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28717912 No.28717912 [Reply] [Original]

>Salary range: Competitive

>> No.28717946


>> No.28718508
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>Average starting salary for new college grad
>Look at what starting salaries were 50 years ago adjusted for inflation

>> No.28719553

So you tell them your salary. Have you never had a real big boy job before?

>> No.28719569


My grandfather used to make 22$ an hour polishing silver for Birks. In the 80s so like 40ish/hr, didnt speak french nor english just outworked all the other lazy frenchies.

If only hardwork still paid,

I shouldve gone trans for 2 3 years and just shill bullshit articles for the same momey im making now fixing shit...

>> No.28720296

i make 50k dragging 7 high cases full of cottage cheese and sour cream with a hook. i just never really gave a fuck about college. still trying to make it through crypto. i made 21.50 last year and this year i made 18.50. last year i worked more, got taxed more, and made the same amount of money. tax brackets are bullshit.

>> No.28720374

i took the pay cut for day shift with weekends off. still make the same amount of money.

>> No.28720650

>last year i worked more, got taxed more, and made the same amount of money. tax brackets are bullshit.
literally impossible but ok

>> No.28721425

i thought so too but i just got my taxes done and it is.

>> No.28721501

>salary range: discussed

>> No.28721577

not impossible at all lol. It happens to a LOT of people. Taxation is theft.

>> No.28721705

Trapped in retail and applying for big boy graduate jobs. Below industry standard is still a 10% pay rise for me if I land a new job. Wew.

>> No.28722312
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>salary range: 20k-200k

>> No.28722341

>why do you think?

>> No.28722442
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>Salary commensurate with experience

>> No.28722609
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Salary: yes

>> No.28722749

>Self starter
> vacation time: unlimited

>> No.28722846
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>We are looking for our new star

>> No.28722879
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How lovely endless immigration and open borders truly is?

>> No.28723014

You can have as much vacation as you want! As long as it's none

>> No.28723392

My father in the 90s got a plumbing job that paid $30,000/yr starting. It allowed him to raise us kids and pay for his entire engineering degree with zero debt. My father constantly bitches at me for being unable barely able to survive off 25k/yr. Says I spend too much on food.

Boomers are literally incapable of understanding how inflation works.

>> No.28723722

US taxation is absolutely bullshit. They literally punish you for making more money. It's why people refuse to get jobs while on government benefits. Because it would cause them to get taxed more and become more impoverished. You can't even get try to get ahead in life with small trading. You get taxed 15% on stock profits, regardless of your net yearly income. I'm so fucking glad I live in Canada.

>> No.28723891
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>shitty job in the middle of nowhere working on earth moving equipment
>due to high volume of applicants only short listed candidates will be contacted
Also every job is now a "traineeship" so we can pay below min wage
>"apprentice" cleaner
>"apprentice" barista
>"apprentice" labourer

>> No.28723954
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>Come be a part of our diverse team!

>> No.28724003

Because my weekly pay puts me into a higher tax bracket, I'm only about £30 worse off if I were to take a day off sick each week

>> No.28724080

>I'm so fucking glad I live in Canada.
are you fucking retarded? everything you just said applies here too, you dumb faggot

>> No.28724101

statist faggot.

>> No.28724452
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>every Tuesday is a fruit day

>> No.28724744


Biden doubled taxes, what part of this are you struggling with?

>> No.28725724

>Boss man can't understand why we have a high turn over rate
>Boss man can't understand why people are struggling to put gas in their tank to make it to work
>Boss man always goes on about how he only made 5.50 at his first job
>Boss man was a construction work gopher, zero skill
>Jokes about how he constantly grabbed the wrong things, cut materials incorrectly
>One day decided to see what his wage would've been worth today
>$17.46/hour when he was 16
>With zero skill

>> No.28726086

zero skill jobs paying $20+ an hour still exists

>> No.28726305

I got a job doing the same thing at the same company as my dad had 30 years prior. Same exact starting pay.

>> No.28726384

They do? Where? Doing what?

>> No.28726530

Selling your soul to amazon. Postal worker.

>> No.28726573


>> No.28726841

The NPC's who record peoples' information on an iPad when they show up for their Covid19 vaccine get paid $20 an hour.

>> No.28727250
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>"Computer, now overlay the average inflation-adjusted starting salary with the rate of illegal immigration over the past 50 years."
>"ANON, DON'T! You'll be flagged for hatethink! No ISP will ever take you on again!"
>*be-boop ba-bop pling*
>"M-masaka! Perfecto Matcho desuka???"

>> No.28727693
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>start your new flexible job

>> No.28727786

It's telling that the single best period for American workers' wages was the 40s through early 60s, the exact same time at which immigration was at its lowest per capita rate in American history.

>> No.28727801
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>salary: no

>> No.28727937

unironically garbagemen

>> No.28728045

Cleaning up any sort of waste pays rather well. Hospital workers in particular earn a lot for cleaning up the blood and guts after surgery. I nearly got a job doing that with zero education. $30/yr starting.

>> No.28728274

Product Owner, or Scrum master.

>> No.28728320

Only 50% of profit from trading counts towards yearly income in Canada unless you're labeled a day trader. The CRA is pretty lacks about that "day trader" label too. You can make a dozen trades per week and they won't give two shits. Unless you're trading out of a TFSA, then you can get flagged really easily.

>> No.28728342
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I almost had a fist fight with my dad last night arguing about exactly this. Back in my day, I was smart, I paid the house off in 5 years, kids today are too dumb and just waste money instead of paying off their debts. Shut the fuck up retard, millions wish they could pay there fucking house of in 5 years. Go get another fucking mortgage and pay it off in 5 years again if you're so smart.

Also dirty at me because link is only going up like wtf? More money than ever and you're pissed off. It's not real, it'll go to zero

>> No.28728366

maybe that's actually correlated with, y'know, high marginal tax rates and the fact that exports were high because most of the developed world was bombed to hell?

How do you even breathe being this retarded?

>> No.28728394
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>Salary: Eat what you kill

>> No.28728442

Name: Anon
Sex: not yet still trying to find the right one

>> No.28728660

Kek, it's amazing how fucking stupid you lefties are. Please, continue rioting on behalf of the media and the ruling class for unending immigration and wage suppression.

>> No.28728708
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>So why do you want to work here?

>> No.28728832
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>So, why should I hire you?

>> No.28729240

There is also the fact that the Republicans dominated US politics for nearly 40 years. Things such as wage control, worker rights, and prevention of monopolies were toss out the window a long time ago. The idea that employers would be forced to pay us glorious white men more if the filthy Mexicans weren't around is silly.

>> No.28729268

>statutory vs effective tax rate
Dilate with a 12 gauge.

>> No.28729426


>> No.28729504

>be a retard
>get phone sales job
>scan normies and make $100k+
Simple as

>> No.28729587


t. Phone posting

>> No.28729597
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>job market: tough
>dating market: tough
>social market: tough
anyone fed up with life rn?

>> No.28729682
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Flexible hours
Open office concept environment
Team building retreats
1 week annual vacation time
Vegan snacks
Diverse work environment

>> No.28729702

Where can you make 100k doing this? I was always consistently in the top two-three performers on my teams when I briefly had to do this kind of shit

>> No.28729905

i just want my life to end. die of natural causes or some shit

>> No.28729958

will I own anything?

>> No.28729984

I’m in South OC, CA. Living in Irvine currently. Most sales call centers here you can make 2-3k a week if you can close. I’ve done student loan relief , tax debt relief and debt settlement and have made 10k a month doing each.

>> No.28730004

Nothing. And everything.

>> No.28730063

So effectively minimum wage.

>> No.28730100

America as well as other "first world countries" are in a decline. The reason why no one notices the decline is because governments massage the numbers to make it look like everything is fine but its not. Here are some eye-openers for you.

Price of a home in 1975 (Average): $39,300
Average Family Income 1975: $13.7k
Total home price in 1975 in Today after factoring in inflation: $199k
Average Family Income 2021: $61k
Price of home in 2021 (Average): $295k
$1 (1975) = $5 (2021)

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.28730344

Young people should move out of the west and not waste their lives here grinding at a snail's pace.

>> No.28730407
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>commission rate
>0.5% of profits

>> No.28730582
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>Boomers are literally incapable of understanding how inflation works.
You forgot they don’t know how credit scores work either despite being responsible for creating it

>> No.28730804

No they fully understand how the system works, the problem is that they don't give a shit because they reaped the benefits of the system.

>> No.28730834
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Is this based

>> No.28730858

It’s definitely possible

>> No.28730979

Only the failures. But you'll still be happy.

>> No.28731263
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>contractor position so they don't need to give you benefits and can ditch you after 6 months
>"but anon, we'll consider hiring you after 6 months if you demonstrate that you're a rockstar!"

>> No.28731264


>> No.28731369

>thread topic: repetitive

>> No.28731531

Yup I was working on self improovment before they closed the world, becoming a better man so I could one day meet a worthy girl. Now it’s over and I might as well just give up and die. There’s no escape.

>> No.28731534
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>requirements: you need the have the cure to cancer, colonized a planet, transcended the astral plane, and have a phd hand given to you from god
>pay: $15/hr

>> No.28731598

Don't forget that the "average" price figure is bullshit. The average is only that low because of all the negrified ghettos that look like they've been carpet-bombed. And because of things like immigration and demographic replacement, there's a lot less of the country that's actually some degree of livable. If you want a baseline of "I don't want to be surrounded by ghetto nigs and spics" then your average is a lot higher than that figure already. Make it "not surrounded by shitskins AND not in the middle of nowhere with no employment opportunities" and we're talking like double that.

>> No.28731810

Literally the only thing going well in my life right now is University because my school has cancelled all exams due to covid. I've gone from a 2.6 GPD to 3.1. I am not excited to move on to find a real job in today's world.

>> No.28732012

Holy shit the number of retards replying to this post who don’t know how brackets work. Your taxes only go up for income earned above the bracket.
>You earn $100
>Tax rate for first $100 is 10%
>You pay $10
>You get a raise and now earn $150
>Tax rate for the first $100 is still 10%
>Tax rate for money earned between $100 and $200 is %15
>You thus pay $17.50 ($10 on first tax bracket and $7.50 on second tax bracket).
Honestly it’s no fucking wonder these guys hang around /biz/ hoping to get rich, they’re too fucking stupid to hope for anything else.

>> No.28732156

>Also every job is now a "traineeship" so we can pay below min wage
This is illegal but public sector workers as a rule don’t give a shit so nothing ever gets done about it.

>> No.28732229

Not how it works

>> No.28732294

You’re half right and not about marginal taxes.

>> No.28732876

Bracket creep is a very real thing where there can be situations where for all intents and purposes you are in the situation he described. Why would you bother moving up to a role that’s a bracket above what you’re at now when the responsibility is higher and therefore you need to work a lot harder than you are now, except you barely get paid more after the government gets its (increased) cut.

>> No.28732980

This is exactly why I left my middle management position and went back to being a senior level engineer (Individual contributor). Factoring in time and effort (and now salary thanks to my equity rising), I make more a senior engineer than I did as a manager. Instead of working 60-80 hour weeks because I have a shitload of work, I now barely work 35, I use the remaining time to research crypto and other investments, which have made me money.

>> No.28733084

Yep, that’s the way to go. Pretty much all the programmers in my team are more than happy staying as senior devs. They know what game you have to play once you put on the manager hat and no one wants to put up with that bullshit.

>> No.28733262


Immigrants from the 50s to 60s actually came for a better life and to work hard.

nowadays its lets go to the place with the most gimmie gibs

>> No.28733297

It's crazy, but I am no longer surprised that people here are swinging around hundreds of thousands of cash without even understanding how tax brackets work. ie:
>The government decides how much tax you owe by dividing your taxable income into chunks — also known as tax brackets — and each chunk gets taxed at the corresponding tax rate. The beauty of this is that no matter which bracket you’re in, you won’t pay that tax rate on your entire income. (This is the idea behind the concept of effective tax rate.)

>> No.28733314
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>give us an example of when you demonstrated [skill/attribute]

>> No.28733385

Need to get into this tbqh, work as a Release Manager but Product Owner role seems even better desu

>> No.28733448

I started a new position in October as a project engineer. They started me on two projects. One month in, the project manager unexpectedly leaves the department for a better job in a different department, and the other engineer on the project leaves the project for another. Upper management told me that I HAVE to now become the project manager, and that it's "such a good opportunity that people don't get this early". No increase in pay, just a fuck ton more responsibilities and stress/anxiety. Like, I understand it's not an ideal situation for any of the parties involved, but I am on probation and dont know what to tell them. Not happy at all.

>> No.28733898

They want to bump you up to manager with no salary increase? Fuck them. Keep working if you need to, but start looking for somewhere else ASAP

>> No.28734050

>be graduate
>got told salary range competitive
>gets job offer for $30k
Well known company too, and 3 years later making $80k but still this is such a joke when applying

>> No.28734089
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>> No.28734179

I got offered 35 and then 45K out of school. Hit 96K within 2 years though.

>> No.28734287
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Lol my school didn't cancel exams, they said tough shit figure it out, and didn't even drop tuition cost. What a scam. I hope it gets worse. Accelerate

>> No.28734293

Yessir. On top of that, even if i WERE to get an increase in salary, I would prefer to work in a supportive role where I don't have to deal with the stress of being a project manager.
I make 100k as a project engineer, and project managers make about 130k.
I'd rather make 100k and not deal with that level of stress, than make 130k and be anxiety ridden all day.
I literally wouldn't accept the position even with an increase in salary, and they're asking me to take on those responsibilities while maintaining my current title/salary.
And because I'm on probation for another few months, I feel like there's nothing I can do but suck it up.
On a side note, I absolutely despise engineering and cannot stand it at all, but I dont know how else I could make 100k or anything close. Feel stuck as fuck desu

>> No.28734558

>get offered 50k while in school
>company gives me free land to live on, free phone, free truck, free water/utilities/etc.
>boss pulls me aside one day
>”anon, we are changing your salary”
>”it is now $60k”
life is a meme

>> No.28734623

As the other guy said it sounds like you just need to look elsewhere. If you’re confident you can line up another job you can pushback and see if your current employer will actually have some respect and backdown. Otherwise if you’re desperate then you’ll just have to put up with it until you get something else. Sounds like a bad company, do you have anyone who can stick up for you at all? More of a direct manager/people lead who will have more authority to call out bullshit like that.

>> No.28734757

I really hate the bullshit corporate culture these places push. You MUST want to constantly overwork yourself and kiss asses in order to keep climbing the corporate ladder. What's that? You like your current position and the pay is suitable enough for your lifestyle and needs? You lack ambition and are therefore bottomfeeder scum. How dare you be content.

It's the same thing in my field (pharmacist). In retail pharmacies, you're either the pharmacy manager, or you're just a staff pharmacist. The pharmacy manager gets paid barely anything extra, but they have a fuckton of extra responsibilities in running the pharmacy, being legally accountable for all sorts of bullshit, needing to deal with staffing/hiring, etc. It's not fucking worth it at all, and so the majority of pharmacists refuse to accept "promotions" to manager, because fuck that.

And so what do the retailers do? Do they increase pharmacy manager salaries to make it worth it? Fuck no, they just cut everyone else's hours besides managers.

>> No.28734759

Doubt that's zero skill, they'd want experience in cleaning, previous janitor work.

>> No.28734807

nah they got an ego, fuck em im not working for some cunt

>> No.28734831

after 3 years experience is it true that the next job is easier to get? I'm in tax consulting by the way

>> No.28734881
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I found a web developer job LAST WEEK that required Macromedia Flash knowledge.
not just Flash, but Macromedia Flash

I think I'm starting to understand why people exit this clown car world and join a co-op society

>> No.28734893
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>10% savings rate in bank account

>> No.28735178
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>worked for a company for 5 years
>get good raises for 3 years
>asked for a raise on the 4th year
>they low ball me
>as for a raise on the 5th year
>They give me what I wanted on the 4th year
>switch companies and never look back
>work at this place for 3 years
>they get acquired by some other company
>most people get let go but they say they want to bring me on
>mfw I already found a new position that pays double what I was getting before
>respectfully turn them down
>they ask why I don't want to join
>show them the offer letter from the other company
>they try to match but don't even come close
>try to feed me some shit about stock option (private company btw) and how they'll eventually get purchased and go public (they won't) so the stock will be worth a lot (it won't)
>9 month later they're emailing me asking me how old systems work and if I'll work as a contractor with them to figure it out
>tell them I'm too busy and they should have the developer they hired to replace me look at it
>mfw I know damn well they didn't hire a new developer
Fuck these people. Remember anons. Companies are not your friends and they would fuck you dry in the ass if it was going to turn a profit. So treat them like piggy banks. Because that's what they are.

>> No.28735249

i will never get a regular job

>> No.28735307

Even warehouses pay more than 25k. Are you just retarded?

>> No.28735316

Imagine wasting 7-10 years to get a PharmD degree only to end up working another job in retail where you are not on a salary and have "hours/timecards". Insert brainlet.png image.

>> No.28735319

in the UK they say ':competitive' on job listings that pay minimum wage.. literally only competitive if the alternative was actual slave labour

>> No.28735451

It was great years ago, but then these scammer degree mills started popping up and pushing every pajeet into this business and crashed the market. Now shit's fucked.
I'm GTFOing soon enough. Thank god for crypto.

>> No.28735516

You realize there are certain tax benefits that stop applying after a certain amount per year right? Certain accounts that you can only get at certain income levels? I make 200k a year and I'm basically fucked out of a lot of tax exemptions. I don't have student debt anymore but apparently I can't even apply for the student loan interest tax credit. I literally make too much money for a Roth IRA contribution thus raising my tax liability. So yes, you absolutely can end up taking less if you make more depending on how far out of certain benefit brackets you fall.

>> No.28735564

75 k a year being an auto damage adjuster....i fucking hate it.

>> No.28735568

>3 years ago get hired as a grad
>graduate level pay (low), but its ok because regular performance reviews
>put in 110%, constantly praised by boss
>performance review time, flying colors
>because our client is the government, we have a 15% cap on the raise, so thats what we're gonna give you
>call around, find another team within the same company who want me
>offer me a 40% rise on my previous salary
>will be on 6 figs this year
know your worth and find someone willing to pay you as much. you can be loyal to certain people in companies but sometimes the structure is set up against you

>> No.28735581

Yup this yo. Terrible experiences working in the construction industry. Could have done better trading construction stocks than my base salary ‘cause I knew who showed up to the site, who was in what position, and which companies bid on what jobs. Go figure.

I press your button I get money and I gtfo. They were nice enough people but a business doesn’t work like that.

>> No.28736185

My dad flipped burgers at 16 for a business called Viking Burger. He got like £3 an hour.

That's £25 an hour in today's money. (35 dollars).

I'm 24 and I earn half of that for skilled labour. Actually makes me want to cry that my dad was making twice my pay at 16, and has zero ability to understand inflation despite working for a bank. He always sends me investment plans and I can't explain to him that I have £0 left at the end of the month to buy clothes with, let alone invest in some boomer fund.

>> No.28736258

Holy fuck imagine. I'm sitting here hyped at the idea of something like this finally existing with delegating to GRT and they just had that shit as a given from regular banks that were insured.

>> No.28736559

i'm a 30 year old boomer. i remember having an ING Direct savings account with a 7% interest rate sometime in the late 2000s.

>> No.28736829

>but they have a fuckton of extra responsibilities in running the pharmacy, being legally accountable for all sorts of bullshit, needing to deal with staffing/hiring, etc. It's not fucking worth it at all

The restaurant franchise I work for has this same issue with hiring Head Chefs. Sous Chef is the rank below and they get paid 10k less per year but have way less responsibilities. Head Chefs work 50+hrs per week and only get 2 weeks of vacation per year. They're responsible for most of the finances of the restaurant, all the food orders, hiring, scheduling...Sous Chefs lead the kitchen, worries about zero financial bullshit, and gets to work 40hrs per week. It's way less work for only a moderate pay decrease, so nobody wants to be a Head Chef.

My restaurant had no Head Chef for almost a year because nobody wanted to do it. Eventually, they had to get the regional manager to do the job because no one was even applying. It hurt our business a lot not having a proper Head Chef. It could've saved us all a lot of stress and time if they just paid the head chef 6-figures for his hard work.

>> No.28736918

Yes. I worked too long at my first job but afterwards I was the prettiest girl at prom. Literally have to be the one to turn down companies instead of the other way around. The best part is that they get so defensive about being rejected too. When I came out of school I had no experience and had to take what I was given. Now I've got fucking Facebook and Amazon banging on my door. Don't think I'll sell my soul there just yet though. Hopefully never.

>> No.28737081

>That's £25 an hour in today's money. (35 dollars).
How old is your dad?

>> No.28737088

I'm 31 but I was too busy buying yugioh cards with my pocket change to have a bank account. I just wish this was still a thing. I would literally take all of my cash out of the stock market if I could get a guaranteed zero risk 7% every year.

>> No.28737089

>Companies are not your friends
How should a company work that doesn't screw anons _and_ isn't taking advantage of for being a nice guy company?

>> No.28737194

>Now I've got fucking Facebook and Amazon banging on my door.
Why do they want you so much?

>> No.28737237
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Sounds terrible and as others have said looking for other options is solid advice. However, it might really be an incredible opportunity for your professional development. Being on probation does not mean you are a slave, you should still stand up for yourself and show confidence. Being on probation sucks, because they can fire you on a whim, but their situation seems much worse. The recent resignations have left them severely understaffed and putting the whole project at risk of not being able to deliver on time, which probably would cost them much more money than you can imagine. Giving you the boot will very likely worsen their problem instead of fixing it, thus you are in a good negotiating position. My advice would be to gently push back to test the waters and make it clear that they can negotiate with you. The only real risk I see is that someone in upper management realizes this whole project is not worth salvaging and decides to take it down blaming you for the whole thing, so he can walk away clean.

>> No.28737279

Not sure honestly. I just disliked that they made it out to be that I would be able to get the raise I wanted if I "worked harder and showed the initiative". After a full year of busting my ass they basically cucked me and gave me what I wanted the year prior. The moral of the story though is that if you don't get the raise you want, don't work harder. Find a new company that will pay you what you want and then some.

>> No.28737317

Yep, 100% exact same scenario to a T.

You miss the point. Nobody likes the "we're your friends at the office! We're a family here!" fake bullshit. It's a transaction - labor for cash. Drop the facade and stop pretending it's more than that.

>> No.28737402

suicides are at ATH

>> No.28737418

Software Engineer with coming on 10 years experience. Pajeets have flooded the market for low skilled web dev work, but at the higher ends high skilled American workers are actually highly in demand. There aren't enough graduates for the number of openings that exist. You just have to find a way past the meme entry level positions.
>5 years experience in a technology that was announced at CES last week
>no benefits
>stop option in a private start up
>30k a year

>> No.28737666

From my own experience, what I disliked were uncertainty (performance -> reward), lack of transparency (how decisions were made, which also played into the reward part based on the company's overall situation), and unfair dependency on inner circles with asymmetric advantage over me.
I wonder how I could run my business and remove those issues without getting taken advantage of.

>friends ... family
Nah, not that fake stuff. Just how to deal fairly with our kind (i.e. somewhat spergy anons) and set the right incentives for both sides.

>> No.28737687

Fuck no. Any job that straight up goes "IF YOU'RE LAZY FUCK OFF" before you even have it will treat you like absolute shit the minute you make some kind of (likely imagined) transgression. And heaven forbid you actually fuck up.

>> No.28737720


>> No.28737760

For those who don’t know these meme positions are posted with impossible requirements so that the company can say “oopsie we couldn’t find a local hire so we don’t have a choice but to ship in a pajeet who will work for nothing and we can grind him into dust because his visa is in our hands!”

>> No.28737844
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Fact: Any job that's not 100% commissions based is slavery and you're not receiving a fair proportion of income compared to the amount of effort you put in

I have never and will never work hourly or salaried.

>> No.28737863

>I literally make too much money for a Roth IRA contribution thus raising my tax liability.
Correction: You can't make a traditional IRA contribution and have it knock 6 grand off your taxes. You can still contribute to a Roth though: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/backdoor-roth-ira.asp

>> No.28737883
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>> No.28737981

Yup. You'd think they would get busted when they list impossible requirements.

>> No.28738065

I have a software testing job I got out of college a few years back, but since covid hit I have fallen off and do the bare minimum (if that, many days of nothing) to show up for meetings etc. I don't really care about our product, and struggled with motivation for a while before the pandemic, but was at least trying and doing ok. It feels like before pandemic, I kinda had the meme "impostor syndrome" everybody talks about, but then my mental state has gotten much worse to the point that it became a self fulfilling prophecy sort of thing, and I somehow apparently justify mostly faking my job now. I know I deserve to be fired at this point but I'm not sure what is keeping me around, some sort of charitableness of my manager or maybe it's just not worth the trouble to fire until we go back to the office?

>> No.28738150

But the point is to get tax deductions. A person at $123,999 a year has $6000 less in tax liability than a person making $124,00. And that's just one example.

>> No.28738186

He gives amazing bjs

>> No.28738278

>you can be loyal to certain people in companies but sometimes the structure is set up against you
This is an important point to note. Most companies will sell you out for literal pennies if they are given the opportunity. But sometimes there are honorable people in leadership positions worthy of your loyality, because they care for and protect their people. But once they are gone, all bets are off again.

>> No.28738327
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Imagine thinking loyalty is for humans, loyalty is for women and dogs, it is a sign of weakness.

>> No.28738404

I can line up another job, but this job is a public sector (city) engineering job with nice benefits/holidays and the like. Pretty sure I'd have to take a cut in pay if I did switch. And, honestly, from my experience working for a private sector engineering consultant firm, the stress is probably worse. It's just that I am literally the last person who would apply for a project manager type position, I would be very happy to make 100k doing the job that I applied for / agreed to (give support to project management as they need it - but not being the main point of contact for every little thing and doing all the extra prep work, facilitating meetings, etc.). Another thing is that I've only been at this place for 4 months and have barely had a chance to really get the hang of things, so it's kinda throwing me in the deep end. Which again, I do understand their position with the other two people leaving, but the way I'd phrase is something like "you've got the wrong guy" if you're looking to fill a PM role.
Yep, you totally get what I'm saying.
>What's that? You like your current position and the pay is suitable enough for your lifestyle and needs? You lack ambition and are therefore bottomfeeder scum. How dare you be content.
Literally this. I feel like I'm being judged as a lazy asshole whenever I brainstorm possible ways to tell management that I'm happy not being a PM and want no part in it. Like, what if youre really good at your position, and dont want to climb? What if youre perfectly efficient in your role and dont make a fuss about anything? Why do you have to want to take on more stress? It's enough to drive someone out who actually wants to be there and was perfectly content otherwise.

>> No.28738808

The correct answer is, "I'm sure that XYZ Corp would be able to put together an appropriate compensation offer." Always get them to answer first. Then negotiate upward from there. If they don't answer or keep pressing theatret that's a red flag. You can catch them off guard though by saying, "I'm open to offers. What is the rate for this position?" Watch how they become offended and lose their cool when you ask them the same question they asked you. I even had someone say, "That's not fair I asked you first!1111".

>> No.28739057

Yep, I guess I will start looking around but I feel cornered in this industry. I was actually content with the role that I was in prior to this happening, and my other project is going along swimmingly in the same role. Now that I've been thrusted into being a PM despite barely having enough time to get used to the role that I actually agreed to/applied for, I feel so much stress and anxiety every day because it's just something that I never would apply for even if it came with a large promotion. My skillset just doesn't match well with the role, and I'm honestly not comfortable doing a lot of the things on a daily basis.
>However, it might really be an incredible opportunity for your professional development.
Totally get what you're saying. I think ultimately it's just that I've no interest in being a project manager. I am very laid back and low energy desu, I would be more than happy to lay low and provide support, work my ass off if I have to, but I dont want to be the main point of contact and sweat bullets over the things that a PM has to.
Agreed with your strategy, and ty for the advice. I have a meeting with the people on this project on Tuesday, I'll have to brainstorm the right things to say to approach this in such a way that I communicate where I'm coming from without sounding like I'm not aware of the situation they're in, or that I'm flipping the table in anger and all that sort of thing.

>> No.28739138

Meaningless stake in the company via equity diluted in a sea of outstanding shares.

>> No.28739172

I'm posting at 2am. I got it wrong by 10 years. He actually made like £15 an hour, 20 dollars, which is still more than I do now, with no skills at 16.

>> No.28739552
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>looking for m/f/x

>> No.28740017

You sound very reasonable and will do fine, imo. As a last remark from me, most engineers would kill to have a PM with a technical background, who understands their problems. My boss is such a guy and does a great job at keeping the bullshit politics away from the people doing the actual work. However, this should not play any part in your decisions to get a position you are comfortable in.

>> No.28740421

Human Resources needs to go back where it belongs.....filing cabinets.

>> No.28740515

I made $121K my first year bartending in NYC and I’m for sure a trash bartender.

Remember 90% of life is showing up.

>> No.28740647

bartenders are hired by their looks, not by their skills, retard, anyone can pour a drink

90% of life is having won the genetic lottery

>> No.28740821
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>What are you hobbies anon?
>I like to write inflammatory posts online to make strangers argue with each other
>They chuckle
>Hired the next week

>> No.28741329

>90% of life is having won the genetic lottery
90% of society is about keeping the genetic losers entertained and marginally useful so they don't ruin shit for the winners

>> No.28741438

Also when jews were declining

>> No.28741527


>> No.28741648

Lmao are you telling me how bartenders are hired?

>> No.28741870

Yes life is hell but I won’t end it because I somehow have hope