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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28717781 No.28717781 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, how legit is CoinMetro?

>> No.28717932

The most. Biz will come to love it, but the ship will have taken off by then.


>> No.28718077

>multiple cm threads on biz at the same time
Sell signal

>> No.28718145

Just to add: i'm thinking about running my own ad campaing on facebook to spam my reflink and get those 40% of my ref's fees for life

>> No.28718263

Very legit
Even though DEX's look to be the future, CoinMetro's CEX has enough products and services to maintain a niche.

>> No.28718313

It's a buy signal, retard
Everything below 1€ is a steal. I've been holding since the ico and i'm still buying xcm regularly. You would too, if you had a brain

>> No.28718481
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literally THE biz exchange
literally the most based ceo
literally no one is using it

>> No.28718489

Im just a retard taliing about the exchange
How much you get for ref links?

>> No.28718559

You need a special permission from facebook to advertise something crypto related.
If you fuck up things for CM for advertising on facebook they won't be happy.

>> No.28718837

made an account solely to buy PRQ and i REALLY like it

>> No.28718991


>> No.28719110

I use cm. Comfy desu

>> No.28719139

This might be my favourite poster.
She's so based.

>> No.28719153

How'd you despoit into it? Looks like they only take wires and want my ssn. Don't like that

>> No.28719177

I like it, its nice to be able to ask a question to the CEO and have it answered by him the same day.
Its early and they have some liquidity issues to figure out and need to fix their app (mostly to attract normies) but both of those are in the works and Kevin has been very transparent about it.
I'm a poorfag and i'm just tryna get a 10k stack of XCM because I feel good about it.

>> No.28719306

choo choo shills fuck off, coinmetro is great, but sucks cause no liquidity, also kevin has mesmerizing voice, i can listen to him talk about nothing for hours

>> No.28719401

hope this helps somehwat

>> No.28719660

Ill have to watch later, out and about right now. Just want a decent exchange/method I can on-ramp to. I already have bittrex for off-ramping if need be

>> No.28719740

Then you'll like what you're going to hear fren

>> No.28719818

you can deposit in crypto or fiat (wire, credit card, sepa, swift)
for signup I would suggest contacting their support. a lot depends on where you are from in terms of what information they require, but I am sure they will have a way for you to sign up without exposing your ssn.

>> No.28719999

Cool, hope so. Don't feel good giving them my ssn or anyone. Bad enough them have my id and shit (not that i don't trust them, but less people that have it the better)
Already signup with my ID and shit, but to deposit from US they want ssn. If I could do credit card that would be amazing so I'm not fucked for any hacks where the number gets out plus that 2% cash back

>> No.28720002

I had a load of litecoin, so just transferred that over and change converted it

>> No.28720466

Doing a little research and one of the current top posting in the CoinMetro subreddit is about extortion emails being sent to holders as a result of a user data leak/dump. This is exactly why I dont trust Estonians.

>> No.28720571

Legit? Link?

>> No.28720628

I'm not from the us so I don't really know what rules you guys have. any other US coinmetro users here? help your fellow countryman out. I'm sure there is a way to deposit/withdraw without ssn.

>> No.28720668

Very comfy. SEPA deposit was there in 2 hours. The only place you’re able to stake link. Nice and simple UI. Transparent and cheap fees.

>> No.28720695


Like I said its one of the top posts, 3rd down I believe

>> No.28720794 [DELETED] 

Guess you'll be happy to hear that the terrorist or whoever is not esonian but a chink

>> No.28720830

>stake link
What does this mean?
Thnks anon
Ill take a peak later

>> No.28720889

found the right link

>> No.28721218
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Check "Exchange Normalized Trade Volume (1y)" you lord of the fags

>> No.28721272

>t. Kevin

>> No.28721482

I use it as an onramp. Fees are ok ($5 for ACH transfer, 0.15% to transfer crypto out)

>> No.28721580

my main problem is that, biz is STILL unaware of the exchange
most people here still don't know who kevin is
even assblaster shilling this didn't do anything about it.

>$5 for ACH transfer
what are coinbase's rates?

>> No.28721954


>> No.28723076
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>> No.28723863

some sheepl just deserve the rope anon and there's nothing we can do for binancetards

>> No.28723885

> what are coinbase's rates?
I never used coinbase. Too many horror stories about funds frozen/stolen. I have 0 trust in that company.