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28797534 No.28797534 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong ?

>> No.28797676

faggot stop it and seek help

>> No.28798065

I am not a holder of this coin don't worry

>> No.28798277

have fun staying poor, ranjeet.

>> No.28798317

so you're a cuck then?

>> No.28798413

>went wrong
>they haven't even released staking
>Out for less than a week
you reek of the ganges

>> No.28798434

no I don't like a coin with no product and a shitty website

>> No.28798488

Imagine not holding ID
you'd have to be a big glue eater with a small cock to do that

>> No.28799174

It’s actually really funny to me how 4chan has latched onto Everest, because I was friends with Bob Reid back in college. We used to go out to Mexican restaurants together, where we’d watch all the people. This is when I think Bob first got the idea for tracking other people. He’d watch the Mexicans intently whilst slowly eating his burrito. Bob would say things like how all he wanted, was to receive a burrito just for showing his face. I would say “that’s funny, Bob”, and it was.

>> No.28799190


>> No.28799253

>working main net this week
>working wallet this week
>FTX listing this or next week
>already almost 5k holders

this shit will be in top20 by summer

>> No.28799312

>sees no adoption
>all the way down to 0.01

>> No.28799491

That’s funny. I saw Bob at a grocery store once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.28799574
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Isn't this coin only like 7 days old? Honestly, when did it launch?

>> No.28799650

and you spend your precious time going around worrying about my welfare?

thats so nice of you man, maybe you should let me use your girlfriend a bit too? that would be nice

>> No.28799667

i bought the top again didn't i

>> No.28799990

like 5 days ago

>> No.28800133

it might have a dip till 80c for a few min but it will be buy back in seconds like it was before few times

>> No.28800429

yeah, launched last week with an ICO
project seems very legit and has ties to ID2020 and other microsoft/rockefeller projects
it uses mojaloop.


its tests have been documented for the past 3 years or more on third worlders.

ex president of estonia is and advisor for it, he also works for world bank, was also part of Radio Liberty (CIA anti commie psyop for europoors)

idk why they are having such issues with their site and launching their website. price seems to be manipulated heavily too. as soon as it dips down GIANT purchases are made

>> No.28800540


Everest is going to be top 20 coin june, top 10 by EOTY

>> No.28800626


>> No.28800710

yes, but i literally shared all the info about why I have bags

>> No.28800792

this isnt RBC or ASKO my nigga

>> No.28800922

except it is too good to fail
This is the decentralized banking crypto that makes sergey nazarov look like a bitch. buy now, you'd won't regret

>> No.28801071

I bet 10k they wont deliver SHIT this week.
Thats why I sold alrdy

>> No.28801838
File: 69 KB, 1638x529, everest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See that second peak? The highest point? Yep, that's Mount Everest.

And it will never go higher than that.

>> No.28801940


>> No.28802110

op you need to step your fud game up if you actually want retards to panic sell, these kind of posts probably make more people buy if anything

>> No.28802281

lmao cant believe there's still no coordinated fud around this, watch out, it's gonna be HUGE. Bagholder parody threads are great tho keep em coming

>> No.28802284

Idk it seems like it is working, it can't even break $1

>> No.28802298
File: 130 KB, 888x486, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 21.30.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok d0rg is back full time on board. I think it is a time to buy back

>> No.28802426


(1) Text provider doing maintentce in Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Syria right now.
(2) The web app was not optimized for mobile web, if this is your only internet device, please await the Mobile App launch, or use a PC Browser.
(3) If you have completed the process but not provided your BitCointTalk User Name and Proof of Address, please email those to contact@everest.org
We are working to get through all support requests, thank you.

>> No.28802450

>that spike on Feb 14

What happened there anyway?

>> No.28802559

Front runner bot sniffed some retard who put his slippage to 100 percent on a 3 eth buy

>> No.28802575


>> No.28803328

kek wrong thread retard bot

>> No.28803456
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>> No.28803711

>Doesn't hold the token
>Spams fud threads
>Knows every little detail of the token
>Knows the price of the token
>Claims that we're bagholders despite us all being 2-3x in profit
Seethe, moron

>> No.28803864

Best way to purchase?

>> No.28803993


>> No.28804056

staking is this thursday

>> No.28804093

thank you

>> No.28804107

>Claims that we're bagholders despite us all being 2-3x in profit

Some people HAVE to be down a good amount now though.

>> No.28804245

"seed investor" is dumping on you retards even though the tplen were supposed to be locked for 6 months

>> No.28804266

All you need to do is take a look st the website. Thats what went wrong, its a fucking shitty ass wallet app.

>> No.28804326

Uniswap but I'd wait, bet on the price dropping to at least .85, look at the chart

>> No.28804360

Now this is the first legitimate FUD I have seen about Everest ID. Good job!

>> No.28804510

It is going to zero tokens are getting dumped onto the market by "seed investors" right now

>> No.28804808

some people are down a good amount of every coin in existence

>> No.28804866

how did he purchase these 500 days ago?

>> No.28804869

whats the explanation for this

>> No.28804981

It was seed investor, he had his coins locked for a long time. But this is the only seed investor wallet that is dumping the coins now

>> No.28805006

oh shit lmao

is it really going down to 0

>> No.28805153
File: 63 KB, 1248x704, seedinvestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything inside of the black box was before/during the ICO, the other 3 transactions are smaller transactions to wallets which are still holding. They haven't dumped anything onto the market

>> No.28805293

you can clearly see this address dumping on dextools

>> No.28805381

Oh shit you don't mean this address, you mean 0x987 what the fuck

>> No.28805446

no, fuders want to claim the dip of a young coin that is still in the green as "dead scam coin"
Pajeet doesn't want to be priced out

>> No.28805460


>> No.28805743

Well I couldn't transfer it out if I wanted to. So lets see

>> No.28805744

Listen boys, the investor isn't dumping, he's trickling 10k at a time
FUDjeet just wants to scare you so he isn't priced out
Everything is fine, don't belive the low tier FUD

>> No.28805763

scam cash grab

>> No.28805859

he probably just wanted to recoup a little investment and the Kumars went "TIME TO FUD SO I'M NOT LOCKED OUT." Tell Fudders and Ranjeets to fuckoff back to the Ganges

>> No.28805989

Holy fuck im getting scared, st first i was just keking at the fud. Ill dump half to protect initial

>> No.28806021

a lot of big buys happening at these prices, might be coordinated to get cheapies. Don't panic boys

>> No.28806072

After monitoring the general sentiment of this thread I will be market selling 10k ID.

>> No.28806078

Its heavily backed but so was ripple
The usecase of the ID token requires it be worth pennies - not its current price which would mean a transfer fee is 6% of their monthly wage.

I loved the rabbit hole and was up most of the night reading but the reality is that its for third worlders as a replacement for physical money transfer agents.

Amazon pay and paypal both gave up trying to edge in on this because its not worth it. You need actual liquidity confirmation on the ground in mega mega poor areas like next to dumps where they all scrounge for metals. These guys arent going to go to a bank to then pay a transfer to ID2020 to then pay a transfer to another person who then needs to go to a bank anyway. ID2020 is an extra convoluted step.

Peasants are better off doing cash in hand transfers at a local broker.

interesting to follow these projects though, I do think Hashgraph is going to make some people very rich at 0.2. The wallets are crazy - maybe they'll swing into this after

>> No.28806202

The Token does not affect service fees. Watch any of the Q&As.

>> No.28806385
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aaaaaaand its over...

>> No.28806458

Watch the buys roll in now

Told you guys it was coordinated, just like last week

>> No.28806460

>The Token does not affect service fees

whitepaper says the token is used for sending payment, receipts and then organization access

If the token is not used for service fees then it has zero value - only the speculative one being given to it

>> No.28806470
File: 164 KB, 1363x789, Capture+_2021-02-15-22-22-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud crybabies

>> No.28806486

it's recovering fast. the dumping dev is concerning but i'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt when i consider how fast it recovered yesterday and just now

>> No.28806627

WHAT THE FUCK is going on with this shit guys, its going back to 1 dollar again

>> No.28806663

>he says during a pump
Also, it says team, consultants and advisors wallets are locked for 6 months. Nothing about investors. So there are ~10 million tokens in limbo. 5% of the current circulation, 2.5% of total. Even if the early investors dumped everything (they wont) it would just dilute the coins among wallets. I would just buy in if the price drops substantially.

>> No.28806764

Based bob actually responding, smart man
It's a good project and anything under a dollar is a steal

>> No.28806771

thankful as fuck my uniswap panic sell didn't go through at .8 lmao

>> No.28806819

Yeah its crazy how that red candles are eate

>> No.28806830

Fudjeet got to you?

>> No.28806879

Ah yes the old 6 minute long dip
Anyone else want to sell your bags to the hungry sharks?

>> No.28806893

god damn anon. you may do well not keeping any eth on that shit. It has saved me a couple of times. Also don't buy into a project you're not willing to take to 0

>> No.28806984

they are having difficulties with their wallet alpha then an investor started dumping who had been holding coins for the past 2 years

>> No.28807104
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>> No.28807108

wallet came out today and the investor isn't dumping, he is trickling like 10k at a time to get some easy money

>> No.28807157

"holding coins for the past two years" doesn't quite have the same impact when it's only been on market for five days

>> No.28807300

So I think I just got banned from the telegram? In one post lmao

>> No.28807401
File: 53 KB, 200x200, robertoreidriguez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my profile pic so thats probably why lmao. Is there a way to make a new account

>> No.28807638

go to everestlink.org/about/ and look at partners tard

>> No.28807690

it was a coordinated FUD by a discord group, happens all the time, newfags fall for it...all the time

>> No.28807750


homebody just turned it into tether, hopefully done dumping for now. he saw what his actions did to the value lmao

>> No.28807775

So how we explain lack of marketing and close to none media exposure at all?

>> No.28807937
File: 85 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-02-15 22-42-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your site first streetshitters, then come here to scam.

>> No.28808011

>no exposure
>president of Estonia talked about them
>Aave gave them a shoutout
>FTX gave them a shout, it's likely to list on their soon
>Hour long interview with Kyber Network, listed on there


>> No.28808405

yeah, what just happened though was very concerning

>> No.28808553
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>> No.28809228

Yeah, sell your coins now before they go even lower you fucking retard

>> No.28809556
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>> No.28809641

how? people panic selling due to coordinated FUD is concerning? I really don't get it

>> No.28809881

> seed investors not having any vested time is not concerning
Bob lied. what else did he lie about hmmmm???

>> No.28809984

Yeah but he got those tokens in 2018

>> No.28810161

Time to fill the bags

>> No.28810530

Gas so expensive right now its not even worth buying this dip for a poorfag like me