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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 256x256, V_KCHd02_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28757898 No.28757898 [Reply] [Original]

I did some research on Everest ID i wanted to share after some discussions read earlier.

Everest ID leverages a technology called MojaLoop....

“For micro financing, Everest plans to integrate EverID as an Identity Provider in the Gates Foundation’s Mojaloop framework, to promote financial services for the unbanked.”


Banks are already familiar with this technology, and it is the same tech that ripple leverages to an extent.

MojaLoop recieved a grant from the Gates Foundation, and then the Everest foundation recieved a grant from the Ethereum foundation. Everest ID will be leveraging MoJo tech....

The synergies of the tech here is friggen awesome. Running it on a dag will ensure quick transaction volume and the MojaLoop acts as a solid on/off ramp with fiat, if i am understanding things correctly.

MojaLoop Grant: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database/Grants/2020/10/INV-001359

Everest ID Grant:
(Ethereum Foundation — 2019 grant winner (eKYC on Mainnet))

The systems are already developed and in place for Everest to thrive, as are the partnerships, with both other projects (Ex: AAVE) and legitamitly other countries (Estonia).

With the 40% APY staking being released soon with their native wallet.... I am super bullish on this project long term

>> No.28757967
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Early as fuck

>> No.28757984

Imagine not having a bag of this NWO crypto

>> No.28758113

Hahaha if any anon not buy he dumb fuck stay poor bitch im drive lambo you citroen LOL

>> No.28758199

yup. Future billion dollar+ marketcap coin here.

>> No.28758258

1b in Q1. This is top20 coin this year with actual use case. Once it will be on ftx this week normie money will do the job

>> No.28758349

Oh yeah I agree - just tempering my expectations for the short term. If the alpha launch is successful it will accelerate the fuck out of the gains + people will lock up staking and supply/sell pressure will drop

>> No.28758512

bought 6k tokens at 0.5 and I'm planning on staking 3k tokens thursday
I'm gonna make it?

>> No.28758520

what day will it be on ftx?

>> No.28758626

"This week". First they have to launch mainnet and wallet which will be in days and listing short after. Here you can see that they already provided 3600eth for liquidity to FTX https://etherscan.io/address/0xe122937cb165b0112d0ab25e1b772058525fbddf

>> No.28758637

Not even 1 dollar - fucking scam coin.

>> No.28758651

CLT is earlier than this desu. 200k M CAP and supply is only 94 million

>> No.28758717

Actually devs are not allowed to talk about exchange listings but wallet and mainnet will be live this week

>> No.28758837

i am all in already

>> No.28758850

Dont cry pajeet. You can still buy and make it

>> No.28759117

Bros, I only have 20K, I don’t feel so good...

>> No.28759339
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>> No.28759424

when can we expect profit
2x? 5?

>> No.28759442

someone panic sold all the way to 60c and got instantly priced out HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.28759452


>> No.28759464


>> No.28759467
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haha let's do this bros!

>> No.28759504

No coinbase no buy

>> No.28759526

if i buy its going back to .60

>> No.28759532

Its really too early to say but from the crude calculations I've made im expecting anywhere from 8 - 15 usd
Eoy 40 is possible

>> No.28759600

By the time it hits coinbase it will have done a 20x

>> No.28759637

coinbase stays clear of scams

>> No.28759761

And there is no coincidence that they release it right now when we are on the edge of global reset

>> No.28759861
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Blatant. We're going to be retardedly rich, be responsible, anons.


>> No.28759898

50% chance this is a massive scam, 50% it's our golden ticket. This week is the shit test.

>> No.28759963

All i know is that ID has become a permanent hold in my wallet
We may not even have to sell.

>> No.28759968
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>> No.28760005

You wanna explain me this should be a golden ticket, but they cannot even create a functional and uptodate website?

>> No.28760066
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pfft pleb doesn’t even know

>> No.28760072

your threads need to die

>> No.28760132

Who cares about the website? the project seems to be solid and the partnerships are insane. Lets not forget chainlink's early website with the atrocious design and 404d pages

It might as well be a pajeet rug pull but I'm bullish

>> No.28760152

I remember watching a movie called "Paulie" when I was way young, and one quote that stuck with me forever was, "if you can't beat em, join em", but I have always thought that's also kike/NWO order shit, and this is from someone who is part kike

>> No.28760198

Shitty websites are midwit gatekeepers

>> No.28760222

I mean, the meme people are making for this already are insane, it took weeks for GRT to get to this level

>> No.28760291

If you will spend more that 5 min researching this project, connect the dots and explore rabbit hole you will be sure that its least scammy coin out there. Bloomberg article in "18, technology that banks operate on.
This shit was choosen from the beginning and they dont give a fuck about marketing because they dont have to

>> No.28760310

I have SDK access, but I kinda want observer node status so I can observe my bros

>> No.28760335

Where's good for buying like a 2k stack of this?

>> No.28760352
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ubisoft sir

>> No.28760433

I'm holding a 2k bag, you don't have to explain to me why this project is great.
What im saying is that it also has all the hallmarks of a p&d shitcoin, and seeing anons shilling for it so vigorously is one indicator the token's about to flip

>> No.28760456



Like the game website

>> No.28760468

swapped mine on kyberswap
beware of the eth gas fees

>> No.28760521
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wallpapers too

>> No.28760534

problem is ID or RGT... this is tough

>> No.28760568
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>> No.28760617
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depends if you want a mansion?

>> No.28760715

>go to https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap
>in the swap menu, eth will be default, select token, look for Everest (ID)
>swap ETH (or w/e token) for ID
>profit off the enslavement of humanity (thanks Bill Faggot Gates)

>> No.28760716


Yeah gas fee is like 80p per coin so essentially costs £1.60 per coin at this point is it worth it?

>> No.28760805

paid $80 on my first 1k at .45 and another $110 for another 1k at .75. Like with everything in this market it's up to your level of tolerance. I'm betting on everest to moon, but who knows maybe i'm getting rugpulled

>> No.28760868


Cheers anon, I am aware about uniswap but just wondered is anyone had a place with smaller gasfees, usually try to use probit but it's not on there

>> No.28761227

Supposed to be listed on FTX tomorrow.

>> No.28761282

you don’t know for sure if tomorrow

>> No.28761289

Where do you get that information? If this is correct, then I might change my mind.

>> No.28761327

source: my ass

>> No.28761393

From the AMA Bob Reid did on Friday, coming down from boomers and gin, too lazy to dig it out and continue shilling, just here for the bantz fags.

>> No.28761481

or yeah sometime next week, yeah

>> No.28761522

Staking is going live tomorrow though, according to Bob.

>> No.28762037

somebody shill me this in a tl;dr

>> No.28762157

Firat mainnet and wallet need to be live

>> No.28762185

Globohomos used this organization to use “open sourced” Microsoft banking software to make bank accounts for people who don’t even have phones by using their bio data as their wallet

>> No.28762306

This is pretty good tl;dr


>> No.28762951

Fake, they didn't answer a shit about new exchangd because they are not allowed to. But it'sa fact that theh did send a couple of million tokens to ftx wallet so it will happen soon. But don't trust any date callers here.
Quick rundown for all the newfags.
Confirmed informaton:
Staking: this week.
New wallet: this week.
Coinmarketcap: this or next week.
FTX listing: PROBABLY within the next 14 days. (Usual timeframe)
Sry for typsos, it's insane sunny here and I can't see shit on my display.

>> No.28763024

Observer node report in

>> No.28763071

ok i'm intrigued

price predictions?

>> No.28763102

Oh yeah and open alpha launch ofc.

>> No.28763618
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>> No.28763628

Dunno but such project should be in top20 by marketcap

>> No.28763831

>But it'sa fact that theh did send a couple of million tokens to ftx wallet so it will happen soon.


>> No.28764073

some wallet containing ID tokens sent 3600 eth to an ftx wallet.

>> No.28764604


>> No.28765048
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So I sent eth from the exchange coinspot to my meta mask and the transaction dropped and replaced and the retards deposited into the wrong account - WTF

>> No.28765103

Stfu bastard is this your first 10% profit ?
don’t be a tard who trashtalks here
share what bot u use for it
I am clever enough to realize how it’s working
Bot Ocean - that what u need

>> No.28765200

complete shitcoin kek

>> No.28765235

loaded up another 1k while gas fees are low

>> No.28765382

scam whales are pumped and dumping currently

>> No.28765947

0.40 incoming

>> No.28765958

probably just swingies

>> No.28765971
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>> No.28765987

Just bought 1300. aigmi?

>> No.28766037

Fuck yeah

>> No.28766082

nigger they're partnered with the SECOND LARGEST BANK OF PAPUEA NEW GUINEA.

if this isn't a must-buy i don't know what is

>> No.28766148

>Papua new guinea

Hahahhahahahahahhaha that is where they will launder the money

>> No.28766153

KINA securities? I hold this on ASX

>> No.28766157

I hope you're right. Project looks good and the growth achieved by it so far is promising but I've been burnt too many times on these impulse buy coins...

>> No.28766171

how does $0 sound ?

>> No.28766208

you don't, you'll be getting 40%APY from the beginning, the bigger your stack is at the beginning the more money you'll make.

please stop creating ID threads anons

>> No.28766209

I can't even tell if this is ironic or not lmao.

>> No.28766359


Dude AAVE tweeted about it.

>> No.28766362
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>> No.28766375

Anons for fuck sake
They are on id2020 site as project
What you need more?

>> No.28766416

It is just a wallet

>> No.28766789


>> No.28767226

Um, wtf is this error
Fail with error 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT'

>> No.28767549


>> No.28767591

Uniswap. Gas is lower now so it's not so bad.

>> No.28767660

from dumpster

>> No.28767892
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>> No.28767995

Why would they need a token for this?
What’s the point?

>> No.28768564

There is no utility, not reason for a token. Sell this scam coin or even better, don't buy it.

>> No.28768590

Token is used for increased services to people who wish to use the function of the ecosystem.

More fud please, I need more.

>> No.28768633

It's obviously some scam to capitalise on mania

>> No.28769017
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IDtrannies, are we winning?

>> No.28769361
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>> No.28769530
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>> No.28769626
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>> No.28769680
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>> No.28769728
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>> No.28769746
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>> No.28769759

damn the empty internet theory is prevelant here, this is the most inorganic thread seen in a while. Any real humans here this project might get shilled a lot and might jump but probably wont do anything long term

>> No.28769775

>Everest pepe spam

this is fud

>> No.28769791
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>> No.28769796
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>> No.28769839


>> No.28769840
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>> No.28769877
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>> No.28769941

look in the archives, the first threads were more organic i swear, the pepes were created yesterday

>> No.28769989
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>> No.28770086

Watch the Q&A retard. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.28770211
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First time lurking an Everest thread, huh kid? I know we may look a zany lot to the rest of /biz/, but you’d be surprised at what you’ll find. Round these parts, those of us with enough hair on our balls to discuss the intricacies of biometrics and Estonia, like to kick back, and enjoy knowing the kind of leverage we’ll receive when it comes to moving around or participating freely in society. Part of the, yeah, I guess you could call it fun, is how we IDiots are still so fresh, yet are at the forefront of /biz/ memetics. Chyeah, stick around and maybe you’ll come to know what’s what, kid.

>> No.28770487

I think we should start asking for ID at the door

>> No.28770651

prove to me it's not a scam

>> No.28770716

Prove to us that it is?

>> No.28770793

Read whitepaper

>> No.28770872

There is no whitepaper. Good joke. Scam coin

>> No.28771032

It also stays clear of gains

>> No.28771080

Partnered with visa

>> No.28771449


Embarrassing that you can't search google

>> No.28771621

This project is going to be unbelievably profitable, and in a couple years from now this coin will be mentioned frequently in the “biggest crypto regrets” threads that you see pop up. It’s less than $1. Think about that. This is the lowest this coin is ever going to be. And price increases all start this week.

>> No.28771696

this will be a $1B mcap veddy veddy soon

>> No.28771919

Damn all these memes are so fucking good. Im getting fomo

>> No.28772168

fuck off to your village rakesh nobody is buying your PnD

>> No.28772231

token needed at EVERY SINGLE level of operation, read the whitepaper. your usually weak fud reads like a joke with respect to everest

>> No.28772424

>recovers in 24 hours from massive green dildos
You are the Rasheed

>> No.28772662

ranjep nobody cares about your scam websşte is shit

>> No.28772789

You’re going to remember these posts fuck boy

>> No.28772825

okay rajkan

>> No.28772850
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>> No.28772938

He already knows. He's just trying to get it lower so he can fill his bags.

>> No.28773056

I already 5k ID will I make it ?

>> No.28773182

Prob not make it. It'll be a nice sum though.

>> No.28773239

This week should be good I can feel it in my balls

>> No.28773344

We just broke previous ATH. Rejoice.

>> No.28773492


>> No.28773650
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>> No.28773680

you exposed yourself muhammed

>> No.28773731

turkroach not sandnigger call me emin

>> No.28773758

ID is not needed for their main use - 3rd world financials. They are using their own stablecoin mixed with local currenices on their exchange.

ID is "needed" for governance, organizational access, remittance.

for this purpose the cost of ID will be next to nothing, the price is already too high for the third world adoption they are going for.

Can you see an Indonesian man on his nokia paying $5 to send money? Thats 140,000 rupee.

6% of some peoples monthly wage and thats not including the fees to TRANSFER money to the system. Their employers pay cash in hand. So to get ID tokens an Indonesian peasant has to go through a convoluted system of 3 excahnges - their bank -ID exchange - families banks to get money into families hands

>> No.28773808

Lol, he was joking. Anyone saying scam is keeping the never research biz fomo PnD fiends away.

>> No.28773918
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Sir, show me your ID. Now.

>> No.28774083
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>> No.28774229
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>bought ID yesterday for $1
>woke up this morning, checked the price: $1
biz scammed me into buying a $1 stablecoin again

>> No.28774295

literally no one said it would be worth more than 1 today
it's up at 1.1 now already though

>> No.28774409
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>> No.28774497

Double Top. Fucking retards are falling for scam coins.

>> No.28774655

Went all in at 0.6 and sold at 0.75 after i DMOR. It might pump a little short term but bob looks like a deluded egomaniac with ideas of grandeur. The project is still alpha after years of supposed development. Ride the pump and take some profits along the way, its already 130M mcap for a non existent platform

>> No.28774735


wherever you live, in the city nearest to you, walk down the street.

Do you see loads of shifty looking money transfer options in newsagents? Upay, skrill, moneygram.

They look shifty as fuck to you because they are all for this usecase and its easy for some poor nigerian next to a dump to go "hey everyone is tired of travelling half a day to nearest town to send money".

They provide the liquidity for their side of the operation and become a transfer broker. Then a generation later and 3 huts near 3 different dumps and they get bigger and reach for the stars seeing their way out.

Brokers need to be physically at the shitty huts in 3rd world countries to check the transfer in. This is not a game crypto can edge in on, even paypal and amazon gave up that market because its not worth their time to have huts next to dumps to move $10 a week

>> No.28774800


>> No.28775032


Alpha is big, bro. It means they have the core functionality mostly done.

>> No.28775106

Look at the tg its filled with 3rd worlders thinking they will become rich with this token. See the kind of low iq individuals they attract with their shitty idea of chipping people

>> No.28775125

Sold everything, thanks. Oh wait...never bought this scam coin

>> No.28775154

No only staking and kyc, thats nothing. It take a few weeks max to code. Also, show github or gtfo

>> No.28775188
File: 139 KB, 1188x2208, 7FBAB0D8-114A-412C-8331-8777261F122C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which “double top” do you mean nigger?

>> No.28775191

every crypto tg is like that

>> No.28775250

>it takes a few weeks max to code
Tell that to sergey

>> No.28775380

This is so undervalued at the moment. Buy while you have the chance.

>> No.28775383

all of them, all of those double tops occurred before big crashes

>> No.28775537

I would like to congratulate all ID holders on: new high.

>> No.28775540

This is a scam lol I can't even properly buy this shitcoin

>> No.28775601

Why has my eth transfer from coinbase been pending to get out all night? Been nearly 12 hours now

>> No.28775660

If you can't use uniswap, you're braindead to begin with. Keep away from this project and go ape in hoge

>> No.28775668

use uniswap or kyber

>> No.28775730

I buyded with kyber sirs

>> No.28775750


>> No.28775781

Imagine thinking this isn’t shady as
fuck lmao
I’m certain it will bring some decent short-term profits, but I wouldn’t hold onto this for long

>> No.28775853

ahhhhhhhhh noooooo why is it going up its a scam nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.28775869

What's shady about it? Care to elaborate?

>> No.28775930

Tuvadep Singh decided to not pull the rug yet. That is why.

>> No.28775962

Hes seething because hes missing out on this lmao

>> No.28776043

Obviously, just wanted to see if he had anymore input or if he is just a drooling troglodyte.

>> No.28776091

I’m hardly missing out, it’s still less than a quid. I could buy a pretty decent bag if i wanted

>> No.28776158

You are getting priced out as we speak, and that's why you are posting FUD ranjeet

>> No.28776159

This baby is going to the moon, no one can stop it

>> No.28776168

Okay then miss out faggot. Go to another thread.

>> No.28776403
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Shit you’re right. We’re crashing all the way up to 1.20 from the double top at 1.08

>> No.28776479

>alpha release this week
>staking this week
>wont do anything

>> No.28776574

muh github

>> No.28776577

Feels bad with only 7k. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.28776652

staking might unironically be the way for smaller wallets to make it, I'd only do a 3 month stake at first desu lad that gives you 5% of your stack for doing nothing. If you did a year it's 40% APY just depends if you want to lock up your tokens or swing trade

>> No.28776783
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>> No.28776899

3 month lock is 25% APY

>> No.28776966

And as you can see it crashes down. Normal scam coin movement.

>> No.28777043
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its 1.14 right now, do the needful

>> No.28777147
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>> No.28777904

Gonna throw most everything else into Everest. This coin is gonna moon no doubt. Easy name and "ticker" symbol to remember and huge institutional backing

>> No.28777984

Post more SoundCloud links coolguy
This is a dope track

>> No.28778126

It'll dump massively too before correcting and mooning

>> No.28778891
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honest to god i may liquidate all my eth to get to the top of this nigga. not gonna catch me like green boots

>> No.28778972

devs are exiting rip

>> No.28779042

Redpill me on Everest. Is this a good buy?

>> No.28779146
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>$1.11 stablecoin

>> No.28779606
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>> No.28779651

How does staking work? Whats an everwallet?

>> No.28779881
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1598359327030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that dump
its over

>> No.28779985

reflection of ufo and mountain in pool

>> No.28780118

complaining about anons making pepes?
post wallet

>> No.28780162
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>> No.28780214
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What was I thinking

>> No.28780336


>> No.28780474
File: 222 KB, 1242x1365, EA157A9D-A67D-42DA-BC9B-BACC17EF4290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to send ETH to wallet to use uniswap
>stuck on pending for 16 minutes

>> No.28780587

congrats retard, you just lost all your funds

>> No.28780589

Because is pending, just wait

>> No.28780621

Do you guys think this can realistically reach 1b marketcap this year?

>> No.28780679

it's an elaborate scam dude

>> No.28781080

Same here except mine stick for past 12 hours. I was sending eth to buy the dip yesterday but funds never got past pending.

>> No.28781441

Bro what the fuck, do you not know what a correction is.

>> No.28781525
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 4658797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy literally got nothing to do but complain about a coin he has nothing invested it. just buy some you fug

>> No.28781584

found the guy who's priced out

>> No.28781618

I hope it goes all the way back to .90 so I can continue to buy more with my GRT gains.

>> No.28781778
File: 425 KB, 1571x901, wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't even holding man theyve been here all day trolling

>> No.28782050

Dev tokens locked for 6 months

>> No.28782428

How are there not more pictures of these guys

>> No.28782794
File: 85 KB, 904x864, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry wojak and pepe posting, I expect a 30% drop
down like 5 percent while the day is still 20% green, are you all fucking retarded, holy shit.

>> No.28782884

It went up 74% yesterday and dropped 20%. Don't be surprised if it pops off to 1.50 and drops back down to 1.10