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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28755572 No.28755572 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good or bad thing that normies are now being constantly exposed to the idea of buying crypto?

>> No.28755639

Hahahaha that pic can't be real!
Who is so stupid that he doesn't recognize the biggest sell signal ever?

>> No.28755657

"Anonymity for many by many” Cannot exist in a moral Vacuum. Sentinel OP

>> No.28755675

weak hands entering the system
dips will dip harder
they cannot handle it
i open my portfolio to $12,000 in losses and do not bat an eye
norman jumps from the rooftop

>> No.28755689

Of course it's a good thing. UI barrier of entry is still a pain point for some non-techy folk.

Things like Handy, UTrust and Sylo are making it easier for these types though

>> No.28755742

Unironically this. Normies are normies, because American society doesn't teach the benefits of delayed gratification.

>> No.28755796

if normies get burned again will it be over officially?

>> No.28755853

I want to beat you to death

>> No.28755893

This is my fear
The "it's a bubble" crowd will eat it up

>> No.28755913

I cringe everytime

>> No.28755915

No because institutions are buying in and they're more patient.
But if normies abandon BTC, institutions will move to XMR for tax purposes.

>> No.28755988

I instinctively hate it whenever I hear about investing in general outside of the internet, I genuinely don't know why

>> No.28756163
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>dad calls at 7am asking what a "dodge" coin is

>> No.28756193
File: 39 KB, 600x451, 1256683867493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna invite a lot of PnD fags to the community unfortunately. A lot of people got stung on DOGE and will be either looking to recoup on another shitcoin or perpetually fud out of some weird feeling of righteousness.
/biz/ is gonna get weird in 2021, WSB and SSB are such cesspools, trying to copy us and getting it totally wrong that we're bound to catch flak from it. We must shitpost twice as hard brothers.

>> No.28756194

the end game was always worldwide normalization, the faggots screaming about "this is the top" are just coping because they had literally 12 years and instead of loading up on btc they probably bought $200 worth and sold it at $3k for a $50 profit.

Now we're finally starting to reach it, and $100k BTC is in our reach. All you had to do was buy 10BTC, you had 12 years to do it, you had until March 2020, and now you will be priced out forever

>> No.28756236

They're really not. You're just hypervigilant about it because you're concerned about normalfags coming in meaning that the top is here. This colors your perceptions. When you constantly scour the internet for examples of normalfags mentioning bitcoin or TV analysts saying something about it, it's going to make it seem a lot more prevalent in your mind than it really is.

Furthermore, exposure increases with market cap. 2017's exposure totally dwarf's the exposure btc got in 2013 during that bull run. Likewise, 2021's exposure will completely eclipse 2017's. Literally everyone will be talking about it. It will be omnipresent in the news, even moreso than bullshit like russiagate.

>> No.28756337

especially now that Trump is gone, we already saw it with GME, finance is the new politics. Get ready for 4 years of bitcoin 24/7 on CNN

>> No.28756407


>> No.28756487

Normans will only buy when it's already at pumped at least 10x and the top is nearly in. Then they get dumped on and panic sell. Then Anglos like myself buy the 80-85% correction and become ever richer.

>> No.28756569

Really a strong sell signal.

>> No.28756626

Those ads have been everywhere since before december. I know, I live in Sydney.

>> No.28756702

It's a temporarily good thing. As they hop in the price will fly but get out when that party ends.

Also, this in Sydney? These luno ads are fucking everywhere.

>> No.28756996

“Folk” go away you filthy nigger

>> No.28757017

based ironhands ESL

>> No.28757100

I'm starting to think the time of easy gains is now over.

>> No.28757304

They probably end up buying some derivate instead of the real deal and get fucked over eventually lol

>> No.28757317

There are homeless people all over the country right now, did you not hear about the homeless squatters invading that hotel? Stimmy checks coming out like crazy too.

And btw, paper hands will never be rich anyway. Stock market is only for those who are ready or getting prepared to be ready. At the very least, sell in the green. If you can't wait and are scared, only accept a slim loss. If you are too much in the red, you might as well hold and work.

>> No.28758215

weak hands = free money.
fuck normies

>> No.28759302

>i open my portfolio to $12,000 in losses and do not bat an eye
based me

>> No.28759340

It's regulation from the government you should be worried about. Depending on which government you're ruled by.

>> No.28759709

>non-techy folk.
Shut the fuck up pajeet.

>> No.28760365

> if you see this reply its time to send me your nudes

>> No.28760888

>good or bad thing
good in the short term

>> No.28760933

>Who is so stupid that he doesn't recognize the biggest sell signal ever?
the sell signals gotta be stronger at each cycle

>> No.28761645

It's like whoever wrote the ad is trolling everyone.

>> No.28761811

>priced out
Are you fags larping? You know you can buy tiny fractions of coins right?
And I don't buy any of this shit because I'm a software engineer and I know buttcoin is garbage. Its all speculators.

>> No.28761852
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1493937023426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting financial advice from a bus
Do normies really?

>> No.28763383


>> No.28763741


>> No.28763826

They are in the UK on massive digital billboards in most major city centres as well

>> No.28764379

When people say priced out, they mean priced out of buying full coins, stop acting stupid you little faggot.

>> No.28764450

>>Who is so stupid that he doesn't recognize the biggest sell signal ever?
the sell signals gotta be stronger at each cycle

>> No.28764476

who is luno and who are they funded by? I remember seeing bitcoin ads back in 2017 too

>> No.28764829

>It's regulation from the government you should be worried about.

>> No.28765077

Get out of here with your folk you fucking reddit scum