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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28704447 No.28704447 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking to invest long term. I'm young, so cashing out in 2030 is fine by me. I'm not worried about the next 2x or 10x, I want to invest long term. I can't shake the feeling than investing in crypto and DeFi today is like buying the top stocks today in 2000.

Which cryptos are most needed in terms of real world applications? I have invested a lot into ETH/LINK and will add to my stacks over the next few years.

My question is which projects will be the most valuable long term, and which will be necessary for DeFi as it moves into the future?

>> No.28704506


>> No.28704684

The project did catch my eye and I have a small stack, will likely keep adding to it over the next few months and hold long term

>> No.28704732


>> No.28704770
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The CEO of iExec, Gilles Fedak, pioneered some of the world's first grid computing software solutions, programming and maintaining them for 16 years before founding iExec.

He also wrote the textbook on grid computing, and envisioned an even better solution using blockchain technology.

The cloud computing market is projected to grow to a multi-trillion valuation by 2030, and iExec is further ahead in development than any of its blockchain competitors.

iExec aims to assimilate future and existing cloud service providers into their marketplace, where anyone can buy and sell data and computational power for the best rates possible. Decentralized cloud services will maximize uptime, efficiency, and eliminate outages, saving businesses billions of dollars thanks to iExec's solutions.

Smart cities, 3D rendering, AI training, collateral for De-fi, scaling decentralized applications, data monetization, and confidential computing are just a few of iExec's applications.

iExec is poised to become the world standard for cloud computing. It's already been approved by the AMF (European SEC), and has obtained funding from Datacloud, the premier organization for data solutions and innovation. Iexec has worked with and received recognition from companies such as Intel, Google, and Microsoft, and has clients like Bosche as well as universities and medical facilities already using iExec to manage their data.

These businesses purchase RLC off exchanges in order to use iExec's services, and then lock them in a smart contract to obtain a regulation compliant version of RLC called eRLC. This lock up will create scarcity for the native RLC token, and drive up value as it becomes more widely adopted.

iExec's total supply is hard capped at 87 million, so there is no inflation, and the iExec team's treasury and revenue from its clients minimize the need for the team to market sell RLC to fund development.

>> No.28704814

Check out Stormx STMX OP.

>> No.28704885

The best chances are LINK, ETH, NANO and of course BTC. On the other hand, I would strongly suggest disregarding suggestion about useless shitcoins like GRT or rubic etc (perhaps they were a joke anyways?).

>> No.28704948

Seems like a pump and dump to me

>> No.28704977

Don’t believe in any over ambitious bullshit that does not currently have a working product. Only buy what crypto is naturally suited for and so far has a proven track record, finance being the #1. Therefore, you should just buy ethereum and some defi blue chips such as AAVE SNX UNI.

>> No.28705138
File: 224 KB, 1024x512, EuJEYD0XUAQB1Cu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PUX. Billions of people are on social media. Pux makes passive income for those through interactions on socials. Instead of the user making money for Facebook the user will make money through Facebook.

I think pux will be huge because of normie adoption. Everyone loves Facebook or whatever else. And everyone loves money. The app is set to be released tomorrow which will propel this further.

>> No.28705145

This is like buying link at 19c

>> No.28705161

Yeah already holding a lot of ETH LINK, I agree RBC is a shitcoin but GRT is already a top 30 coin and valued at 2B market cap so I won't disregard it.

Nano just because of the low network fees and reduced energy costs?

>> No.28705281

Grt, nu, link and eth.

>> No.28705339

Lmao yes anon, buy nano scam coins. Its not like you cant find tons of info on waorsu about why theyre a terrible investment.

>> No.28705368

What does nu do or what problem does it solve?

>> No.28705409

yeah, Nano because it's so fast and free that it just makes sense to start using it for quick transactions wide scale. I guess I have to look more into the Graph...

>> No.28705468


Dont say I never did nothin' fer ya, kid.

>> No.28705477

What does Synthetix actually do/solve? Haven't heard much about it honestly

>> No.28705509

I've been using it for 3 years to send money in less than a second and without fees, but do tell me how it's "a scam coin" rofl

>> No.28705550

AMP and OGN.. they are long term holds with real use case.

>> No.28705568

Encrypts data in thr blockchain and allows it to be worked with minus the human element. So pii stays private.

>> No.28705647

Thanks for the input. I actually used to hold nano but swapped it for link a few months ago. It is a great project however I just can't tell if it'll actually be picked up and used by a large amount of people.

Guess theres no harm in a small bag to hold long term

>> No.28705669


>> No.28705864

Yeah I agree with you there. I do hope it gets picked up and used by a lot of people because it works well, but not sure how it'll play out as an investment. Anyway, that's why most of my portfolio is LINK and ETH

>> No.28705971

What does AMP do better/differently than say AAVE, another similar project?

>> No.28706030

Same here. In my opinion buying ETH and LINK today is like buying Google and Amazon in 2000. My

>> No.28706451

Any combination of Eth, Link, AAVE, SNX, GRT.

Or just DCA into link forever.

>> No.28706849

Number 1: wait for the crash.
Number 2: If you're serious about this then read up on the tech. Understand the whitepapers of major coins and all the buzzwords that get thrown around. Watch videos on concepts that you don't get.
Once you've done that, look at the roadmaps of different coins. Check out their dev teams. Look at their blogs/updates. Take notes on everything.
At that point, you can find good tech to invest in.

Good job being sensible. Most of /biz/ loses their money gambling on shitcoins. The few that accidentally 10x are the ones you see smugposting all the time.

>> No.28707171

People thought chainlink was just a shitcoin.

>> No.28707289

iExec and Tezos. Thank me in 10 years.

>> No.28707307

Have you looked into LTO, need to do further research myself but it seems prommising.