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28724917 No.28724917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of Crypto owners do you think are biological women??

It cant be more than 20%... girls are dumb

>> No.28725028


>> No.28725036
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>> No.28725099
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Clits or btfo

>> No.28725506

im so horny anon please what is the source

>> No.28725666
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First answer question what percent do you think of females own crypto

>> No.28725863


definitely no more than 20% i'm thinking around 15% since cryptocurrency is definitely in it's early stages and the only women who would be buying crypto are already women who manage their own finances. much more prevalent for younger women but older women (a large part of the population) are less likely to manage their own money and if they did wouldnt dive into an industry like this.

>> No.28725872

Fuck off, I'm watching a comfy art tv show with husband, and shitposting on the sly.

>> No.28725958

Hardly any, Satan. Under 10%

>> No.28726400
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>> No.28726451
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Le reddit says Okada Salio


>> No.28726603
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Did you just put the words "art" and "tv" in the same sentence? Tv is trash.... Its valentines day, let your husband hold the remote

>> No.28726978

Yeah its cant be much... The only women i have ever heard mention crypto of any kind are just newscasters or interviewers asking questions to men

My ex girlfriend got paid in bitcoin once in about 2014 and she lost her password cuz shes a woman

>> No.28727256

5-15%. women dont innovate or create anything on their own, they only jump shit AFTER things become mainstream and 'safe'. they then proceed to make it all sterile and lame by shaming everyone to accept and pander to them. the OG males leave and make something new and the cycle repeats

>> No.28727474

Based and truth-pilled

>> No.28727640
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I have a vagina, and I got interested in crypto when DOGE started trending. There are other women asides from me that lurk /biz/

>> No.28727821
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Will u be my valentine?

>> No.28728144
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Sure, anon

>> No.28728286
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Been into crypto longer than that, been on and off 4chan for years. Female anon but this place has fucking ruined me and I’ll be alone and off and on this board until I die. Getting older and I’m like a 3/10 so I’m just fucked and this board gave me an insight to how people think when there’s no filter so I don’t bother dating or socializing anymore. Eventually I’ll make it with crypto and just be happy alone.

>> No.28728427

i tried explaining it to my wife and she looked like i was explaining the differences between the books and film version of lord of the rings to her. just pure uncaring blissful ignorance. Thats what we are here for bros

>> No.28728457
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Will u be my valentine?

>> No.28728569
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Ok thanks i love you

>> No.28728622

>you will never be white

>> No.28728747

Husband is holding the remote. We're watching a programme about researching an Italian Mannerist painting. I'm a traditional oil painter, and he deals antiques.

>> No.28728960
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Yeah i tried to explain to so many chicks too, in one ear and out the other. I even bought this one girl BTC so she could order stuff off the dark web, then when 2017 came around she got mad at me for not explaining it to her more, claiming she would have been a millionaire. Too bad she couldnt even do math she wouldve been like a thousandaire. Sigh.

>> No.28729069

Im actually 21st cousins with the queen of england. Who the fuck are you

>> No.28729139

>white women
>only joins crypto when she hears something about dogs

why do white women do this

>> No.28729144


>imagine wanting to be a cumskin

>> No.28729271
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Why isnt he holding your left boob... its valentines day get out of my thread and go make babies so they can teach you how to fingerpaint

>pic related my great grandma

>> No.28729350
File: 64 KB, 774x1031, poke 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not white, anon

>> No.28729428

Less than 10%

>> No.28729484

What are you baby?

>> No.28729567

>exposing yourself as a subhuman

>> No.28729617

I've already got four bairns, FFS.

>> No.28729737


fug, I'd take a 3/10 realist 4chan gf any day...

>> No.28729806


the only smart cumskins were the ones that took initiative when the indsutrial revolution hit and hoarded their technology and resources. now with all this info being shared the rest of the world is catching up. for thousands of years cumskins were too busy being worthless to do anything of value while the rest of the world made significant advances in medicine, science, math, architecture. you lucked out once and then sold the secrets due to greed. yngmi anon

also youre sub 5'9 I can tell

>> No.28729828


>> No.28729836

>girls are dumb
its not their fault

>> No.28729991
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Bairns what the heck... are you scottish? Explains a lot

>> No.28729999


>> No.28730104

I’m a biological female with 20k link and 8000+ bnt. I got 800 free Uni and 700 something 1 inch from the airdrops. My sister has at least $100k in crypto also. I doubt you are correct OP.

>> No.28730246
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Not my fault either

>> No.28730296

Women don't exist