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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28699941 No.28699941 [Reply] [Original]

Here is a tier list of the most shilled coins on /biz/

>Pump and dump pajeet scam

>Insane rug pull potential
REEF (4B to 10B supply in 1 week), BAO (still has no clue how they will deliver a working project by the end of this year, literally tells you that you will get rug pulled in whitepaper)

>Schizophrenia stable coin
XRP, Holo

>Boomer stonks tier

>Actual use case moon tier and working product

>Overvalued piece of shit despite having the same functionality as 100 other coins and is 50% of the total supply is held by its creator

>> No.28700066
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>> No.28700175


>bao literally tells you that you will get rug pulled in the whitepaper

that's pretty bad, where does it say that?

>> No.28700227

your post is great, but
>>Pump and dump pajeet scam
christ, anon, this makes you look bad
mind elaborating

>> No.28700245

when you need to make 50 disclaimers that you are not responsible for anything you know something is up

>> No.28700268

>Actual use case moon tier and working product

Add BAT to that list.

>> No.28700374

forgot to add that strudel is being shilled nonstop by people with 25-30 posts per ID all dropping strudel pepes in the thread

>> No.28700544
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>> No.28700623

Forgot algorand as well

>> No.28700789
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Fight the patriarchy, am I right ladies?

>> No.28700992

Didn't know REEF supply was going up, anyone got a link to evidence?

>> No.28701047

what the fuck is a womxn?

>> No.28701052

Grt has working indexes tho

>> No.28701259

yeah but the coin is shit, tokenomics are a dumpster fire

>> No.28701338

I hope this cunt dies I hope she has stillborns too

>> No.28701455

You are clinically retarded

>> No.28701619

This is a dillusional troll. 3 of the PnDs have working products... 1 of them even has a fucking sales team and is a functional company.

>> No.28701748
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guys i booooght rlc

>> No.28701797


Where does Rubic rank in here?

>> No.28701839

Wanted to point out exactly those 3.

>> No.28701864
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How about I just rape you instead

>> No.28701917

Wait a second, is this just a RLC shill thread?

>> No.28701945

ASKO is in the tier of...
>buy the dip for an easy 2-3x

>> No.28702059

You don't want to put "man" into "woman", do you?

>> No.28702085
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>Miss bizfinance ( BIZ)


>> No.28702308

Same as reef.

>> No.28702321

Where my BATmen at. Paypal partnership when?

>> No.28702716
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>he thinks PRQ is a pnd shitcoin

>> No.28702771

womxn like this do not reproduce anon. but the collective blood on their hands of the unborn each year makes genghis khan look like Gandhi

>> No.28702927

Youre a nigger for not including XMR anywhere.

>> No.28703089

strudel just 10x from yesterday

>> No.28703729

Pump and dump pajeet scam

Literally their telegram. Use the search and type supply. Then look at results from 1 week and now. It literally went from 1b to 10b in the span of a month. I have seen this shit hover at the same price with insane buy pressure for over 2 hours. Just because the team were busy dumping on your.

Are they really?

I bought synthethic drugs on the silkroad forums 3 months ago tier.

>> No.28703734

i dont even hold any prq but he is obviously just using this entire thread to FUD projects he wants a better entry for

>> No.28703769

lmao good point anon, I didn’t even make it that far

>> No.28703893
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Might as well be. I have 4k barrels.

>> No.28704280
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about Statera, you little limp wristed faggot?? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Statera Anti-Fudder program, and I've been involved in numerous secret insider trading operations, and I have over 300million Statera. I am trained in balancer warfare and I'm the top pooler in the entire Statera holders database. You are nothing to me but just another fee to be collected. I will eat your fees with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

>> No.28704453

not true, everything he said about every project was correct, except for prq

>> No.28704555

reply to >>28700227 you fucking monkey
wait didn't see RLC, yeah fuck this thread

>> No.28704643

>"Actual use case moon tier and working product"
>doesn't mention ATOM


>> No.28704955

What's ADA?

>> No.28705230

Americans with disabilities act

>> No.28705361

God bless you sir

>> No.28705379

arent all americans disabled? why do they need an act

>> No.28705542

It allows any US citizen to steal money from a europoor with no consequences

>> No.28705696

>amerifats stealing anything
maybe if you get tyrone to run after it for you but keep dreaming nigger

>> No.28706147

Pol will save us from the kumbyah clinton dynasty

>> No.28706365

Already did it retard. Stole your government, stole your intel services, flooded you with niggers and pakis. Get rekt.

>> No.28706824

Do Request has a skyrocket potential? It's stewing for a bit of time...

>> No.28706909

>Future of finance and society tier

>> No.28706969

>Already did it retard. Stole your government, stole your intel services, flooded you with niggers and pakis. Get rekt.
imagine saying this as a mutt, gave me hearty kek, heres a (you)

>> No.28707001
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and while focusing on the outside your country collapses from the inside

>> No.28707149

Verbatim my first thought, lmao

>> No.28707466
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>> No.28707537

I'm Australian.

>> No.28707681

Nice bait, have fun with your $50-$80 average gas fees.

>> No.28707837


>> No.28708914

It does say that the coin is meant for farming and NOT for holding. The dude is not a scammer, just incompetent due to being a one person team. That said, if he ever loses interest, he can just rugpull any day. If anyone complained, he can just post the fine print.

>> No.28709958


>> No.28710148
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>> No.28710702

BTC is for storing value, which it's doing a great job of.

>> No.28710860

strudel is literally next level donut.. fucking retarded food coins

>> No.28710891

>he does not know

Bros should we tell him?