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File: 250 KB, 1080x1350, 532YloKqCjQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28699591 No.28699591 [Reply] [Original]

buy the F dip idiots, we are in a bull market !!!!

>> No.28699894

how many strudel for threesome with them??

>> No.28700078 [DELETED] 

asses are amazing but the scent really prevent you from getting anything out of it
there needs to be something you eat that makes the large intestine smell great
just imagine the possibilities then

>> No.28700199 [DELETED] 

what are you talking about? Sexy girl ass smells amazing.

>> No.28700324 [DELETED] 

>doesn't eat ass

>> No.28700342

he the big gay

>> No.28700359 [DELETED] 

i've smelled and it smells a little bit like shit but when you know it's *her* shit it's cool
imagine if it smelled like rosemary though or something oaky
would kill for an ass then

>> No.28700428

Honey nutter butter

>> No.28700455 [DELETED] 

you are just eating fecal matter anon, but your mind is tricking you because you think a sexy girl poo doesn't smell.

>> No.28700562

>a rosemarysexual
of all the freaks on this board, you are the sickest.

>> No.28700582

You only think this way because of modern degeneracy.

Imagine fucking some woman before indoor plumbing and electric personal razors was a thing. It would be a stank, musty, sweaty hole down there yet you would still fuck because your brain isn't overstimulated from porn.

>> No.28701001 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 499x499, 1536407548109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you find girls like that when you are no longer in Highschool or University? I'm 21 with $600k in LINK. Fit 6ft good enough looks. Should I just go to Spain, setup a good Tinder profile with good clothes and good pics and be set? Every Tinder guide online has examples from women who are like 23yo - 35yo. Those are too old.

>> No.28701128

The women in this pic are easily 25 probably 30.

God this made my dick rock hard.

>> No.28701220

you know university girls use tinder right? if you live near a university you will match with them

>> No.28701242

Just eat their literal shit logturd poops

>> No.28701285 [DELETED] 

Built for BBC

>> No.28701290

its not about money, its about you.
but yeah you can go to poor countries with sexy Women and maybe be lucky.

>> No.28701332

>its not about money, its about you.
this is half true but half a poorfag cope

>> No.28701345


you nailed it

travel, nice clothes, make sure you're fit

impregnate as many foreign women as you want

>> No.28701417

Imaging living in the time where Alexander was conquering the world as well raping and dominating girls.

>> No.28701488

how fit do you need to be? do you have to look good naked or just look good with clothes on?

>> No.28701718


with clothes on. if you aim to have the build of a zara model you'll do fine

just be lean and don't have visible chub on you. you need enough muscle to not look gangly and thats it

>> No.28702655

imagine being on the loosing end of this
read about what he did to the egyptians? shit's horrific but also makes me diamond

>> No.28703177

Yeah and I'll be feeling a lot better with nice clothes and a rolex(modest like datejust) on my left wrist. Then buying a meal at the restaurant in a nice place without even having to think about how much it costs. Although I understand very well you can have all the nice clothes and what not, but if you are still a bitch mentally or really ugly then nobody cares.

Lmao not gonna impregnate anyone. I'll have my own kids when I'm like 30 though.

Since the mods deleted my post since it's "off topic" while they let literal bullshit thread up for hours, then I'll make it on topic. How much money should you need for a Summer outfit that looks good? I'd say with $400 you could get shoes, pants/shorts, shirt, light jacket that all look good and are of quality no?