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28720468 No.28720468 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, burger anons, almost time to leave the office so here's a little gem to escape wage slave for you.


What it can do
decentralized cloud, trusted executions, cloud resources (data sets, computing power, ...) marketplace, trusted doracles, tokenization & monetization of cloud assets (NFTs), ENS and it's FULLY COMPLIANT (French SEC approved, so basicly EU approved, so basicly USA approved, so basicly Coinbase, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ... approved)

Partnerships and collaborations
Intel, Nvidia, EU commision (Ontochain) + French SEC approves, EEA, CCC, EDF, Chainlink, OpenSSF, IBM Cloud, NCTU, Genesis Cloud, H7, BPI France, Scontain, Shift, Fortanix, TFCloud, Nerdalize, Cloud & Heat, Stimergy, OpenFog, ...

DOT parachain, sidechains that handle computations with 0 fees, Intel SGX and TEE intergrated oracles, best memes on the internet, they are working with google

>> No.28720514


Notice how big players are mentioning iExec and not just the other way around? Yeah.




European Commission


Also take a look at the 7 PhD team

And the CEO

Normie Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IESv4BNw8Q
iExec Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckHCmLQJQc
Cloud computing as a Commodity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBIk35YsUc
Health care use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsasSNYo-4
Smart traffic controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDk1D9L8Au0
5G power rescue robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEh3JHivS10

Website: https://iex.ec/
Medium: https://medium.com/iex-ec
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iEx_ec
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iExec/videos <--- Look at their showcases or demo videos
Adoption roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-adoption-roadmap

>> No.28720566

This article is amazing as hell.
iExec is a huge deal.

>> No.28720641

Some links
Capgemini knows Iexec

Some partners working with Iexec right now

Mediafinance iexec

Everything you need to know

>> No.28720715

yes indeed

The founder of iExec, Gilles Fedak, maintained and expanded the world's first grid computing solution for 16 years before founding iExec.

He also wrote the textbook on grid computing, and envisioned an even better solution using blockchain technology and cloud computing.

The cloud computing market is projected to grow to a multi-trillion valuation by 2030, and iExec is further ahead in development than any of its blockchain competitors.

iExec does not intend to compete with the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, or other cloud service providers, but rather encompass them in a marketplace that allows anyone to buy and sell data and services for the best rates possible with virtually no risk of downtime or outages.

Smart cities, 3D rendering, AI training, collateral for De-fi, scaling decentralized applications, data monetization, and confidential computing are just a few of iExec's applications.

iExec is poised to become the world standard for cloud computing solutions. It's already been approved by the AMF (European version of the SEC), and has obtained funding from Datacloud, the premier organization for data solutions and innovation. Its marketing campaign has just begun, and partnerships with real businesses like Bosche and numerous universities have already been announced.

These businesses will need to purchase RLC through the open market in order to use iExec's services, and then lock them in a smart contract to obtain a regulation compliant version of RLC called eRLC. This lock up will create scarcity for the native RLC token, and drive up the value as it becomes more widely adopted.

iExec's total token supply is hard capped at 87 million, so inflation is not a concern, and the iExec team's stocked treasury and revenue from its clients minimize the need for the team to sell RLC to continue development.

Now if you don't already have a 870 RLC suicide bag after reading this, fuck you and stay poor.

>> No.28720786

iExec and the World Economic Forum

The WEC paper, which is definitely bullish for LINK, is also somewhat bullish for RLC. In the paper, it mentions hyperledger avalon in the offchain computing section. The paper actually talks about the need for off-chain computing and TEEs a lot. Hyperledger Avalon is made up by a lot of groups, but one of the main contributing groups is iExec.
"It's also worth understanding a little of the project's history to see how these communities came together. Avalon began as a reference implementation of the EEA's Off-chain Trusted Compute Specification, which sought to standardize how to famr out and reconcile worklaods. Coming out of the EEA specification discussions, iExec was excited to build a heart disease evaluation prototype. Iexec also immediately dove into building the Ethereum components for Avalon's proxy model."

Who wrote the EEA's Off-chain Trusted Compute Specification ? iExec :

>> No.28721714

Buyed 10k @ 2.4

>> No.28721719

Ok i might get a bag

>> No.28721879

Bought a nice comfy 3k bag, will see

>> No.28722040

Based anon
iExec is a beast

>> No.28722285

Tomorrow will be huge. $2.50 at minimum

>> No.28722345

Cool me too

>> No.28722586

should be 2.5 minimum now

>> No.28722625

I want to get a bag but I don't want to pay $50 to swap it

>> No.28722754

you' only need 0.005 barrel to make up for those swap fees after DOTB

>> No.28723055

whales won’t allow it

>> No.28723164

They have no choice

>> No.28724090

This, steady but slowly all their walls will be eaten

>> No.28724388

Have fun