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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28787720 No.28787720 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a buy biz? Why/why not?

>> No.28787951

need guidance before it pumps. Buy or no buy?

>> No.28788067


>> No.28788247


>> No.28788842

I thought this was a pajeet project. Then I learned it's the underlying platform for INJ. And then I learned the entire Binance smartchain runs on COSMOS, lol.

How did we miss this /biz/.

>> No.28789038

What the fuck. BSC runs on it? Lol. Why the fuck is this still not top 10 then

>> No.28789966
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I panic sold last night at $16 so that I'd break even. Wake up to $20-21. Will I ever make it?

>> No.28790293


they don't have a paid pump team like xrp, ada, dot, etc. it's just a legit crypto. idk if it will pump because it's not a meme. it's more like a low level infrastructure. you can stake for 10% though

>> No.28790361

The Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) doesn't run on Cosmos, its an Ethereum fork.
The Binance Chain (BEP2) runs on Cosmos.

>> No.28790506

Decide for yourself: https://stargate.cosmos.network/

>> No.28790515
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No one ever replied to my ATOM threads when it was $5

>> No.28790617

sexy website. that alone will convince my smooth brain to go all in

>> No.28790729

bought in at 8 dollars
this is a long term hodl
cosmos is the internet of blockchain and will be worth far more once it is realized
because a lot of posters here were busy chasing shitcoins and pumps
we tried to warn /biz/

>> No.28790984

Buy it could easily reach $100 EOY

>> No.28791342

Bought in at 12$ as soon as I learned about it. Not sure how it slipped under my radar, but I think anything under 20$ was a steal.

>> No.28791455

It won't pump, it's just going to keep doing its thing and grow. The pajeets can't shill it because they can't even buy in.

>> No.28791531

Is it too late to buy in? Starlink won't pump it?

>> No.28791601
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ATOM compared to ALGO

>> No.28791656

Star Gate goes live on the 18th.

>> No.28791752

Both good, ATOM has higher staking rewards

>> No.28791797

Looks like cosmos is stealing the momentum away from AVAX

>> No.28791814

It's not too late, just don't buy expecting to hit a quick 10x.

>> No.28791894

Went all in at $9. Biz didnt reply to my cosmos rhreads. feels good being right.

>> No.28791999


>> No.28792233

Went in good at $13.00, still feeling like dumping half of my QNT and putting in ATOM as well.

>> No.28792995

same bro. im getting some good feels from this

>> No.28793121

Atom to $750 eoy