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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28711776 No.28711776 [Reply] [Original]

Two words. Bull. Pennant.

>> No.28712547

I bought 99% of my stack at .30.

I bough a little bit last night at $2.35 based on this bull pendant. I'll probably buy a ton more at $2 but we'll see if it goes down that low.

>> No.28712613

Do you mean 1? It's practically at two right now.

>> No.28712617

That's a downtrend idiot

>> No.28712731

damns that BULLISH

>> No.28712750

I haven't been keeping up too much with the price, I wasn't expecting to see it had already hit 1.90 a few hours ago. Fuck me. Would've been prime time to buy IMO.

>> No.28712770

Thats 2 sentences yer >>28712547
fucken retard. Also checkem

>> No.28712776

This chart is so fucking bullish I'm not sure I want to coom or cope because I swung a little bit too much below $2

>> No.28712912
File: 84 KB, 2208x305, A4AACCAA-0BD0-4765-B50B-A6A44D37A7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that I sold the top and you fucktard bagholders won’t see ath again in 2021

>> No.28713095

You are fucking dumb
This token pays dividends
They are going to sell the bare minimum
There's not going to be a dump

>> No.28713323

I fully agree with you but this pendant could continue for days or weeks and only climb back up to barely above our ath but I hope.

>> No.28713583
File: 85 KB, 1502x858, GRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. The only in its favor is that it is moving slow and waffly down. Not breakneck straight down.

>> No.28713673

>circ supply increasing by 400% in 4 months
>investors are up 1000x on a 1 year investment
>they won’t sell because it’ll just keep going up
You are a coping retard. Screencap this so by EOY when you’re left holding your dick in your hand with no profits and my shit in your month you’ll wanna rope for what could have been if you weren’t a smoothbrain

>> No.28714692
File: 21 KB, 388x319, aws_grt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The google of blockchain
>The agent orange of vietnam war
>The bullish pennant of breakouts
>The Amazon of worker exploitation
>The Mr. Muscle of false advertising
>The Enron of stable price
>The Ted Cruz of delegation
>The Borat of mockumentaries
>The Palestine of Israel
>The North Korea of defectors
>The /pol/ of tards
>The C920 of webcams
>The Pewdiepie of Nazis
>The R*ddit of echo chambers