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File: 74 KB, 428x322, feb13collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28735155 No.28735155 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill myself?

Thousands invested into this fucking worthless "hobby" my dad got me in. Everyday I watch stocks and crypto and pokemon cards blowing up and i'm stuck holding these stupid fucking stamps and they're all worthless. I want to kill myself so much and I can't get over how much I hate my father for getting me into this shit. I've wasted THOUSANDS on this garbage waiting for it to moon and it becomes more and more worthless everyday.

>> No.28735281
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 20A03E5D-9285-412E-BE0A-A3A04D5AA7E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get that jenny yet, son?

>> No.28735348

This actually made me really sad. I would love to have a hobby like this with my dad. Tell your dad you love him and stop being a greedy Jew

>> No.28735685
File: 57 KB, 378x456, aa99bd0d05922b46d657c93901f1e550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill myself?
>Thousands invested into this fucking worthless "hobby" my dad got me in. Everyday I watch stocks and crypto and pokemon cards blowing up and i'm stuck holding these stupid fucking stamps and they're all worthless. I want to kill myself so much and I can't get over how much I hate my father for getting me into this shit. I've wasted THOUSANDS on this garbage waiting for it to moon and it becomes more and more worthless everyday.
anon i dont know what to tell you.
my grand grand dad was a british soldier in world war 1.
when they attacked iran during world war 1, he collected LOTS of stamps (he appreantly LOVED to collect that shit from all over the world)
those stamps are from 1900 or someting.
and then it went to my grand dad, and then to my dad and now its for me (and my dad)
i have about 30 of those (and thousands of others)
its a legit investment.

>> No.28736629

You should kill yourself for not being able to appreciate your collection, shlomo. Not everything is dollar signs

>> No.28737010

Maybe just enjoy the stamps as a hobby, dumbass.

>> No.28737023

Nice stamps why turn yourself to dirt over not being being rich? Anything is better than being dead.

>> No.28737061

buy the dip

>> No.28737103
File: 9 KB, 211x239, 1604762102355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kikes tell me my collectable objects are valuable
me happy
>kikes tell me my collectable objects are not valuable
me sad

>> No.28737224

So stop treating it like a hobby that’s going to make you rich and more like a beautiful memory of you and your dad. I wish my baby boy was awake I’d go hug and kiss the shit out of him rn.

>> No.28737242

I collect magnets from everywhere I go.
Not as an investment, but just to have.

>> No.28737599

Yeah, you should kill yourself. My dad is a ghost to me, never been there for me nor he supported me in any way. You are a dumb fuck who cannot appreciate having bond and common hobby with your dad. You complete materialistic dick sucking retard.

OP: "I wish my boomer dad gave me shitcoin investments advice and told me to buy gme at $5., i fucking hate him for not doing that"

Complete fucking retard or larp

>> No.28738068

Your body will die and you won't take your crypto with you anon. If you and your father bonded by collecting these stamps, it's better in the end than a wallet balance which you won't take with you.

>> No.28738168

You need to get /out/, anon. You're about to lose your humanity, and what for? For hunting some stupid shekels who will not make you happy, even if you right now think they will.
My recommendation: Go on a hike, go camping or whatever, get away from people, your computer, email etc., just get out into the wilderness. Climb a mountain, drink from a creek, get exhausted, freeze, sweat, wake up at night because you heard strange noises in the woods. Something like this might help to "reset" you back to a more humane level where you will relearn to appreciate what is really important in life.

>> No.28738183

My dad has some comics, I should tell him to liquidate them in btc next bear market

>> No.28738212

Bro, Pokémon, YGO and Magic cards were always valuable during your lifetime. It's your fault for not paying attention.

>> No.28738436

this and OP is a cunt

>> No.28739311
File: 3.01 MB, 3492x3655, 20210214_204624_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I've also had quite the collection of stamps passed on to me. They have good sentimental value and are pretty cool to look through them every now and then desu.

>> No.28739551

though when you have that STAMP over it, its kinda become worthless..
but as i said, its like a family heirloom to me.
so i wont EVER sell it.
i have link so i am cool with crypto.

>> No.28739633

this, even 13 year old retarded me knew that pokemon cards were valuable

>> No.28739686

but DID you COLLECTED them to sell later?

>> No.28739725

Hey retard, you realise you can live happily with next to no money so long as aren't a miserable cunt, right? Not being a miserable cunt is infinitely more valuable than getting into a good investment early; that's why those Buddhist fucks are so happy even though they just eat rice and sit around doing nothing all day. How about you try appreciating what you've got instead of shitting all over a hobby you shared with your dad?

>> No.28740512
File: 3.58 MB, 3469x3899, 20210214_211444_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, I have a bunch of unused ones too, but I dont really have any cool ones lol

>> No.28740538 [DELETED] 

well, if you've learned anything from stocks and crypto it's that the minute you get rid of your stamps is the minute they moon
just hodl, and be grateful your father is still alive to share a hobby with you, you worthless piece of shit

>> No.28740617

well, if you've learned anything from stocks and crypto it's that the minute you get rid of your stamps is the minute they moon
just hodl, and be grateful your father is still alive to share a hobby with you

>> No.28740813

Dumb kid, go back to plebbit

>> No.28741053

I have a bunch of fetch lands and other magic cards from 2008 up to 2016. I could be selling them all but am way too lazy to do it. Money isn't all in life.

My cousin just made a 1.6k from a magic tournament in Magic Online