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2876187 No.2876187 [Reply] [Original]

Safe space thread for Bancor holders. Here we discuss price predictions and help each other pick lambo colors. Also general questions about Bancor are welcome. Share your best Bancor memes for a chance to win a couple free bancs.

Nobancs please stay out of here, let us have a FUD-free discussion for once.

>> No.2876272
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$10 by eoy. I believe next year is where it will grow massively, assuming everything works as planned.

>> No.2876299
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Please predict anon - how many Bancor I need to retire in 3+ year?

>> No.2876313

Pathetic. Bancor makes no sense at all. It is a complete bullshit scam

>> No.2876339
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>Nobancs please stay out of here, let us have a FUD-free discussion for once.

>> No.2876353

>muh price floor

>> No.2876360

What is Bangor and why are you jews loving it?

>> No.2876368

Ok tell me why im wrong. Id really like to hear a cogent explanation of what the point of bancor is.

>> No.2876379

Okay, look at the bancor code.
It is a fucking scam.

>> No.2876400
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You can do your own research. This is the one thread for BancBros to have a quality discussion without /pol/ raiding it.

This coin will literally be seeing ETH level gains and you all know it. You've had a lot of time to accumulate but it's running out fast.

>> No.2876512

If it's still around and enabling mass adoption...1k maybe.

>> No.2876651
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Offices coming in Zug, Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, Tel Aviv-- what shitcoin is putting in that much effort? So excited for the future of this coin. I've got a comfy but modest chunk, with a little cash tucked away to buy more. Should I wait until this weekend? Longer? When do you think the best time to grow my stack is, anon?

>> No.2876668

>Offices coming in Zug, Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, Tel Aviv

>> No.2876685

I have 1.73% of my portfolio in Bancor, with a perma-resting sell at .02 ETH. In order to get there, the CRR of the token changer *has* to be reduced from 10% to ~1%; the Bancor team has said that their CRR was too high/conservative and that it has anchored the price in place.

>> No.2876701

Also, /pol/ hates Bancor because jews.
/biz/ hates Bancor because it is literally the slowest moving token, and everyone has ADHD and chases shitcoins to get rich quick.

>> No.2876727
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>> No.2876732
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>> No.2876761

Guy Benartzi (co-founder) update/roadmap in Telegram. I believe it's still pinned.

>> No.2876780


just look at the things that are about to cum into the nobancs faces

>> No.2876782
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Here we go

>> No.2876796

I am actually doing my best to forget about Bancor as much as possible, though I hold a considerable amount.

I've done my research, I have some reservations about what it might do to the broader crypto economy, and of course I feel at least mild disgust about our super fun hacker money being available to the general public, but...

On a practical note, it's patently obvious that this is 'it'. This is the longtail, this is the endgame, this is l i t e r a l l y jewish financial tricks finally getting involved in crypto, and they know exactly how to do it.

When 100 BNT is worth $100k, it will be very hard to hold. I want to hold through that and beyond. So I plan to forget about my stash for at least 5 years. Hopefully 10.

Retirement sounds great, and it will be great, but RICH retirement is what you should be thinking about.

Will probably sell off once 25% of my stash is worth $1M USD and then watch the rest go up forever after.

>> No.2876797
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I might get the whole rainbow in my lambo garage.
Rate my portfolio guys.
Did I diversify well?

>> No.2876821

I should have dumped all my bags for more banc. I could have as much as you. You will literally be a millionaire within two years.

>> No.2876840

thats the gameplan.
Also using the early icos using BNT as reserve to stack up some more BNT.

>> No.2876850

Why need bancor when there comes a better version out soon.

>> No.2876851
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>> No.2876856
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>> No.2876896
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>> No.2876926


99% sure this is trolling. But god do I hope bancor hits $20 and you're for real, and the gloating you will do to /biz/

>> No.2876953


>> No.2876956


Your investors are screwed

>> No.2876962

I am not trolling.
I analyzed the potential for bancor and came to the conclusion that other shitcoins cant compete.

>> No.2876979


>> No.2876995

read the link. If you're a US citizen you now are legally obligated to report bnt on your taxes

>> No.2877075

I thought this was already priced in as obvious news.

>> No.2877127

iDGAS edition

>> No.2877960


>> No.2877970

DCORP hold 1.75% of their reserves in bancor

>> No.2877978

>Please buy our bags, the thread

>> No.2877999
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Bancor got 153m usd, almost 400K eth in ICO. This is now valued 77m. This valuation is because 80% of the excess 150K eth of the 250k hidden cap, 120K eth has been spent on buying back BNT. This ceiling was supposed to have a duration of 2 years and it lasted 1.5 month. Now without that ceiling all of you bancucks better pray.... Happy lambos

>> No.2878103

god tier. i'm all in as well my man, only 1070 or something though

>> No.2878173


How in the fuck do you have almost 7000 BNT? I am so jealous anon I can literally only afford 120 and it's my entire portfolio. I wanted to invest in something with structure. Hopefully 120 and I can at least double my investment. In it for the long term.

>> No.2878191

Hello everyone.
Non goy here!!


NO FUD please it will hurt my feelings. I told mommy that I will be driving a lambo soon! She gave me extra chicken nuggets in my spaghetti .

I want to buy some more good boy points. Can someone please send me a link to the price floor, I cant find it. But I am sure it is still here somewhere. My jew overlords would never do anything greedy!

>> No.2878224

by selling my other shitcoins and putting everything into BNT and no I wait 2 years for the lambo paradise.

>> No.2878242


I'm optimistic about Bancor too. Because of their connections and ability to follow laws. I just wish I had more than 120. It seems so little. I'll never make it :( and I really trust in bnt. I sold my other coins for it. Best of luck friend. Report back in a few years

>> No.2878249

Hello mah friend.
nobanc here!!


NO ARGUMENTS please it will hurt my feelings. I told mommy that I will stop browsing /pol/ in summer! She gave me my prescription drugs and only let daddy hit me twice today.

I want to become as great as all the other naysayers. Can someone please send me a link to the nazi with special needs summercamp, I cant find it. But I am sure some nobanc got it bookmarked. My fuhrer would never kill me untermensch!

>> No.2878253

>eth level gains
ETH is down 100% in the last 2 month and this is not even the bottom LOL

>> No.2878300

just try to accumulate some more.
we all gonna make it.

>> No.2878317

lol, but seriously what happened to your price floor?

And do you enjoy watching your money go down the drain? You are guaranteed to have lost money due to the current price.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 15k will be worth nothing soon.

>> No.2878343
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Me and a lot of others accumulated more bnt with the pricefloor. made a good 1k BNT out of it via safe arbitraging thanks for that btw.

I can look further than tomorrow. I have lost on current value yeah but not much since I accumulated other ways + implying Id sell low and not hold atleast 2 years.

HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA 15k will be worth some millions soon.

Do you know why I dumped all other shitcoins? Because they have nowhere near the fundamentals, connections, fundings and strategy than bancor does. I study economics and computer science and plan to write my master about a bancor based project.
Goodluch with shilling your pnds.

>> No.2878423
File: 225 KB, 1300x1224, lighter_than_BNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow bancuck!

There is a bagfolio app, especially for the double coincidence of wants.

>> No.2878429
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Lol you must have missed out on biz shilling eth when it was the same price at bnt is now.
Kids are trading with money they're gonna need next week. Can't think long term. ETH didn't take off immediately and Bancor is following the same pattern. Slow accumulation and then the hype is gonna hit fast and it'll be too late for all the nobancs to get on board.

>> No.2878509 [DELETED] 

>they have nowhere near the fundamentals, connections, fundings and strategy than bancor does
IOTA my man

>> No.2878518


>> No.2878532

Explain how bancor is different from any other scam ICO?

WOW Fancy logo
WOW Tied to ethereum, nothing could ever go wrong with ethereum making bancor worthless
WOW 100 steps to actually exchange the coin that most normal people would find complicated
WOW Neets thinking they can get rich overnight are never wrong
WOW they do not even have a product, and needed millions of dollars.

>> No.2878551

>they have nowhere near the fundamentals, connections, fundings and strategy than bancor does
true, but
a lot of good coins do

>> No.2878566
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>> No.2878618

explain why your undaroos still have skidmarks.

>> No.2878654
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Gonna hold for a year at least. I really don't see anywhere else to park a few % of my crypts at the moment. How big of an impact will the Stox token sell, on Aug 2 have on BNTs price? If it permanently gets it over $5 I'd be happy with that.

>> No.2878668


A poor copy paste, just like bancor's codebase

>> No.2878726

somebody please convince me: why should I buy Bancor?

>> No.2878737

In order to properly tithe to Israel like a good goy.

>> No.2878744

because on the network you will be able to exchange every token at all times directly for a guaranteed liquid price for every little shitcoin with 0 volume and the platform will be advertised through this shitcoins since thats the marketing goal...to bring shitcoincreators onboard to pull in the normiefags who just use their cool apps to use the system without even knowing how anything of this works or what happens in the background. you gotta let lose of your technical thinking. The goal is to make a simplified tokencreation and implementation of shitcoins for everyone + etfs + tokenchangers. If you still dont get it just wait and see for yourself.

>> No.2878746
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if you want to be rich, you should ride with the Juden

>> No.2878778

Where is the money coming from to make a token liquid?

>> No.2878836

it is perpetually liquid via the price discovery algorithms.

>> No.2878875
File: 3 KB, 169x299, nobancs favoriteplacetohangout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literaly replied to a comment you retard how was that copy paste.
>WOW Fancy logo
uhm yeah nothing wrong with good branding or did you forget about one of the most important marketing tools.
>WOW Tied to ethereum, nothing could ever go wrong with ethereum making bancor worthless
Bancor will use other blockchains similiar to ether aswell +Cosmos/Polkadot
>WOW 100 steps to actually exchange the coin that most normal people would find complicated
Thats what they are developing right now. Endproduct will be a coinbase/shapeshift style + fiat gateway for normies.
>WOW Neets thinking they can get rich overnight are never wrong
I am a neet because I believe in a project with solid fundamentals, team, connections and about to write my master at university.
>WOW they do not even have a product, and needed millions of dollars.
Thats how crowdfunding works you retard.
And the first product is the token itself the smart token that enables the whole technology.

tl;dr you havent done any fundamental research and should kys

>> No.2878923
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>le useless token that gets its use through trading other useless tokens
Yeah, this is a shit idea that has been tried a hundred times over.

> p-p-please buy my bags

>> No.2878937
File: 2 KB, 128x95, Idontunderstanditsoitsbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep convincing yourself.

>> No.2878994

Bancor is essentially what facebook was to social media or wordpress to bloggers. Nobody says those things cant be done without them. But it will become a standart since they offer a service to make this shit available to brainlets like your mom who doesnt know how anything of this shit works at all.

>> No.2879093

I will never, ever invest in a kike coin.

>> No.2879110

Uh-oh, you're going to trigger the shills on here. Don't you know it's anti-Semitic not to pay money to this BEAUTIFUL Israeli woman?

>> No.2879490

The reserve mechanism built into the coin (and its token changers) is what provides the liquidity.

Bancor is the only coin with this reserve-as-liquidity and price discovery mechanism and it's first to market

>> No.2879528


And it's no different for the end user.

>Shapeshift is providing a simple solution for exchanging cryptocurrencies, where the user sends cryptocurrencies/tokens to an address, and receives a different currency in return. While BNT changers provide a similar experience, the backend is quite different as ShapeShift is using a more classic exchange infrastructure while with Bancor, smart tokens are using the reserve mechanism for algorithmic pricing.

As a user, I want to exchange BTC for monero, I don't give a fuck how you do it, I just want it to be easy, quick and cheap. Bancor doesn't help at all.

>> No.2879536

New Mordecai video on Bancor

>> No.2879557

What are you trying to say?

>> No.2879592


Bancor offers nothing over shapeshift.io or similar services. It's a solution without a problem.

>> No.2879614

except that's not true. bancor is perpetually liquid via the price discovery algorithms, shapeshift doesn't.

>> No.2879727

shapeshift isn't even comparable to bancor. you dont understand that bancor will be bought with credit cards and you will be buying tokens directly with credit cards. You see x token on the platform and want to buy it. they display a price you pay and in the background yu buy bnt that trades via smartcontract for your token. You still think of this as this super secret cryptomarket only technical people can use. but bancor aims for the facebooknormies.

>> No.2879901

But there is not a long tail in crypto. Top 10 has 90% of the volume. How will BNT make earnings by trying to have a market share on something such small? Also when BNT/XYZ is arbed , who loses?
Have you thought this?

>> No.2879933

that's been explained already. which posts are you having trouble with?

>> No.2880043


How is bancor required in that situation?

You're essentially going USD -> BNC -> currency the user wants to buy.

An exchange offering such a service could just go USD -> currency the user wants, bancor provides no value.

>> No.2880095

because on the bancor network you will be able to exchange every token at all times directly for a guaranteed liquid price for every little shitcoin with 0 volume and the platform will be advertised through this shitcoins since thats the marketing goal...to bring shitcoincreators onboard to pull in the normiefags who just use their cool apps to use the system without even knowing how anything of this works or what happens in the background. you gotta let lose of your technical thinking. The goal is to make a simplified tokencreation and implementation of shitcoins for everyone + etfs + tokenchangers. If you still dont get it just wait and see for yourself.

>> No.2880144

Plenty of coin etfs already exist

>> No.2880158


>> No.2880257

tell me more pajeet

>> No.2880670

iconomi, what others?

>> No.2880711

BNT Tokens fall under securities following the SEC announcement. Let's see how they hold under regulation.

>> No.2880756

no they don/t dumb dumb

>> No.2880869

They're probably one of the few with legal team and funding to comply with regulations

>> No.2881328

are you retarded?

>> No.2881338


>> No.2881360

Can you link me to banc price floor.
I heard that banc has liquidity from the price floor

>> No.2881363

Someone please explain to me why they think that the ether reserve will last when the price floor didnt even last?

Are bancucks this retarted?

Bancuck plz respond

>> No.2881435


>> No.2881448

Of all the promising coins to buy... you fags chose to give your money to kikes

>> No.2881525

tokens created on bancor require bancor reserve. so they must buy bancs and raise the price. it starts with stox and we should see more next year

>> No.2881530

Thanks for the bump bancbro

>> No.2881762
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Anons what are your predictions of BNT price at end of year and also 2018?

>> No.2881931
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>> No.2882080

End of 2018

>> No.2882316


>> No.2882327


>> No.2882364

You guys honestly expect a coin to rise to double digits in USD value and then think normies will start buying a coin because it makes it "easier" to buy other shit coins? This is a pathetic attempt to rationalize the fact that you wasted money on a coin that has no more inherent value over any other service that already takes USD in exchange for crypto currency.

>> No.2882406

U just wait and see how streamline Bancor app will make it all. Coinbase allow millions of people access to bitcoine in safe and secure way. Now with Bancor we will see the same for alt coins.

U have been warned.

Bancor is the future

>> No.2882537

>Bancor makes no sense

Spotted the retard. Go home bitch boy, you are in over your head. You should be technically inclined to be using crypto.

>> No.2882649

Bancor's mark in history will be a footnote of how easily gullible fools on an anime board fell for a Jewish hoax and worked so hard to shill a project that ultimately provides no new innovations. Try not to look so pathetic while trying to salvage your lost investment.

>> No.2882768

Yes and I believe their previous mother token thing is a great working example. The foundation has the reserves to create many like that next year on the app.

>> No.2883724


>> No.2883759

0.9$ is a more realistic outlook for that trash lel.
But keep dreaming.

>> No.2884224
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Just wait for it. Guy doesn't deny it will happen

>> No.2884299

oy vey

>> No.2884350
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>> No.2884413

What is Bancor even doing ? I never understood what was the interest in their product or the problem it solves, it's just all buzzword like "coincidence of needs" that aren't really problem in reality, it's blurry what bancor do.

Convince me to buy some.

>> No.2884448

It'll suck your dick and do your taxes

>> No.2884456


>> No.2884479

those buzzwords are actual problems that are getting solved. For small tokens to be fully liquid there is an need to solve "the coincidence of wants problem" their smart tokens dont need any exchange it all works with the contract. Its gonna be cryptobook and gateway to normie money. I know biz are brainlets but you guys should trust the bancbros who actually use their brain

>> No.2884505

They believe bancor can do for token creation what youtube did for videos and blogs for journalism. Lot's of small user/community/business tokens and etfs using bnt reserve.

>> No.2884830


Okay I watched your videos, I still don't understand why we would need a BNT currency, you could pretty much do the same thing with an ETH Dapp.

>> No.2884856

by that logic every ethereum token is useless

>> No.2884987

If that's the case then we might see a dapp created. Until then I'll watch bancor. They have the funding and connections. Seem on top of the legal aspect as well.

I'm not tied to only bancor, they're just first to do this and I see what they propose could enable mass adoption.