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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28769509 No.28769509 [Reply] [Original]

>everything in the red
>my stack is +10%
i cant believe there are retards here who did not buy below 1$

>> No.28769536

>sold 2$
>rebought at 1.83$
im based

>> No.28769542

i'm all in PROS
i dont care of your +10%

>> No.28769570

nice swing but you better not do that shit ever again

>> No.28769608

go shill shitcoins in discord tranny
youre playing with fire grtbro

>> No.28769631
File: 26 KB, 372x600, squirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's using the market dip to scoop up the trendy coin. Eat up that market supply.

>> No.28769646
File: 71 KB, 554x400, dabbingpepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I see you've managed to bypass my filter. As much I would like to roast you and make you seethe, It's 4 AM here and I need to go to bed soon. Feel free to check this thread from earlier tonight where I absolutely BTFO'd you delusional bagholders >>28759439
make sure to read through all my posts and screenshots so you know exactly how big of a brain your dealing with here. Enjoy your bags, have a good night, and suck my peen

>> No.28769665
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1609532723941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that if that wasn't an unpleasant little episode, wasn't it my fellow Graphchads? However I knew we'd all be fine, the fundamentals of this token dictate it of course! Still, it's good to be reminded of the precariousness of these ventures from time to time. It will make our graduation from, oh... what did they call it again... Ah yes, "work", that much sweeter!

Cheers to you all and cheers to the Graph!

>> No.28770133

>That huge green dildo
3.00 EOD

>> No.28770360

I threw another ETH at it 2.33

My average buy price was ~.90

>> No.28770694
File: 96 KB, 510x686, grtsimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love The Graph