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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28746790 No.28746790 [Reply] [Original]

how do i find some people who know what the fuck they're doing in crypto? i'm alone and Im getting destroyed

>> No.28746874

not even a PnD. just someone to be like "hey thats going to bite you on the ass stupid"

>> No.28747072
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is there a secret handshake. do i have to bake cookies? what does it take!?

>> No.28747151

Let’s just say you’ll be blowing alottttt of guys

>> No.28747457
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>> No.28747481
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follow everyone vance spencer follows on twitter (@pythianism). read up on various projects in the top 20 on defipulse.com. understand what they all do and how they fit together (composability). understand how aave works and how sushiswap/uniswap work. understand what yield farming is and how it works. watch chainlink Q&A videos. once you have a sense for the defi landscape it'll become much easier for you to identify projects that have the potential to significantly multiply your investment. if there are any terms or concepts you don't understand, research and READ until you understand it. you should understand things well enough to explain the concepts to normies in terms they understand. if you can't do this then READ more until you can do it. defi is very early. you are still early. the potential here is like nothing the world has ever seen. READ. get off /biz/ and READ.

>> No.28747608

Learning how to predict shitcoins is unironically more profitable than swinging/hodling blue chips/btc.

>> No.28747612


Nice post and thanks.

Defi looks like its etfs for crypto ran by a.i. I could be very wrong though.

>> No.28747669

Use VWAP in your graphs to better understand the trends.

>> No.28747746

aw thats nice of you anon. ill check this guy out.

and i will read, /biz/ is just a nice think tank, but yeah its hard to filter things..

i will read. ive been studying 12 hrs a day. my weakness is coming here. but i am loving learning this shit

>> No.28747817

Just remember nobody is 'in this together' like how things go down on reddit. The real world is cutthroat. Take your gains where you can and avoid fees. Learn the fundamentals of crypto - volume, market caps, the NUPL chart. Remember what your money/time is worth to you. Make $15/hr? Then a $15 loss is one hour of time gone. Always be skeptical of what others say. Remember there are paid shills everywhere. Also unpaid shills who want to pump their coins that lost them everything. Best of luck.

>> No.28747827

okay im writing this down. I dont even know what vwap is, but i will learn it asap.

see thats why it would be cool to have someone to slap me up but not give up on me

>> No.28747892

>Remember what your money/time is worth to you. Make $15/hr? Then a $15 loss is one hour of time gone.
thats a really good way to look at it. i like this analogy

>> No.28747910

Yep, and honestly identifying the obvious PnDs is still profitable as long as you commit big, commit early, and take profits early. Don't wait for mythical 30x's. Take profit on a 3x and leaving some in in case it keeps pumping.

Or stop being greedy, DCA in bluechips, and eventually you'll be far in the green.

>> No.28748189

great advice i love that too. my strats have been all in on something. i got up to 5k from 400 but i lost most of it because of my inexperience. i still have 1k. my goal is to reach 10k