever growing misery of a collapsing empire

>> No.28805394
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Live in a rural area or off the grid. Once you are FI you can live like a king and not give a fuck whats happening anywhere else.

>> No.28805882

No matter the state of the world you gotta be successful

>> No.28806028

Lol I wish.

Is this what racist mutts really believe?

t. Eastern European

>> No.28806153

Problem is that you will end up being very alone.... probably should get a dog or something, no chance your normie friends will follow you, they will view you as a schizo cave man psycho and will rather adapt to the new normality, so that they can go out and consoom with their mobile co2 gas chambers aka “masks” on, it’s just a mask bro, duhh wear it

>> No.28806214

>Live in a rural area or off the grid. Once you are FI you can live like a king and not give a fuck whats happening anywhere else.
I'm just moving to vietnam, where I can live around non-retarded people with urban amenities (for a while).

I could see going full blown rural eventually though

>> No.28806419

>serval cat running loose on right side

what did they mean by this? is globohomo nwo suppressing our access to exotic felines?

>> No.28806455

I don't get why you autists want to be farmers so much

>> No.28806568

>he doesn't already have a family and a group of likeminded friends
There are more real people out there than you think.

>> No.28806647


No. No it won't. In 10 years you'll look back on 2020 and miss how much freedom you had

>> No.28806649
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My world is better than yours. All the credits to aave dev team, but still is better. You should cope

>> No.28806670

You don't haver to renounce, just move

>> No.28806698

>I don't get why you autists want to be farmers so much
Lotta people in the tech industry (perhaps some overlap with biz) want to ditch their smartphone and do outdoor things once they FIRE

They shun technology and what it has done to us to the point where they'd rather do subsistence farming (with a few milli in the bank)

>> No.28806753

Like every immigrant from third world country says. To get away from the shithole.

The US becomes a third world country, so you get a good job, save money and find a place in Greenland to live a better life. Countries aren't immmune to cycles, and the US is in the decline. Even China has some great properties and cheap living expenses for expats. When you make it you can live a much better life there, maybe they'll have an expat bar can frequent to have fast food and bbq.

>> No.28806765

>You don't haver to renounce, just move
Is the full recommendation to move, not pay (or just never sell), and never come back?

>> No.28806773

you really need to go back

>> No.28806845



>> No.28807385

Good answer. Can't really argue with that.

Wouldn't it be more rewarding to spend your life trying to improve society somehow? While still enjoying your financial freedom of course.

>> No.28807756

>Wouldn't it be more rewarding to spend your life trying to improve society somehow? While still enjoying your financial freedom of course.
Depends on whether you believe you can swing the needle or are just going down with the ship I suppose.

I intend to write and produce content similar to what Aaron Clarey is doing on youtube, but I'm not going to live in the US and I honestly think it's terminal

>> No.28807946

It's too late to escape by plane. Don't take the vaccine if you want to live.

>> No.28808036

Don't know who that is, but sounds good.

May I ask why you are so pesimmistic about out future?

Most statistics show humanity is progressing dramaticaly

>> No.28808307

>May I ask why you are so pesimmistic about out future?
I look around at my millenial peers and most are broke or software engineers at age THIRTY.

These are not productive people. Who will be paying for millenial retirement? Our tax rate is already averaging like 40%, necessarily, as gov't is 40% of GDP. To keep pace with our debts, we actually need to triple productivity, not raise a bunch of psychology majors not even willing to get a graduate degree.

Then we have young people being indoctrinated to hate whites, hate males, and doubly hate those in both categories.

Single motherhood off the fucking charts, etc. Asia is a dominant culture for living at this point

>> No.28808516

There has always been something to complain about. Those problems don't seem that bad.

How do you think people felt in the 1930s after the shit they went through. And after that in the 1940s?

>> No.28808804

The great depression produced quality individuals, like the kind I find in Vietnam or in the children of Bulgarian immigrants. Now, I'm sandwiched between spoiled suburbanite retards and the welfare class.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else to leave. Those that wish to stay and pay 40% tax (and rising) for single motherhood to create another depression are absolutely welcome

>> No.28809034

Nothing to worry about then. The crisis that you believe is coming will just produce more quality individuals and we'll be back to normal

>> No.28809094

>The crisis that you believe is coming will just produce more quality individuals and we'll be back to normal
Not going to waste the rest of my 20s and 30s living through that.

>> No.28809326

Fair point. Good luck to you

>> No.28810056

Bro so true, I’m a Bulgarian immigrant too and went straight to Uni after school to get a phd in civil engineering so i can improve something in this world, but it is so frustrating to watch the direction the western civilisation is going. you wouldn’t believe the water results we get in our labs and the amount of co2 produced for the production of concrete, and don’t get me started on politics.

>> No.28810072


You take solace in knowing that you did what you could and out yourself in front of opportunities.

The ultimate goal for me is to build enough independence to where I can begin speaking the truth. I would also need enough wealth to reach a point where my words have weight. I already have this among my immediate social group and we have done well together.

>> No.28810405
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>Most statistics show humanity is progressing dramaticaly
in what field? longevity? sure, since germ theory. not much since.
quality of life? plummeted over the last decades.
wealth? plummeted. asset inflation + wage deflation is pricing people out of owning property at this point.
social cohesion? fucking nonexistent. decades of mass immigration of anyone and everyone has dumbed down the nation and splintered it into various ethnic groups with no shared vision or history and has given us the corruption of 3rd world nations
what has progressed besides the size of your TV?

>> No.28810468

Identify what is turning it to shit and remove it

>> No.28810555



Theres plenty where this came from

>> No.28810790


Most of them try, most of them get burned. You quickly learn that most people can't be helped. When I bought my house in 2010 the goal was to operate it as cheaply as possible and help my friends build up a down payment so they could also get a home while prices were low. Rent and utilities was $400 in a market that charged $800 just for rent. My girlfriend now wife would cook dinners and pack lunches for an extra $60/month. Every single one of them failed to save, reduced their work hours and then got laid off. They didn't take the down economy seriously enough. Most of them grew up and have turned things around after seeing my constant success, but it's too late to get a house in this market now.

It's even worse when you are trying to help total strangers. They are in the situations they are for a reason, and have no attachment to you or your message.

>> No.28811187
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>Right side is Eastern Europe

>> No.28812113

Tbh seems more like /pol/ teir

>> No.28812167

Because if you make it you don’t have to play the game anymore

>> No.28812324

Eastern Europe kind of sucks dude.
At some point it will probably be less shitty than America seeing as we are circling the drain, but if you go to Russia or Ukraine and drive an hour outside of Moscow or Kiev you will see true economic despair

>> No.28812439

line go up means thing more gooder

>> No.28812618


My list is very short. I am grateful that online games have more longevity. There was a time when the term "dead game" actually meant something. Unreal Tournament 2004 has more active players now than it did in 2006.

The juice has been reduced for sports betting. Betting options have expanded. Access to financial markets has expanded.

Live poker and tcg tournament attendance is up. The cost of competitive magic is down, and so is pokemon on average. (You used to be able to build $20-30 metaslayer decks for pokemon, but the meta cost $200-300 which is 300-450 today). Arcade sticks with arcade parts exist and are affordable. Energy drink prices are down, cola is flat.

That's just about the entire list for me. Technological advancement outright destroyed the laser tag arena I went to as a kid. The new lasers are so high powered that they bounce off surfaces. You can fire from the ground floor at a 25 degree angle and the beam refracts off the floor and scatters, tagging anyone standing in the floor. You can literally tag people by shooting the floor they are standing on from the bottom floor.

I bring up these minor inconsequential things just to highlight that nothing has been spared. Many things have become so automated/improved that we aren't even active participants in our life anymore.

>> No.28812712

the world isn't turning to shithole
it's improving as old people die
crypto is another proof of that

>> No.28812900

You have to renounce unless you plan to move off grid in a non-extradition treaty country.

>> No.28813007

>They are in the situations they are for a reason, and have no attachment to you or your message.
lol this is just about exactly what I told my therapist this past week. When I was 18, my goal was to study economics at UChicago and reduce socioeconomic inequality (and not through some faggot shit like affirmative action); I wanted to level people up.

I did end up attending but majored in CS and now I'm in my late 20s and see that most people are getting precisely what they deserve. I was naive and thought that adults would be trying to make something out of their lives through relatively simple behaviors, but that's just not the case

>> No.28813178

Wow this was depressing to read

vidya, sportbetting, trading cards, and sugary drinks.

>> No.28813182


The fact that crypto is big shows you how far we have fallen. Many people would rather exchange arbitrary numbers with each other than use fiat currency or even precious metals.

>> No.28813253

>progress is life expectancy, health, sustenance, prosperity, peace, freedom, safety, knowledge, leisure, and happiness
Lives are artificially lengthened strictly to squeeze money from the insurance of the elderly. I worked in nursing homes for many years, and 80% of the individuals being kept alive by modern medicine did not even know where they were, and could not impart knowledge beyond their name. The majority of health problems that humans suffer today are the result of humans tampering with nature to produce abominations, and selling their creations to other unwitting humans such as high fructose corn syrup, pesticides, Tobacco products, etc. The healthcare system makes money off of treating the ailments that we ourselves caused, instead of eliminating the cause. People are sustained by GMOs and literal sugar trash. They live off of the lowest quality food available, and I use the term food lightly. People have more useless mass produced junk than they have ever had in history, this is somehow progress. Peace has improved only in the sense that wars between countries have decreased. Racial tensions have been manufactured and are now at all time highs in the United States and Europe. Freedoms and safety go hand in hand, as freedoms are widdled away in the name of 'safety' every single day. Knowledge; Sure, more people can read than ever before. What good is reading when all that is read is advertisements? The masses having knowledge is nothing more than a vehicle to impart 'goods' on them for wealth. Leisure time is dwindling every year, and when it is available most people use it to further the system they live in. In this system there is no happiness, only the manufactured illusion of happiness. They have defined happiness for you, and make it something you must work through the system to obtain.
Nah. Fuck 'progress'.

>> No.28813279
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>quotes the words of a suspected pedophile and Epstein associate to prove his point.....

Anon.....go BACK!

>> No.28813355

I would rather use precious metals but they are heavy anon. Might just use this thing youngsters call blockchain, heh.

>> No.28813462

Glad you took the time to watch the 18min and confirm that it's just about what I expected. Relatively "safer", but less free, lives extended for the sake of stats. I'd rather live 45 years as an extremely free man than 85 as some wagecuck

>> No.28813553
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Umm, no sweaty that's illegal/immoral

>> No.28813653

There is no good or bad but thinking makes it so

>> No.28813682

Because with enough money you can rise above the tide of shit bubbling towards you right now. With enough money you could move into a neighborhood with your values, get your kids privately tutored by someone you trust, and even avoid taxes on things like your guns. With enough money you can fortify yourself against (((them)))...not completely, but you could make it so you're not as vulnerable as 99.9999% of people.

>> No.28813787


Yeah, you're telling me.

When I read my list back it might look like I am pulling from a narrow set of personal experiences, but the reality is that everything else has gotten worse and more expensive. Growing up in high school people talked non-stop about concerts they were attending or looking forward to. I won some Aerosmith tickets from the radio and got $40 each. The same tickets today cost $200+. Warped tour tickets were $20, today you can't get any single concert ticket for less than $80.

Everything has gotten much much worse. The CPI doesn't reflect this because it is preoccupied with staple goods. GDP appears to outpace inflation, but the inflation stat is a lie.

>> No.28813888
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>steven pinker

>> No.28813948

lol that's you're biggest problem faggot, you shoot yourself in the foot in fear that some SJW boogeyman is going to stop you from changing things to what you think is right. You are afraid

>> No.28814269

1st step is stopping being a wageslave, then i will figure it out

>> No.28814487
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when the civil war happens, i'll finally be able to kill every nigger i see and know i did good helping to save america.

>> No.28814658

What's wrong with Steven Pinker?

Nice get btw

>> No.28814826
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We tried. The first thing my government did unanimously when the forced lockdowns were causing family-owned small businesses to shut down forever and people were losing their jobs was to get more H1b visas out to Indian tech workers. Then we lost an election against a dementia guy who thought black trannies being killed in the ghetto by niggerfaggots was more important than confronting China about the origin of the pandemic. American "people" don't want to change anything that matters. They want more despair, more obesity, more zog wars, they want to eat ze bugs.

>> No.28814979


>> No.28815142

kikes first anon

>> No.28815166


It is absolutely staggering how difficult it is to get people to do anything to better their situation. Even if they are friends, even if you shield them from risk, even if you guarantee profit.

Sometimes magic promos are so valuable that they pay for the whole entry fee. I can't even get people to come play magic if I pay the entry fees in exchange for the promo. I struggle to get magic players to play magic for profit if it means deviating from their routine.

It's just the way things are, and it's why I have no desire to better the world with what I have saved and learned.

>> No.28815666

The point of making it is so that you can live wherever you want, even be able to move and avoid those issues to a degree
If you don't want to make it, you want less control over your life then

>> No.28815692

This. The more wealth you have the less you are impacted by all this bullshit.

>> No.28816180
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I used to believe all people had some good in them, then after 10 years of retail, I learned that no, alot of people really just are soulless greedy demons who would steal the air out of your lungs and kill you while looking in your eyes for even the slightest benefit if they knew they wouldn't be punished. Growing up in school we are taught to care about each other and work together, but as adults most don't want to do that, even if it would benefit themselves, just because they want to act so hard like they're above that.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" is fitting for humans too. In the end they have to want to improve themselves, and you have to make sure you're out of harms way when they do decide to jerk into motion, lest they blame every small hiccup on you.

>> No.28816258

>leave the US
>be free from the tyranny

>> No.28816261

That’s why I’m making it, you can’t do shit with no money.

>> No.28816610


I think you are giving people too much credit. None of them are ambitious enough to fuck someone over so hard for such a minor benefit to themselves. They would be richer if they were there ambitious.

Newton's first law is more applicable in my experience. An object in at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion.

The more we automate our lives and rely on the algorithm the more force it takes to get an object out of rest.

>> No.28816777


IIRC renouncing citizenship will cost you around $10k out of pocket. Once my LINK stack reaches my made it mark, I'm booking a one-way ticket to South America and fast tracking my way to citizenship. My goal is to be able to retire and spend my days working out in a state of the art home gym, spending time with the dogs, and mogmaxxing and whoremaxxing my way through South and Latin America.

>> No.28818072
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It's all just a trick to cow the natural normie proclivities so they stay in line while the psychopaths can harvest them.

>> No.28818100

Nice trips but why move to South America. Usa already full of dumb brown beaners. Don’t even have to get in a plane

>> No.28818323


You can't blame them. We don't have any choice in life. You have no choice to be born, to be fed powders instead of proper food from a baby, to grow up on a diet of wheat and sugar and 'meat'. If you're unlucky enough to be an American and act out after being pumped full of hfcs and sugar you get thrown on Ritalin, your body becomes weak from not enough physical activity and you become easily injured to which the cure is to pump you full of opiates. Humans have become so fucked that people rather turn on a light then open a curtain for light. Then they spend their money on a 700 dollar washing machine made by slaves in China only for it to break at 13 months a month out of warranty, they are sugar crashing and then Mr wagie you cops the shit. Breaking this cycle is near impossible because there is literally everything trying to stop you. I have empathy but it is a waste of energy to help those unless they want to be helped

>> No.28818328

The first problem is that people do not want a better world. They think this attitude is edgy and love to complain. Often they call it "based" here.

>> No.28818785
