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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28686024 No.28686024 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28686249

I believe anon

>> No.28686291

we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.28686480

this being the next dot com bubble seems likely now, doesn't it

>> No.28686573

Where can I find this?

>> No.28686626

Doesn't this chart say we are going back to 20k though?

>> No.28686674

You morons do realize that using charts to draw any conclusions is the equivalent of tea leaf / palm reading, right? It doesn't mean shit.

>> No.28686764

it certainly is, but we should absolutely profit off of it while we still can

>> No.28686769
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>> No.28686943

of course

>> No.28686969
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>> No.28687730

this is the altcoin marketcap even if its correlated to the rice of btc it wouldn´t necessarily say anything about the price of bitcoin
i also think 2017 is very different from 2020
maybe if we can find a similair run like icos we can see something of the same
maybe this is defi

>> No.28687851

Does anyone have the PNG of technical analysis for /biz/ retards v2?

>> No.28687861

>I don't understand it and therefore it's shit waahhh wahhhh
Go back to redd.t mongoloid.

>> No.28687906

DCA Chad vs swing trade virgin

>> No.28687968

>Everyone wanting to predict were in a bubble

>> No.28687979

He is 100 percent correct, though. There's literally no way you can predict the future. You can use it to make inferences, but nothing more.

>> No.28688054

normie meemz. top near fack

>> No.28688087

My anedoctal experience of pulling out before a dump and buying in just before a moon until I tripled my stack on UNI and 1INCH tells me otherwise.

>muh future predicting
You're just reading the market emotions.

>> No.28688090

Is there any evidence that the stock to flow model will work this time?

>> No.28688208

Link the sauce pls

>> No.28688211

How does basic market behavior prove anything? All it does is validate basic economics. In no way does that mean the future markets will behave the same as past markets. I'm not saying you should ignore past data, but looking at a chart from 4 years ago and trying to time the market iof today is essentially an educated gamble.

>> No.28688534

Why is the 2021 zone longer than the 2017 zone? We're only 2 months in!

>> No.28688633

Ok mouthbreather.

>> No.28688718


>> No.28688728

>he got lucky with a 3x and thinks he knows shit
This is just sad.

>> No.28688955
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You just got lucky.

Holy shit what a seething retard.

>> No.28689014

My dude this board called avax at ICO and its gone 80x in six months. A 3x isn’t particularly noteworthy.

>> No.28689117

Uk until a few days ago, this board was also saying shiba coin was going to moon. A broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.28689560
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>this board
A bunch of nationalistic turks that only visit /biz/ to promote this turk shitcoin. If you go to the Avalanche twitter you see that 9 out of 10 replies are turks. It was a completely forced meme and that's why its collapsing from $60 to $30 in a couple days.

>> No.28690301
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>> No.28690528


>> No.28690709

It IS defi anon. We got a taste of it last summer. You could make $80k in a week with a $1k investment. Now imagine a full blown alt season with new money

>> No.28691104

Lmao yeah, if you're lucky or have insider information.

>> No.28691608

>it certainly is
>this being the next dot com bubble seems likely now, doesn't it
>2013: This is a bubble
>2017: This is a bubble
>2021: This is a bubble
Eat shit retard. It is just another cycle. You still don't understand, do you? Fucking 2014 the Web 2.0 got valued at $19 trillion from CISCO. We are about to build and invest in Web 3.0 and in a new financial system you absolute fuckfaces. Get it in your fucking head. The ride is not over and will not be over anytime soon. We are just entering another boom cycle which will be followed by a bust cycle again and after that a new boom cycle. Blockchain is still nowhere mainstream or adopted. Ethereum is a pile of shit at this point. This will go much much higher

>> No.28692180
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i dont understand OPs chart, what happened here ?

>> No.28692307

Everyone knows altcoins are scams, but at least you can make good money off them in a bull run.

>> No.28692317

What's your point? That's how it usually is with shitcoins

>> No.28692403

wow I can just buy random bullshit like doge and dentacoin and that'll make me a millionaire... praise grypto

>> No.28692610

This. Read up on Gartner's cycle of emerging tech. I think we are somewhere between 2 and 3 for defi.

>> No.28692649

>they will say you were lucky
Based coping normie poster

>> No.28692733

Reddit refugees were promoting that shit you retard. If you think biz is promoting some vapor ware pnd you’re retarded

>> No.28692815

It's definitely like the dot coom boom, but I don't know if it's a bubble, it's once in a lifetime stuff though anon and I hope you all have more than $10,000 to put into crypto TODAY so that you don't miss out on being a millionaire in 5 years

>> No.28692854

Literally 3/4 posts on biz are pnd's. If you honestly think this place is some sort of shining light in the dark, then friend, enjoy your lucky streak and maybe get some little tickets while you're at it.

>> No.28693054

Why do you say it's once in a life time? If you mean the opportunity to throw money at a shitcoin amc have it go up 300% in a day, sure, but there's lots of room to grow and get in on crypto assets and blockchain technology for years to come.

>> No.28693151

why is the volume higher than in 2017 considering that in 2017 where exanged more btc x day since the price was lower?

>> No.28693294


>> No.28693549

Yeah I've been saying this for months. I work in software and I hit the job market during the dot com bubble. This looks just like it to me. But to me it's nothing to fear. We should get our money now while we can, take profits and then during the bear market buy in on the likely survivors while they're on sale. We'll make it.

>> No.28693966

If no bug happened we'd be at $150 by now.