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28684675 No.28684675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

and countries with non-whites are very poor?

IS there any scientific reasoning behind this disccrepancy?

>> No.28684739

White people are superior you fucking retard shouldn’t it be obvious at this point in history?

>> No.28684741
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i fucking love White and Asian people some Iranians are also bros

>> No.28684767

No idea.
Look at Australia and New Zealand for instance.
They only export raw resources yet they're rich.
Yet third world countries do the same and they're poor.
Why is that OP?

>> No.28684788

frikin whitecucks, brown skin ftw

>> No.28684811
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>> No.28684859

Are Sikhs in the bro mix?

>> No.28684869


>> No.28684884

of course also good people

>> No.28684914

oil and mineral distribution, theres a reason places like UAE and Scandinavia are rich, also strategic geographical placement like UK or old times in India because of silk road, the places white people lived just sop happened to be geographically the best places, they then pushed this advantage onto places like africa

>> No.28684937

the bell curve + creativity

>> No.28684953

lol literally everyone in the world has to gang up on white people to beat us. It’s not even close. The British conquered the world looking for spices and theyre a bunch of fags. Niggers can’t even get out of the desert

>> No.28685102

Sikhs are awesome.

>> No.28685120
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Now is your golden age.
But trust me we will return bros

>> No.28685129

Lmao if you believe this you are a true midwit. Africa is full of natural resources outside the desert. Fertile soils, Diamond mines, free range animals to eat and domesticate. The only thing stopping them is theirselves because niggers aren’t smart enough to figure that stuff out. Not only that, but niggers only had to deal with a wet and dry season. No frigid winters to prepare for, life on easy mode and they can’t even do that right

>> No.28685146

Yeah Switzerland sure was lucky having all those natural resources

They're fully Sikh.

>> No.28685200

I'm not even going to try to defend nignogs, they're something else.
But what about the rest?

>> No.28685213

>it's the (((whites))) that are rich

>> No.28685241


>> No.28685272

Africans hadn't seen the wheel until whites arrived

>> No.28685280
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>> No.28685301

People think it's an IQ thing, but it's actually about temperament and whether you can trust those around you.

>> No.28685335

>Yeah Switzerland sure was lucky having all those natural resources
Switzerlands natural resources are the mountains.
Extrem hard to conquer, just think at it like 1 big fortress.

>> No.28685345

Cringe. Niggers had all the land, animals, food, resources and everything else needed to create industrial society first.
They didn't because they have a lower IQ than whites on average.
White people did it first because we're fucking better than everyone else.

>> No.28685363

White privilege. Since the dawn of time whites have been privileged by God with bigger brains.

>> No.28685370
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>> No.28685421

You do realise that whitecuck is a byproduct of 2 gay niggers banished from their community?

>> No.28685467
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>life on easy mode
Exactly... little impetus to innovate, trade, explore etc.

>> No.28685475

the reason they cant use the natural resources to build up the country is because warlords hoard it, why is there warlords in africa? because england destabilised the country leaving a power hole, how did england destabilize africa? from being the first/biggest country to industrialise and pushing there lead on african for their natural resources, how did they industrialise? oil, howd the get oil? geographically

>> No.28685484

Ther are a gazillion reasons. Just to name one look at the way they eat. 2 hours of cooking every meal is not effective. You really have to eat three hot meals a day with the entire family? Ngmi. Eat bread at breakfast and lunch. Cook on the evening after waging. Siesta country's? Ngmi. Praying 5 times a day with your asshole pointing up? Ngmi. Use your climate and sell shit to people in other climate. It's that simple.

>> No.28685488

less so to do with race or colour of skin, more to do with geographic location and the adaptations required to be successful in harsher environments. race is mostly bullshit, its not really beneficial to discuss the differences. European countries also used to be the poor ones for most of civilization.

>> No.28685512


>> No.28685611

I suppose if one considered rich=successful then there are plenty of other rich peoples. Arabs for example, have lots of money because of the oil deposits, but they were successful thousands of years ago as well. The Persian empire was massive. Yet today the non rich Arabs live in absolute poverty and wipe their asses with their hands. No idea why modern white people are so much better other than just being a more advanced version of the kind that came out of the cradle of life. Russia is still a shit hole so there are always obsessions, but Russia allowed its czars to be overthrown by a bunch of dirty commie kikes so as a result they’ve been niggerfied

>> No.28685615

Also this anon is right. It’s mainly not because of IQ but simply because of aggression and cohesion. There are plenty of intelligent blacks. Like that crypto billionaire whose name escapes me. However wherever there are more than 2 blacks at least one will get killed or cheated by the others. Jews know this so they try to push their ghetto culture onto us.

>> No.28685638

white people are, at a macro level, by far the most violent and willing to take from other groups, white or not, on the planet

>> No.28685648

Culture being shit, isolation, failure to stay united and organized, high genetic load.

>> No.28685731

Africa isn’t a single country you knuckle dragged. You probably think the ancient Egyptians were black too lmao. There are war lords all over the world, niggers can’t get out of their own way because they are primitive and stupid

>> No.28685758

Just go to dubai you fucking retard, white hoes everywhere sucking arab and pajeet dicks. There is a possibly that your mom was fucked in her tiny pink pussy by some dirty arab before she gave birth to you. It's not uncommon for these hoes to to go back to their home with brown seeds in their belly

>> No.28685781

lol, why are meds always so salty about northern europe?

>> No.28685788

You do realise that white only emerge and control the world just around 500 years ago, even Christ is not white.

>> No.28685809

Also their environment is shit too, but their main problem is their behavior, not their intelligence.

>> No.28685824

Switzerland made things work with mountains.
Africa has gold, diamonds and infinite landmass, but the only place that was successful was South Africa for some odd reason. I wonder why?

>> No.28685832

this anon gets it

>> No.28685860

Behavior is a reflection of intelligence

>> No.28685922

Your right Greeks, Romans,Egyptians were all black.

>> No.28685925

why didn't africa have the infrastructure and stabilization to btfo england when they came calling?

>> No.28685932

this, whitecucks doesn't know their places

>> No.28685940

The beauty of geography is that in old times people could move where they wanted
White people were explorers and moved to geographically difficult places. Incidentally surviving in these places also made them smarter and more durable.

People in geographically bad places descend from lazy sedentary niggers. So your whole geographic argument is just another proof of genetic superiority.

>> No.28685953
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>> No.28685957

Look at Eastern Europe. They are white but yet they are quite poor.

>> No.28685968
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kek i just enjoy the memes as a med myself
point is northern europeans were the "niggers" of the world before meds introduced to them civilization

>> No.28685982

Being a good disciplined goy is connected to intelligence?

>> No.28686040

not an argument fag

White people took so long to go enslave, literally and economically, the rest of the planet because the spent the entire preceding time fighting and killing each other. Whites are responsible for every single one of the top 10 most deadly conflicts in history, full stop. And most of that was fighting with other whites

>> No.28686070

Ok guys the fag spammer is here, time to change our opinions.

>> No.28686117

Evolution - evolving in a colder climate creates positive selection for intelligence in order to find food, create fire and survive. Neurologically, this theory is supported by disparities in the pre-frontal cortex, with East Asians and Caucasians having large a larger and denser prefrontal cortex than Africans. The size and density of the prefrontal cortex relates to ones ability to delay gratification, which again, is associated with success later in life (eg in terms of crypto: “hodling” chainlink from 2017).

>> No.28686134

>You probably think the ancient Egyptians were black too lmao
lol no

yeah where else is there warlords? south america? oh shit huge fucking surprise spain/england bumfucked that place into oblivion as well, what else is corrupt with war lords, china? india? hey wait a minute that also places that england bumfucked

england had a geographical advantage as used it to fuck up the countries which are now 3rd world

even in europe where we are all white in 1900s the east was still a poor shithole, race doesnt mean anything its all down to geography

why didnt china? india? australia? canada? american indians?

>> No.28686137

They're not totally white neither

>> No.28686146

Which is why we're more advanced in technology.

>> No.28686184

you cant blame white people for the majority of the problems either, most of those conflicts are them killing each other, and those only happened because the industrial revolution caused a european over population problem. it would happen in many other countries if nuclear weapons didnt exist

>> No.28686186
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>Ok guys the fag spammer is here, time to change our opinions.

>> No.28686230

Whites meds whatever are all kikes.

>> No.28686236

switzerland is a big fortress
rich people put there money there

>> No.28686235

> t. hodling chainlink implies success in life


>> No.28686247

And why couldn’t any of those places prevent England from running them? You can say it, because whites are superior.

>> No.28686292

well muslims run england now , and i wouldnt say the british are inferior at all

>> No.28686299

I know we are extremely based lol
been a bit cucked lately after WW2 but don't worry we're getting over it. Soon we'll have the others in their rightful place again.

>> No.28686315

because their geographical location was superior

>> No.28686320

Having previously been taken advantage of by whites is actually bullish for countries of lesser races. They're almost always better off compared to their contemporaries

>> No.28686325

LOL and I’m assuming you just can’t wait to leave it all behind and live with a bunch of niggers in a desert mudhut. Theres a reason why all those people migrate to white countries

>> No.28686328


Tagthesponsor is a hilarious site

>> No.28686343

Buying at under $1 and selling for around $20 or more is objectively a lucrative and intelligent thing to do. 20x+ on your money, regardless of what your feelings on the matter are, is a smart play

>> No.28686360

Have you never heard of the Mongol Empire, Taiping Rebellion, or Three Kingdoms era? All 3 had casualties in the tens of millions

>> No.28686405

I am merely explaining to you that the reason whites are currently on top, and not others, is because white people are by far the most violent people the world has ever seen, with no regard for the possession or wellbeing of others, even within their own race.

>> No.28686427

exactly and as outlined here
that proves we are better

I mean you can keep making excuses if you want, I really don't mind the cope. The whites who have recently been stupid enough to buy into the cope deserve to be filtered out, most of them are cucks who won't produce generational power anyway.

>> No.28686446

Ah yes being on an island thousands of miles away from all those countries was surely more advantageous than being in your own environment surrounded by your own people. Even with massive home field advantage they couldn’t stop a few white guys

>> No.28686526
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>> No.28686543

I think there is evidence coming out that these are related.

>> No.28686544

If that were true we'd be living in a white ethnoglobe.

>> No.28686584

>spent the entire preceding time fighting and killing each other
This describes every civilization at every point in pre-modern history, and most until the last 70 years or so. Whites just so happened to hit a large enough technological edge first they managed to dominate the planet.
>Whites are responsible for every single one of the top 10 most deadly conflicts in history
The mongols killed 10% of the world's population. If they had guns and steel you better believe it would have been much more...

>> No.28686597
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>y...you guys are all chuds
dumb nigger chimping out again

>> No.28686598

>Look at Australia and New Zealand for instance.
>They only export raw resources yet they're rich.

>> No.28686617

The official explanation is that the countries were damaged by colonialism

>> No.28686661

i dont see chinese welcoming hoards of refugees, or african immigrants in korea (talking 100k +), western countries are just as benevolent as they are violent, all human nature is a mix of both.

dont get me wrong, there are some bad things done, but id say generally speaking the world is a better place partly because of the west, and mostly because of america/israel

>> No.28686693

This is a huge and false cope. Cold weather experienced in the northern hemisphere is much much harsher for humans than hot weather in the global south

>> No.28686695

During the three homogenized events you listed, whites were quite literally engaged in active declared wars against one another, employing far smaller total populations. On a relative scale white societies were far, far more violent, mostly towards other whites, during the times of all the events you listed

>> No.28686742

>Ah yes being on an island thousands of miles away from all those countries was surely more advantageous than being in your own environment surrounded by your own people

uhhh yes? i cant tell if youre trolling me now or what, how do you think england took over the world? because we are white? ok so why didnt poland take over the world? theyre white as well

having a secluded island which a shit ton of coal and oil in the north sea, maybe thats the reason? actually nah its because our skin is slightly lighter thats it, nothing to do with climate or geographical position nah thats silly

>> No.28686744
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jewish hands typed these words,be careful what you believe,this nefarious kike might get you in his grasp

>> No.28686757


>> No.28686784

Norway has oil, but what are the oil/mineral resources like in the other Scandinavian countries? As a scandinavian I always thought they are nonexistent.

Like for example Finland only has trees and it was a poor shithole until the 70s. They got fucking destroyed in the second world war for fighting for all the scandi countries (Finland is between Russia and Scandinavia). They're also the only country that paid all of their war reparations to the CCCP. The country gave away everything, even all the valuables from individual people were collected to pay back every single cent, so in addition to all the money this included jewelery etc. They wanted to get rid of all the obligations to the Russians. So starting from an agrarian dirt poor disease ridden absolute shithole it took them 30 years to get to top tier free healthcare, education and by then the most technologically advanced company in the world Nokia

>> No.28686815
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>> No.28686832

Holy shit dude you just destroyed these instagram white hoes. Disgusting bitches will do anything for arab money

>> No.28686843


you whites rape all other nations then say you are racially superior. fuck sakes this is a clown world.

>> No.28686865

It's because we got obliterated by the Brits and the French habibi, been a shit show for us since ww1

>> No.28686872

sweden does not have oil retard and has been rich since forever due to high IQ pop

>> No.28686880

But whites colonized the world because we are superior. If in this world there are white people, and non white people, then non White’s outnumber whites by a huge margin. Whites are literally the minority on this planet, yet have somehow been convinced that we are the majority. It is the world against whites and whites win. That is why everyone hates white people so much they can never compete and the only way to beat them is ganging up

>> No.28686892
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thanks to communism
if you visit Czech Republic Slovakia Poland or Hungary (i know they are not slavs) they have beautiful cities and the standart of living is pretty good

>> No.28686901

>t. murrica & jews

I do agree all of the races is equally shitty, but there's no need to glorify these two scums

>> No.28686918

Economically, we have been for at least the better part of 200 years, and probably significantly longer

Just because whites now give out token kindness and wealth, minuscule in the scheme of what they actually hold (taken primarily through violence), does not make the taking process, or whites themselves, any less violent. Arguably much worse to take from fathers and grandfathers and then gift back the son .000001% of what was taken

>> No.28686930
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Don't worry white frens, we'll all be Africa soon enough.

>> No.28686980

Babys first redpill

>> No.28687008

Dude, you must be joking. So, because they never had any hardships, there was no need to innovate?
Were there really never any hardships? Every decade a load of countries have massive hunger issues, there are constant wars, there are loads of wild animals that can kill you.
They had every reason to organize their tribes and societies to prevent yearly wars, find systems that prevent hunger (f.e. irrigation canals and fucking water pumps) etc.

Europe used to have wild animals that can kill you. You know where they are? Dead. Why? Because they bothered us and we DID SOMETHING about it.

Keywords? Doing something.

>> No.28687032

No it’s because we’re simply smarter. That’s what it comes down to. There’s no reason Africa, if everything is equal, should have been left behind by such a degree, other than they are literally the missing link and science chucks refuse to admit it. Did niggers not come before whites as the out of Africa theory states? If so, why are whites people so much further ahead? Niggers has the head start of all head starts

>> No.28687037

Christianity made white people elite

Once we abandon God we will go back to being barbarians

>> No.28687049

> whites colonized the world , so we are superior
> the byzantines rekted by sand niggers
> proceed to revenge towards smaller nation

>> No.28687080

>Whites are responsible for every single one of the top 10 most deadly conflicts in history, full stop. And most of that was fighting with other whites
Easily deboonked, since at least half of those conflicts were Chinese civil wars.

>> No.28687137

Totally agree, but why worship a frikin human

>> No.28687188
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The negro is the missing link between man and ape. You can train an ape to mimic a human and he may even do well up to a point, but he just will never make that leap to a man. And in the same way you can train the negro to mimic a man, but the moment you let go of the whip the negro will slowly go back to his old ways. For it is not the negro's fault he is a negro more than it is an ape's fault he is an ape. We must just live with these truths and not pretend an ape is more than an ape nor a negro is more than a negro. Lest we ruin the very concept if what we consider a society.

>> No.28687239

keep talking like that and we'll be forced to stop being so lenient and actually wipe you out
We all know we can do it.

>> No.28687254

if you want to actually educate yourself read The economic recovery finland since wrld war II

by william fred something something,

but basically it boiled down to wood/paper/wool

same story with sweden, lot of wood and a shit ton of iron which was needed after ww2

>why are whites people so much further ahead?
geographical positioining which they used to fuck up africa and which they still do to this day, biggest one being china who are placing africa in even more debt

>> No.28687276


>> No.28687287
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>> No.28687289

There’s always going to be examples of whites getting beaten, but you’re completely ignoring my point that whites people are the true world minority and have had objectively greater success than all non whites put together

>> No.28687295

Stfu u christ cuck retard. Go kiss some nigger's feet.

>> No.28687306

>and countries with non-whites are very poor?
richest country per capita is middle eastern countries though?

>> No.28687352

kek I love how you keep putting on academic airs and replying to the retards while ignoring getting BTFO by me

>> No.28687379

sorry which one were you?

>> No.28687418


>> No.28687435

Wrong, Chinese and other pre-modern Asian populations are so high that relative death and destruction compared to white driven conflict is not even in the same universe

Thanks for confirming, also

>t. tough guy on line

>> No.28687445

>geographical positioining which they used to fuck up africa and which they still do to this day, biggest one being china who are placing africa in even more debt
Despite what you've been told by the feminist you want to fuck you actually can and sometimes should victim blame.

Personally I've always been under the opinion that enforcing civilization on niggers is straight up just animal cruelty. The nigger was happier and more peaceful just digging in the dirt for food and smattering mud on his home.

>> No.28687464

Man, you are coping hard. Just take solace in the fact that you are way smarter than your kin and you should try to better them both culturally and genetically by having lots of children with a smart black gal and thus improving your gene pool. 100% pure blacks TO THIS DAY still struggle with new tech that is as new to whites as it is to them. They get dominated again and again by strong foreign influences. Egypt, Europe, and now China.

This "muh geography" cope is so pathetic.

>> No.28687476
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you're outnumbered, outsmarted and outgunned sit your ass down.

>> No.28687481

So you’re telling me that niggers had thousands of years before whites even came about to figure out their own continent, full of riches and fertile land, but white people had the advantage because they had.... forests instead of jungle? Whites evolved later on and are more advanced because of it. Niggers are the missing link, I don’t know what’s so hard to understand. The gap between apes and modern humans are niggers. African niggers to be most specific

>> No.28687484
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this nigger,niggers have all of these things in abundance,its because whites had to be smart to survive the winter,their frontal lobe became bigger because they had to think,unlike the nigger which only had to do.

>> No.28687486

happy to confirm our superiority to you, friend, lots of stupid whites and insolent other races have forgotten it lately due to our leniency.

>> No.28687499

honestly picrel is quite shit but touches on the main factor that influenced development historically - geography. it's not so much about how "harsh" an environment is necessarily but how much it lends itself to trade, migration, population density, war/competition between populations etc., the things that lead to innovation and development. the geography of the mediterranean and later europe as a whole had these factors in droves, sub-saharan africa not so much.

>> No.28687500

Only the last 3-400 years did whites reign supreme. Before then white people were just slaves to other races. So enjoy your moment, it’ll soon come to an end.

>> No.28687535
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Think about how long this took HIM

>> No.28687548
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>> No.28687552

Numbers don't mean a thing in the modern world. In truth they have never meant much, colonizers were often outnumbered.

>> No.28687569
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More melanin = more dumb it really is just that simple.

>> No.28687570

>why didnt china? india? australia? canada? american indians?
they weren't white, obviously

>> No.28687581

What's happening with all these /pol/ threads over here?

>> No.28687605

>The beauty of geography is that in old times people could move where they wanted

yeah migration from africa to rest of euope took thousands of years lol, not like you could just walk to another place and set up camp in on lifetime

>descend from lazy sedentary niggers
they descend from you retard, all humans descended from africa, africans arrived in europe not europeans, and they didnt travel to europe KNOWING there is better resources, they didnt have google maps lol

>> No.28687620
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t. seething shitskin
Imagine not being white hahaha

>> No.28687636

Id rather be poor and happy then rich and poor
Most people in this age are depressed as shit
Do you think hunter gatherers where riddled with depression and other mental illnesses? No they went out with their bros and hunted lions and shit and came home to fuck their willingly young wife

>> No.28687643

>Dropping the world population by several % points or even double digits is not even in the same universe compared to white driven conflict
Fact. It's in a different league entirely. Losing 50M people to civil wars and subsequent famines in pre modern times REGULARLY (like once every 100-200 years) is absolutely devastating. No wonder chinks are so fucked up.

>> No.28687645

Violently dominating others might make whites physically and economically superior, but says nothing about spiritual richness or quality of life. Most whites are completely miserable and talentless, and that has nothing to do with niggers or spics

>> No.28687726

Oh no no no no benevolent empire bros this guy just called us out get in here we need to kill him and take his resources that will show the filthy savage what a violent mongrel he is

>> No.28687795

Yes. Farming.

To build economies surplus food is required, agriculture enabled this in more temperate climates. Agriculture is very hard in hotter environment that also benefit more melanin. This meant that those who lived in hotter areas struggled to develop advanced economies due to not having a surplus of food, those in hotter areas also benefitted from more melanin (less cancer).

This is the reason why. No racist bullshit.

Economic anthropological facts.

You can even learn shit on biz, who knew?

>> No.28687799

We know. It's inside you women.

>> No.28687837

>muh greedy warlords are hogging all the money

Yeah, cuz Europe NEVER had any warlords.

Man the history of earth has pretty much been warlords hoarding wealth until about 200 years ago. Thing is, why were some of those "warlords" able to invest their hoarded wealth and power into technological and cultural innovations, create lasting institutions, and generally contribute to the development of their civilisations? While in Africa they're the cause of those things not happening?

Warlords are a constant factor, hence they're not the explanation for the difference.

>> No.28687849

true but that is due to fact that the western civilziation is in massive decline people like me who like European culture can only hope that the current system colapse sooner rather than later

>> No.28687852

>physically and economically superior
LOL do you retards even listen to yourself? Just because we don’t make rap music doesn’t make us untalented. What people wrote almost all classical music? Developed most sciences?

>> No.28687858

This. Whites literally did everything they fear immigrants will do today: rape, murder, and dispossess people in their own land. And despite their "superiority" they thought conquest and suppressing indigenous people and creating a ticking timebomb of frustration was the better idea instead of sharing their technology to build a unified ally in a foreign land

>> No.28687859
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>> No.28687860

>it'll soon come to an end
You prefer another slave owner?

>> No.28687874

>So, because they never had any hardships, there was no need to innovate?
relatively. but it's only one part of the equation.
"life on easy mode" is not the accurate characterization, it was just something to quote. more like "life on not enough impetus to change mode". same deal with northern europe until they were conquered and/or connected to wider regional economy.

>> No.28687877

Based and Prisoners Of Geography pilled

>> No.28687888

Frankly the first two things you say ("moving takes time, we are all Africans") are so retarded they don't warrant a reply.

As for the last thing, the point is that they were explorers and risk takers. And that they then endured harsher conditions.
Once better resources are found, and information on it gets out, it will also be the strongest who continue to occupy said geographic resources, or lose it to a stronger challenger.

I suggest rereading Darwin, if you did ever read him.

>> No.28687890

>fertile land
stopped reading here

>Yeah, cuz Europe NEVER had any warlords.
europe never had another continent stealing all there shit lol, they squabbled and thrived between them as a whole, theres a reason European union exists and africa is a fragmented shit hole

>> No.28687936

Africa is largely fertile. The desert only takes up the northern third of the continent. Niggers can’t farm because they’re stupid. South Africa kicked out all the white farmers and now they’re begging for them to come back because they can’t feed themselves lmao

>> No.28687939

>Agriculture is very hard in hotter environment
Yes, very hard to get those 4 harvests per year as opposed to one risky harvest that can be fucked by frost and leave you with nothing. You are retarded beyond imagination.

>> No.28687958

Oh please you niggers lost spirituality long ago, you're just niggerfaggots now.

>> No.28688012

>Most whites are completely miserable and talentless, and that has nothing to do with niggers or spics
Yeah I talked about these idiots before, don't worry they are dead lines. It's the leniency, imo, that has made them a bit miserable.
Me, I'm feeling great. Spiritually great too.

Talking about spiritual richness, it was really spiritually rich of colonized nations to quickly give up their entire spiritual systems in favour of the Western one. Really rich, kek.

>> No.28688023
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>> No.28688108

>me smart
>others dumb

>> No.28688127

richest countries per capita are arab or asian, they also tend to be microstates tho

>> No.28688145

pretty much yeah
I'm not the only one though, thankfully there are plenty smart ones left.

>> No.28688152
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>Whites are responsible for every single one of the top 10 most deadly conflicts in history
Although the definition of "conflict" differs, in the list Wikipedia gives:

>1. World War 2 (European & Asian perpetrators)
>2. Three Kingdoms (Asian perpetrators)
>3. Mongol Conquests (Asian perpetrators)
>4. Euro colonization of Americas (European perpetrators)
>5. Taiping Rebellion (Asian perpetrators)
>6. Collapse of Ming dynasty (Asian perpetrators)
>7. 2nd Sino-Japanese War (Asian perpetrators)
>8. An Lushan Rebellion (Asian perpetrators)
>9. World War I (European perpetrators)
>10. Conquests of Timur (Asian & Eastern Muslim perpetrators)

According to that logic, Asians are absolute savages and overwhelmingly the most violent group there is. Also you're a tranny, get the fuck out of my board and go dilate

>> No.28688166
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>> No.28688179
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>europe never had another continent stealing all there shit

Huh, so Sicily, El-Andalus, the Otttomans, the Mongols, near-constant slave raids for the better part of a millenium, being blockaded out of the greater Eurasian trade networks for the better part of a millenium, well I guess all of that must have been some crazy dream.

Read a book that isn't Orientalism or Guns, Germs, and Steel midwit.

>> No.28688209

>yeah, me smart

>> No.28688235

Ok. You start a farm in Africa and I start one in Southern France. We'll see who prospers.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.28688237

Yeah the reason is that Africa is populated by dumb niggers.

>> No.28688242

Western civ only in decline in the sense of contracting instead of expanding (material well-being has literally never been higher), it depresses whites because they are only happy when violently taking things from others, or feel their society is doing that

Imagine thinking racial talent has to do with the output of a few top level entertainers over centuries. If other races had violently horded wealth, they would have produced at least the same tech and music, possibly better. The fact remains that your average white has essentially no talent and is miserable just for being alive

>> No.28688250

yeah, that's what I said. Thanks, echo.

>> No.28688319

>South Africa kicked out all the white farmers and now they’re begging for them to come back because they can’t feed themselves lmao
That was definitely Zimbabwe not South Africa.

>> No.28688332
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>> No.28688373

your country worship blacks don't speak

>> No.28688376

>How long do you think Europe has been "stealing" from Africa?
>How long has Europe been culturally, scientifically and technologically ahead of Africa
Do the two periods align?

>> No.28688384


>> No.28688395

>in Southern France
By that logic I choose Egypt and will dump my tons of oranges and potatoes on you, fucking retard.

>> No.28688431

Buy the dip, retard
>they said more and more
Then shill this trash on /biz/
>good I have bot ocean subscription and use bots for trading and less risks on DEX

>> No.28688437

Why do you think white fat incels on 4chan are so scared of becoming the minority they are scared they’ll get treated like how they’ve treated the minority groups it’s quite funny

>> No.28688453

based chink... what is that from?

>> No.28688466

not an argument fag

As already said, relative to population size Asian conflicts are a drop in the bucket compared to death and destruction wrought by white conflict

>> No.28688524

We also have a lucrative industry where we sell shit shacks for $2m each to foreigners. Any that can't afford the property pay $500/week in rent.

>> No.28688527

But he literally just showed you that you're wrong. You're even replying to the post that shows you're wrong.

>> No.28688533

empire of dust

>> No.28688538
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>> No.28688575
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Yes those famously black egyptians. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.28688579

hilariously stupid

>> No.28688613

Warlords = tribal leaders with guns
Before the west came, there were tribes
All the west is responsible for is letting them have guns. I admit that was stupid.

>> No.28688615

Nordic countries are so over rated.
They all live in what looks like doll houses from afar, they all drive the same cars, they all use cheap ikea furniture, they have little choice of products, nobody actually starts businesses without government approval...
They're practically communists with a market on top yet they believe they're champions of capitalism.
Am I right or what?

>> No.28688628

Yes, those famously white French, thank you for proving my point.

>> No.28688652

>it depresses whites because they are only happy when violently taking things from others
Without doubt killing retards like you is what make me happy.

>> No.28688656

The northmen are sailing to the new world, and the meds are talking about which way they are going to have gay sex and let their empire die.

>> No.28688673

the lengths people go to to convince themselves niggers are human....

>> No.28688701

Ah yes, the shithole that is Serbia is clearly very superior to the non-white nation of South Korea, or Weeb Land, or China, or Israel... Uhmm nationalist bros??

>> No.28688724
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It sickens me how many whites can't detect the disgusting shape shifters. Know your jew goys.

>> No.28688726

Have you ever been to Eastern Europe?

>> No.28688744

no not wrong.
Oceania doesn't make shit.

>> No.28688763

>it was these niggers not those niggers, checkmate racist

>> No.28688777

That list is literally going by raw death counts, which by the way for pre modern Asian conflicts are all estimates to begin with. Deaths compared to population size is the operative metric dipshit, and in that measure Asian conflicts don’t come even close to whites

>> No.28688782

Sweden is arguably the most innovative country in the world per capita, second only perhaps to the swiss. This is in terms of r&d, global corporations, high-tech production etc.

>> No.28688788

>Whites just so happened to hit a large enough technological edge first

Like what? Inventing the wheel? Inventing animal domestication? Using fucking tools that were more advanced than a rock?
What are you talking about. Africa invented nothing. Literally. We sailed across the world finding new lands and they fished by standing on the edge of the water with a fucking stick dude.

It's not about our crazy technology, it's literally ape level inventions that already gave us an edge.

>> No.28688794

It is still superior to Africa, though.

>> No.28688816

as a black, fuck this thread. i'm not taking your redpill, hearing this "truth" makes me want to kill myself. saged and hidden.

>> No.28688861


>> No.28688870

Yes confirmed again that violence is the only thing that makes whites truly happy, and without it they are miserable

>> No.28688885

>these 3 Asian wars are proof that niggers are great

>> No.28688888

Japan's not poor. Saudi Arabia is not poor.

>> No.28688897
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Serbs white. Don't think so.

>> No.28688905

retarded nigger, you wouldn't accept the truth because your mind isn't capable of understanding anyways. go lynch yourself, ape.

>> No.28688918

I think you may be very very stupid. WW2 is the most modern conflict and thus had the largest population size. Pretty much the rest of the list is solely Asians conflicts committed in historical periods where the population was much smaller, meaning they're potentially as bad or even worse than WW2 by your own standard.

Seriously, are you stoned or something?

>> No.28688919

>The northmen are sailing to the new world
This is about a thousand years after picrel anon, hundreds of years after the western roman empire fell... and they only built a few huts in the new world that lasted one or two generations but i digress.

>> No.28688922

let me think, you are a american fat ass with no idea about the old world?
>Safe Country more Banks
>more Banks cheaper credits
>cheap credits more growth
You have no idea how much value a war can destroy

>> No.28688974

“ The 'Scramble for Africa' – the artificial drawing of African political boundaries among European powers in the end of the 19th century – led to the partitioning of several ethnicities across newly created African states. This columns shows that partitioned ethnic groups have suffered significantly longer and more devastating civil wars. It also uncovers substantial spillovers as ethnic conflict spreads from the historical homeland of groups partitioned to nearby areas where non-split ethnicities reside.

The predominant explanations for the deep roots of contemporary African (under)development centre on the influence of Europeans during the colonial period (Acemoglu et al 2005), and on the slave trade in the centuries before colonisation when close to 20 million slaves were exported from Africa (Nunn 2008).1 Yet another milestone took place amidst these two major events. In new research (Michalopoulos and Papaioannou 2011) we study the consequences of the "Scramble for Africa", which started with the Berlin Conference of 1884–85 and was completed by the turn of the 20th century. In this brief period, the prospective colonisers partitioned Africa into spheres of influence, protectorates, colonies, and free-trade areas. The borders were designed in European capitals at a time when Europeans had barely settled in Africa with little knowledge of the geography and ethnic composition of the areas whose borders were designing. Despite their arbitrariness these boundaries endured after African independence. As a result, in most African countries a significant fraction (around 40-45%) of the population belongs to groups that have been partitioned by a national border. Yet while case studies suggest that the main impact of Europeans’ influence in Africa was not colonisation per se, but the improper border design, there is little – if any – work that formally examines the impact of ethnic partitioning. Our work is a first step to fill this gap.”

>> No.28689034

Sure, compared to the biggest shit hole in the world everything is better. but compared to Monaco, Liechtenstein or most Cities of the US it’s absolute shit tier over there. There aren’t even living people from other countries but it’s still he’ll on earth.

>> No.28689066

No idea but I love this clip.

Minorities scream about colonization and they took our stuff! No, we expected some form of payment for giving you all the things you need to prosper.

>> No.28689067

Don't know what your point is, but I know the story if Finland pretty well. Finland has wood, it lived off wood after the second world war and became one of the best countries to live in. Also it has became one of the most digitized countries in the world.

Sweden is similar, but they were in a very different situation. They had not been at war, but were actually benefitting from it by selling iron and guns. Also they've been a kingdom for centuries while Finland was being bounced between swedish and russian rule for centuries

>> No.28689086

>Kindergarden tier thinking

>> No.28689094

They're like the iceland of the asia-pacific region.
Take away globalization and their wealth disappears due to having too few working age people to produce all of the luxuries they currently enjoy. They simply don't have enough people to produce everything they import locally (with regards to processed imports).

>> No.28689113

What caused Africa’s underdevelopment is a complex issue. Europe’s past (and present) exploitation of Africa played a significant part. Before the Europeans arrived in Africa, Africa had vibrant economic, social and political structures. These were severely disrupted by Europeans to create wealth for themselves.

European dominance over most of Africa through the transatlantic slave trade lasted 440 years, from 1444 to 1885.

Triangular trade
Starting from the arrival of Portuguese ships on west African shores in 1444, the Europeans set up an elaborate triangular trading system to transport enslaved Africans, import plantation produce, and export European goods to both Africa and the Americas.

'Shipments were all by Europeans to markets controlled by Europeans, and this was in the interest of European capitalism and nothing else.'
Walter Rodney
The transatlantic slave trade caused the forced removal from Africa of millions of Africans. This number included a large percentage of skilled tradesmen and women from a range of occupations and professions who were making their contribution to African”

>> No.28689114

Thank anon

>> No.28689154
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“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

― Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944

>> No.28689164

Learn history, pre modern euro populations may have been smaller but Asian populations were very many times larger than euros, making relative death counts (deaths per capita) much, much lower

>> No.28689168

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.28689179

all of which boils down to geography, is my point

>> No.28689181
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Africa is civilizing itself slowly but surely. Evidently trying to accelerate the process by taking a stretch of land with Europeans to act as leaders wasn't working (South Africa). Educating and building up African Americans or African Europeans and letting them help build civilization and infrastructure in key parts of Africa seems to be a good idea. Otherwise would come across as 'white people invading'.

>> No.28689187

No shit faggot, I was making a funny. This thread is full of 21 year olds who have read a fucking history book and can't stop themselves from sharing that they read something.

>> No.28689226

Finland and South Korea are the two ummatched examples of growth in matter if couple of decades. I'm not making any points about race or whatever. I'm just saying how it is

>> No.28689229
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>> No.28689231

mmmmhmmm das rite *smacks lips*

>> No.28689261

“ societies. Without them, African societies themselves were weakened.
Africahad trading systems which had developedover hundredsofyears – well before Europeans ever arrived on their shores. Europeans destroyed these systems in large areas of Africa when they developed the trade in enslaved Africans. Local systems were badly affected and overwhelmed by the demands of the new trade in enslaved Africans, a trade imposed by the better developed guns and ships of the Europeans.

Trade and domination
Slave trading undermined the ‘Gold Coast’ economy of west Africa. It destroyed the gold trade. Slave raiding and kidnapping made it unsafe to mine the land or to travel with gold. The Europeans’ demand for slaves made raiding for captives more profitable than gold mining. The transatlantic slave trade encouraged Africans to wage war against one another and conduct raids, instead of building more peaceful links.

Europeans used their superior shipping and skills and military power (primarily their guns) to dominate trade to and from Africa. Europeans became the leading traders of Asian and African consumer goods. This was particularly striking in the early centuries of trade. Europeans relied heavily on Indian cloths for resale in Africa. They also purchased cloths from several parts of the west African coast for resale elsewhere. Morocco, Mauritania, Senegambia, Ivory Coast, Benin, Yorubaland and Loango were all exporters to other parts of Africa – through European middlemen.

By the time that Africa had escaped the shackles of the slave trade and entered the colonial era, its main export was raw cotton. Yet its main import was manufactured cotton cloth. This remarkable irony points not only to technological advance in Europe but also, and most importantly, to the stagnation of technology in Africa owing to the trade with Europe. Europeans didnot want Africanstates todeveloptheir owntechnology. They did not want them tobe able tomake theirownmanufacturedgoods.”

>> No.28689264

It all boils down to honestly and innovative nature... AKA Genetics

>> No.28689276

>t. tough guy on line

>> No.28689308
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>> No.28689321
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Gave me a good chuckle thinking about how much he had to be seething to go through all of these comments and individually select the ones he didnt like.

>> No.28689376

I'm not saying being smart is the end be all. But the fact of the matter is that niggers are lazy. They're lazy by nature. They evolved hunting gazelles and picking fruits from trees.
In that respect they're different from all other races.

>> No.28689397

Four more ways the CIA has meddled in Africa
1) 1961 - Patrice Lumumba's assassination in Congo
2) 1965 - Overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana
3) 1970s - Opposition to the MPLA in Angola
4) 1982 - Supporting Hissene Habre in Chad

>> No.28689434

>t. big brain online

>> No.28689449
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Yes. Exactly. I would say they are famously pretty white. Apart from those from the African French colonies...

>> No.28689486
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>> No.28689582

“ Africa has long since been encountered by the presence of Europeans and their activities on the continent. Before the nineteenth century, European activities in Africa were restricted along the coast. Trade in slaves and other commodities with the interior states of Africa was conducted through local middlemen. Upon the abolition of the slave trade, legitimate trade was seen as the perfect substitute and the Europeans there scrambled and partitioned Africa for political, social and economic reasons. This also had economic, political and social consequences on the continent. This essay is a re-contextualization of the essence of the partition of Africa and it’s ramification on the continent. It will first deal with the factors that motivated the scramble for territories in Africa by the Europeans and later look at the effects on the continent.

The scramble for territories in Africa and the partition of the continent among the various European powers of late nineteenth century was triggered off mainly by the activities of one individual: King Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo Basin. King Leopold hired explorers led by Henry Morton Stanley to explore and navigate the Congo and arrange trade with the local leaders of the area. Publicly, King Leopold of a civilizing mission to carry the light “for millions of men still plunged in barbarism will be dawn of a better era”. Privately, Leopold had the idea of exploitation and profit making at the expense of the Africans. Other European countries such as Britain, France and Portugal became alarmed and as conflict over the Congo Basin seemed eminent, Otto Von Bismarck, the then German chancellor who was a pacifist called for conference in Berlin to discuss issue regarding the annexation of territories in Africa and other issues such as the slave trade in December 1884-1885(January). This conference is famously known as the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. ”

>> No.28689592

Lmao are you talking about ex-soviet countries? If that's the case, they've made insane amount progress in 30 years of independence

>> No.28689604

I have spent time in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg are superior to any western European city

>> No.28689626
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>> No.28689636

Because med manlets got cucked hard by norseman chads, they haven’t really gotten over it by now

>> No.28689637

new zeeland and sweden are literally at opposite places at the world yet are very same

same with israel or lebanon, close but different


>> No.28689665

>IS there any scientific reasoning behind this disccrepancy?

>> No.28689693

Sad that people don’t understand where they had to start from. Half their population was murdered less than a hundred years ago and then the countries were looted by vultures when they were still very weak

>> No.28689721
File: 128 KB, 564x304, EA36BA7D-0FAB-46F8-8FBC-1BA361537B60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True ethnic borders of Africa

>> No.28689724

>90% of people are normie sheeple regardless of race

>> No.28689778

Sheit offica u gotta believe me I stabbed that honkey pregnant white woman because of geography n sheit
>damnit he’s right, someone posted a meme on 4 chan we’ll have to let him go
I sure do love importing geography into my country

>> No.28689793

How so? Please explain the reasoning behind this.

>> No.28689855

another interesting trend is the correlation between jews living somewhere and the absolute collapse of that communities morality

>> No.28689869

Lol this is retarded, the problem in Africa isn't that it doesn't have good leaders.

I could easily bring 1 billion africans out of poverty in 20 years if rich countries got rid of protectionism and farm subsidies. All agricultural production would move quickly to take advantage of the cheaper land and wages, and Africa would go the same way China did.

Africa ain't poor for things that happened 100 years ago, its poor because of things that happen today.

>> No.28689899

because those white countries embraced freer markets


>> No.28689934
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My best efren is black and he's a data scientist or something.
Sorry I said that efren.

>> No.28689939

i mean just type in world IQ map into google the evidence is all there.

>> No.28689956

Monkey see, Monkey do

>> No.28689962

it should say africa is poor because they're socialist/interventionist

>> No.28689970

Persians are europeans after all

>> No.28689973

“ The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as the Battle of Wounded Knee, was a domestic massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army. It occurred on December 29, 1890,[5] near Wounded Knee Creek (Lakota: Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála) on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota, following a botched attempt to disarm the Lakota camp. The previous day, a detachment of the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment commanded by Major Samuel M. Whitside intercepted Spotted Elk's band of Miniconjou Lakota and 38 Hunkpapa Lakota near Porcupine Butte and escorted them 5 miles (8.0 km) westward to Wounded Knee Creek, where they made camp. The remainder of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, led by Colonel James W. Forsyth, arrived and surrounded the encampment. The regiment was supported by a battery of four Hotchkiss mountain guns.[6]”
>the Jews made me do it

>> No.28689981

A lot of them have, Estonia is probably the best example.
No they are not. I doubt you've really been there and if you have it must have been a tourist trip and you've only been to some fancy places. In a civilized european country (you can exclude some uncivilized eastern and southern european countries, like poland, ukraine, spain, france etc) if you drive two hours to any direction from the flashy tourist areas it will still look the same and often better actually since the tourists are not trashing the up the little bit more remote areas

>> No.28689987

Whites are intelligent, conscientious, and selfless — all traits necessary for building wealthy, thriving societies.

>> No.28689988

>Sheit offica u gotta believe me I stabbed that honkey pregnant white woman because of geography n sheit
essentially this but unironically

>> No.28690019

Just a forewarning I’m submitting a report on this post to the ADL
>anti Semitic speech isn’t free speech and there is jail time associated with attempting to spread such false rumors

>> No.28690042
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>> No.28690045

It's not about the leaders , it's about your tribalism. Fix that first before blaming onto others. Your leader is a reflection of your society

>> No.28690059
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Yawn. Everybody knows that black people are largely incapable of civilization.

The REALLY interesting question is, which race will prevail in the 21st century? East Asians or Whites?

>> No.28690068

because they looted the other countries and took their natural resources and recently their bright minds.

>> No.28690073

>no mention of Wakanda
Guess he wasn't so smart after all.

>> No.28690084
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>the problem isnt that Africa doesn’t have good leaders
>Africa doesn’t need good leaders it just needs to enact good policies...without good leaders

>> No.28690106

Irrigation is the problem. Look at what is farmed in Africa. We are talking prehistory here, pre arable farming technology. Try and farm in Africa using pre stone age technology and tell me it is fertile.

>> No.28690142

Betting on east asians.

>> No.28690143

i hope we both prosper and just rape the shit skins resources

>> No.28690148

look at latin american countries by percentage of white people vs africans
The bigger the amount of whites the better the country, this destoys your pathetic cope

>> No.28690177

That's not reasoning and doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever.

>> No.28690191

Human can never be selfless , keep coping that someone gonna help you

>> No.28690195

>he think sakara benefitted africa in ANY possible way
lmao socialism only causes stagnation
Africa is poor because they don't have capitalism.

>> No.28690203
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>African leaders
This is the dawn of a new age

>> No.28690212
File: 376 KB, 1600x1352, 3803CE5D-0193-457B-8163-09E728C3C3F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066. From 1942 to 1945, it was the policy of the U.S. government that people of Japanese descent would be interred in isolated camps. Enacted in reaction to Pearl Harbor and the ensuing war, the Japanese internment camps are now considered one of the most atrocious violations of American civil rights in the 20th century.”
>argh if only the dastardly Jews didn’t exist we would have to lock you in cages and let you die argh we’ll get the Jews for this

>> No.28690228

Are you stupid? I specifically said that its poor because it doesn't have access to developed markets, nothing their leaders could do to get Europe to abandon the Common Agricultural Policy for example.

>> No.28690239


>> No.28690303
File: 81 KB, 580x350, CD1F14D8-4E4E-4A66-AB7E-722D6DD5A59F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ The Trail of Tears was part of a series of forced relocations of approximately 100,000 Native Americans between 1830 and 1850 by the United States government known as the Indian removal.”
>and I just want you guys to know this is nothing personal. The Jews call the shots our hands are tied

>> No.28690308
File: 31 KB, 596x493, 1603421341186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting. The CIA seems to be incredibly effective at teaching niggers to squander wealth.

>> No.28690386

This is true but I feel it's this harshness that actually drove white men to be biologically and culturally superior. If you're not inventive, industrious, and intelligent in the freezing cold of Scandinavia, you're dead and don't pass on your genes. In Africa you could literally just pick tubers all day and then fuck the village whores who are picking bananas. Africa does not weed out the dumb genes.

>> No.28690389

>no vpn
get the fuck outta here normie.

>> No.28690393

It’s a war who fucking cares, they’re lucky they weren’t summarily shot for treason like in Soviet Union

>> No.28690439
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 734AAF97-7E0A-400F-9738-8DEFDD4E60A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn’t need good leadership! What it needs is a guiding leading body to help them achieve these goals....BUT NOT GOOD LEADERSHIP!

>> No.28690446

The weak should fear the strong, again they’re LUCKY we let them live to begin with. We conquered this land fair and square

>> No.28690467

Yeah, the Baltic states are steadily becoming the mini-Scandinavia (Latvia is slacking a little bit because of the Russia's influence tho).

I've visited Talinn and Vilnius a couple of years ago and let me tell you these cities are 100x better than overhyped Western Europe cities. Not a lot of tourists, beautiful oldtowns, hot blonde women, cheap beer, fintech is booming, parks, nature everywhere. It felt like heaven, I'm afraid it's gonna be ruined in the future like the biggest European cities.

>> No.28690471

>he doesn't know about unit 731 and japanese death camps

>> No.28690472

jew mad?

>> No.28690499

Not just whites, East Asians are also among the people to have the highest IQs.