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28704793 No.28704793 [Reply] [Original]

Come along now, newfriends. Gather round ole Pepe's feet, I've got some advice for ya on this cold and comfy Sunday. Now, many of you are wondering why everything's dumping today, yes? Well, well! That's just how Sundays are. Weekends is a time for rest and relaxation, and the same could be said for Tokens! Haha, your money's working so hard, it needs a little time to cool down - oh, and I hope you've put your money in reliable, good tokens, yes? I know how exciting it must be to invest in things like ASKO or AAVE or MCDC, but those are what we like to call "funny money tokens," they'll burn ya more often than they'll bump your profits. Always start your tenure as a crypto investor getting into the "blue ticket" tokens, like LTC, BTC or ETH. Haha, I know what you're thinking, "But Pepe, they're so boring!" And yes, they are! But sometimes you gotta do something boring, to get something good. There's nothing wrong with an honest day's labor, and that's precisely what you're money's doing when they're in the Big Ten Tokens.

Goodness, where has the time gone? Just as you read this some token or other has gone up .10c, or gone down $1.50! Scary, I know, and you must be wondering, "When do I sell? When do I buy?" Well now, little ones, take it from an old toad like me; the peak of a growth or the valley of a dip is hypothetical, but the profits or tokens are very real. Never try to time a top or bottom, you'll regret it! What comes up must come down, and what goes down must come up - such is the nature of a bull market. Gosh, I'm so proud of you for getting in when the getting's good, but be safe out there! Don't listen to the ruffians and rascals trying to sell you penny stocks - that's for the grown-ups, and you're not grown-up until you've made at least $10,000 in your portfolio.

Now, does anyone have any questions?

>> No.28704942
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>> No.28704964

>tl;dr buy my boomer bags

>> No.28704986

Ask me how I know you're a r*dditnigger with less than 7 figures
Poor people mentality can't breed riches

>> No.28705099

Still gonna wait until the next ETH dip, your logic doesnt make sense, if there's gonna be a dip and a serge you might as well buy at the dip. Big profits retard.

>> No.28705181

Go back to gayreddit you fucking imbecile.

>> No.28705292


>> No.28705314

actually... pretty alright adv..
I'd put in some tips on how to find out if a project is a shitcoin or not but thats fine
>Now, does anyone have any questions?
what do you hold fellow oldfag

>> No.28705434

based anon don't listen to the salty fags itt
>Now, does anyone have any questions?
Is it feasible to day trade after the bull market ends?

>> No.28705454
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also this

>> No.28705534
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>Is it feasible to day trade
no, never in fact.

>> No.28705666

I just started and apparently the bull run is ending very soon. So all of you will just hodl your coins and live life normally until the next run or what? I genuinely have no idea.

>> No.28705719

>what do you hold fellow oldfag
I've got my fingers in ETH, LTC and BTC. I did a little cheeky swing-trading with LINK when the getting was good and made a tidy profit that allowed me to invest in stablecoins.
>Is it feasible to day trade after the bull market ends?
Absolutely not, you're playing with fire there. Bear markets are times to return to the real world of wageslavery, living off the fat of your bull market earnings, or collecting NEET bucks. However, Bear markets ARE important for one big reason; though altcoins will inevitably die in droves, the stablecoins will always survive, and they'll get lean and cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if BTC gets down to $10,000 this coming bear market, or $80 for LTC. Bear markets are when you accumulate the stablecoins that surge during Bull markets, and that's how you Make It. Nobody became a millionaire in an afternoon, and those who say they did so in a month either got really lucky, are really bright, or didn't mention they were around since the Bear market. Don't base your expectations off them.

>> No.28705829

>not putting 50% in safe boomer coins and 50% in low cap gems that are under the radar of everybody

It's like you hate money.

>> No.28705898

Are you retarded

>> No.28705923

>funny money
go back stupid toad

>> No.28705930

based, you basically cleared it up for me. Hope we all make it someday.

>> No.28705986

hm, I was hoping that you were more like me, researching promising low caps

>apparently the bull run is ending very soon
no one knows this, i could see it keep going until btc reaches 100k

>> No.28705992

fuck off satan, bull run is far from over, and i'm not telling you anything about my life

>> No.28706108

yes, op is retarded

>> No.28706142

Dumbass, time in the market > timing the market. Waiting for the perfect time and
Holding out until the dip is worse if it keeps you from actually investing for too long

>> No.28706332

I don't hate money, anon, I hate seeing newfriends caterwaul about how they've been "financially ruined" after buying into a Get Rich Quick scheme hawked by the peddlers on /biz/, you gotta get your fundamentals before getting into funny markets.
>hm, I was hoping that you were more like me, researching promising low caps
I came from a place of poorfaggotry when I started out, and after getting seriously burned on a couple PnDs when I was a rosy-cheeked newcomer I checked out of shitcoins entirely. I'm really happy that you found fortune in unearthing gems, but I took a different path. We all might be looking for the same end, but our journeys there can and will always be unique.
This anon speaks wisdom, you are NEVER going to time the perfect opportunity to get into the market, and the longer you bite your nails for the "perfect number" the more FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) you'll accumulate. This is why I'm recommending stablecoins, because they will ALWAYS go up during a Bull Market. Always. The only time they'll drop is when the market is over, and by then EVERYONE will be raging.
>Hope we all make it someday.
We're all gonna make it, anon. It just might take us a couple years.

>> No.28706540

So should i all in RLC?

>> No.28706605

where can i connect with you ole Pepe - to keep me on the straight and narrow

>> No.28707022
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oh god no anon, I would literally never gamble on shitcoins, Contrary to popular belief I'm actually not retarded and know how to pick good coins based on their fundamentals
Not saying that staying with big caps like you is a bad idea, but i dont like 133% you would have gotten with eth (pic rel, 3rd to 14th is 133% for eth)
I'm up something like 10344.44% thanks to (prq and) being able to pick good coins

also to prove I'm not larping

yes i know the image looks cringe.

>> No.28707105

I don't think you should go "all in" on anything, but I won't hold your hand and I can't stop you regardless, so if you're absolutely certain you want to invest in something like RLC, I'd stagger your purchases - this means "getting in" with an initial investment, and then adding more over time, ideally during dips and dumps. what this does is reduce your DCA (Dollar-Cost Average) and thus pad any risk of further dips in the future. This is particularly valuable for shitcoins like RBC or RLC since the difference between $2.50 and $2 could break your bank, and buying in at $2.50 and putting the rest in at $2 will save your ass.
I'll always be here, friend.

>> No.28707141

Speaking as a seasoned veteran myself, I'd love to share my advice. You really need to see trading like making love to a beautiful woman. You have to go in easy, foreplay is key. DCA in (that's dollar cost averaging). Sooner or later the bitch is going to kill the mood (dump) so you need to ejaculate ASAP. You can try to time your orgasm with hers (sell the top), but the reality is this rarely works out well. You don't even know whether she'll cum, so you got to take what you can get.

>> No.28707377

ole frens, how are you dca'ing if eth gas fees are sky-high? or is that not a problem because blue tokens are readily available without using eth exchanges

>> No.28707552

>blue tokens are readily available without using eth exchanges
you got it fren

>> No.28707794

then i done fucked up, need to rotate a few things back and absorb the gas fees

>> No.28707956

>or is that not a problem because blue tokens are readily available without using eth exchanges
Got it in one, fren. You should only get into gas tokens when you've already built up a sturdy and growing portfolio on blue tokens, and by that point an investment of $1,000+Gas won't break the bank.
Never invest more than you're willing to lose, and gas-based tokens assume you're starting at a loss.

>> No.28708572

thank you ole pepes

thankfully I about 5x my punts over the past 10 days, messed around with multiple PnDs and taking profit as soon as it appeared. Now I have ETH8%/BTC11% and 3 alts - GRT 50% (because it catapulted my stack and it's delegated so can't scalp) and 2x 11% on projects I'm interested in - am i doing it right

>> No.28708796
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>Now I have ETH8%/BTC11% and 3 alts - GRT 50% (because it catapulted my stack and it's delegated so can't scalp) and 2x 11% on projects I'm interested in - am i doing it right
As long as you continue to sell those PnDs when they turn you a tidy profit, you're gonna make it by the next bull run. This is a life-long journey, anon, take when you can and sell when you must.

>> No.28708871
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Not trying to be a downer but grt is only good when looking at it through the greater fool theory
based on fundamentals its mess but people don't seem to care kek, pic related
I also would advise staying away from PnDs but if your tax situation allows for it then go ahead

>> No.28709191

Fren, where do you see the top for BTC/ETC/LTC this bullrun?

>> No.28709262

hard to see through the bs here - as much as i read around, i can't settle with any decent sources and use biz for general sentiment (which could be my downfall, save for posts like this)

>> No.28709393

>Now, does anyone have any questions?
Is Bigfoot real?

>> No.28709714

Conservative estimates place BTC tapping out at $100k, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it tear through that and soar even higher - established rules still apply to sell when you feel comfortable, but we might see a six-figure coin in the next six months. LTC is often described as the Silver to BTC's Gold, and the schizo math that has yet to fail it pings LTC as being around .005 (That's .5%) of BTC's price at any given time - this mean's LTC is undervalued, and the growth chart shows a trend towards $500/BTC. However, LTC has a habit of surging because it's got boomer autism, so it can (and has) ballooned to 2% of BTC's price, and whenever it approaches that number you need to SELL.

ETH meanwhile is a reflection of the altcoin market, since it gives you ether (aka, gas.) We're starting to see the collapse of the Altcoin market within the next month, so I can't see it getting higher than $2,000 before contracting.
If you're getting FUD over what to invest in, join some Crypto Telegram groups. I'm personally involved in a few of them, and if you manage to ingratiate yourself by showing up, introducing yourself and doing the whole song-and-dance of joking around, you'll be getting nuggets of advice every day.
Bigfoot exists in all our hearts, fren. Just because he doesn't exist does not mean he isn't real.

>> No.28709946

any TGs you might suggest, fren? i am in a few, but only the projects i'm genuinely interested in at the moment

>> No.28710053

Thanks frend! Why do you see the altcoin market collapsed soon?

You might be right. Could be happening that we see a massive FOMO after BTC hitting 100k (obv. it first needs to hit 100k) or what do you see as a reason for it?

>> No.28710155
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>join some Crypto Telegram groups

>> No.28710470
File: 90 KB, 2402x1180, Altcoin Season Index-637448254652701708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@FrensAssembly, @CryptoStreetBets and @CryptoBinanceTrading are good and reliable places to get advice on pumps, dumps, and general trends. Frens Assembly is more of a ticker reporting token trends, but you can talk to people on CryptoStreet Bets, and they're good people.
They can't make you spend your money, anon. No matter how hard they suggest a token, you can always refuse. It's important as a newcomer to have a place where you can chat (not post) about crypto, and that's what Telegram groups provide.
>Why do you see the altcoin market collapsed soon?
It's just the nature of things. Altcoin seasons rarely last more than 1-2 months, and we've already been in a month and change of altcoins.

>> No.28711021

thank you anonfren, that's very kind to share

>> No.28711450

some links