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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28721758 No.28721758 [Reply] [Original]

>he lives in a city
>does not have appreciating financial instruments or any savings
>needs a car, cannot live without a car, just because.. a car
Why are average sheeple so brainwashed. I literally know more people than not who own a car while not really needing it and they only keep bitching about not having money and how jelly they are of rich people

>> No.28721952

I live with my parents in a bumfuck town, working at home with no car and invest all my income.

I miss the city and wish I never moved back here

>> No.28722012

literally looks like a shill, fucking nigga sCum

> do u think we are dump faggots here?
>I got bot ocean coins and wait for full platform for dex trading launch

smart boi knows what tools to use for top trading

>> No.28722088

Shit tier cope thread from a basedboy mad other people are responsible. There is a clear trend of NEETS jealous of anyone that has reliable transportation.

Automobiles are a sign of reliability, independence, freedom, responsibility, and getting SHIT done. Your criticism on other people's financial decisions has been derailed by your seething jealousy of a fucking vehicle. Congratluations.

>> No.28722100

I know Pajeet hands typed this but in America you pretty much need a car. We don't live in "villages" like you mud people do.

>> No.28722279

I have what some would consider to be make it money in crypto and I still drive the piece of shit used car I bought like eight years ago for 2k usd

>> No.28722430

You absolute retards. This applies to people who live paycheck to paycheck and only have car because they dont want to look poor while owning the car is the reason keeping them poor. Literally nothing wrong with owning a car. I do so myself. But I made it

>> No.28722598

that's based. a guy I know spent 40k on a used car right before covid made him wfh. same guy ignored my suggestions to look into crypto

>> No.28722904

>don't live in the city
>but also don't own a car
You unironically cannot do both in America.