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28678673 No.28678673 [Reply] [Original]

For anyone interested in Rubic, visit the following reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/lj3sr7/why_you_should_buy_rubic_right_now/?sort=new

Don't get the curry nigger discord trannies continue to FUD you. I will be posting this shit continuously, so get fucked fudding trannies. :^)

t. top 50 wallet

>> No.28678753

based rubichad

>> No.28680138


>> No.28680381
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>> No.28680549
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Clearly there are no trannies that are keeping this coin at a low pr....
oh wait....

>> No.28681055

The FUD is so low quality. I think at this point it's pure SEETHHEEE. Feeling comfy still ngl.

>> No.28681215

There's a reason people often cite chainlink when talking about RBC - and it has nothing to do with similarities in the projects themselves (they are completely different), but more to do with price action and coordinated FUD. Back in 2017 I had over 4000 link, and i sold at 30 cents due to 4chan, telegram and reddit FUD. I'm never making that mistake again.

The last 3-4 weeks, RBC has had fake discord pics posted around 4chan and reddit. Fake Fiver ads doctoring pictures of the devs. The amount of FUD has been endless. Why? Because people want the price to drop, to buy in.

We also have a daily issue while crabbing between updates or announcements where the price is manipulated by whales and swingers. You can watch the same wallets dump when it's about to pass a threshold (today it's 40 cents). They bring it back to 34ish cents (along the uptrend support line), then let people buy back up to 39 cents, rinse and repeat. This serves two annoying functions: It causes weak hands to sell, and the whales accumulate more. It's annoying, but this will just continue to happen for another couple of weeks until we get in more exchanges, unfortunately.

During the panic sell of from 70 back to 40 cents last week, none of the top whale wallets sold a dime. In fact they have continued to accumulate. This is good.

Everyday we continue to grow in holders. Currently we are at around 6,150 or so. The Devs start marketing in Korea and China this week. We definitely need a more general audience invested into RBC, ones that don't read the 4chan fud. I'm very excited to see investors from other countries come in.

At any rate;

>> No.28681434
File: 207 KB, 1321x1648, Swingies get swung rubichads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're finally starting to price out some of these fucking whales. Pic related has around 170k rubic left now. The price just blasted through his dumps, holders are increasing.

Swingies get the rope.

>> No.28681722

Question for RBC holders:

If the coin doesnt reach 1$ beginning of March/april; are you going to sell your bags?

I'm afraid that if nothing happens before summer we are going to be full of regrets for not selling

>> No.28681810

Nah. I'll sell a bit once it hits $5. This project is insanely bullish, with huge potential and the community support is crazy. Holding since 10c.

>> No.28681822

Rubic is not a project you should be investing in long term. Reasons:

1. Market cap: $40M !!! For a swap exchange that has a really shitty UX and product, cannot be even compared with 1inch (used by Rubic primarily and has stellar product with $172m market cap and 8b monthly volume). With 98.4m circulating supply, reaching $10 is not possible in a gazillion years looking at this shitty product.

2. Usecase: Who the fuck wants to swap on Binance chain outside of Binance!? Also why the fuck would I use Rubic when I can easily get the best prices on 1inch, Uni or Metamask swap?!

3. Contant shilling: Pajeets scamming this board with stolen link memes just waiting for you poorfags to pump the price so that they can dump on you!

4. Inexperienced tech: Their dev team/tech is really inexperienced compared with dev teams of the defi world. Check the dev teams at Sushi, Aave, 1inch, YFI, CRV, Uni, SNX. These guys dont even stand a chance.

Worst part: The website was down for almost 2 hours which has happened 3-4 times so far (server load is a shitty excuse)! Imagine website going down during a swap.

That being said, yes the constant shilling on biz might pump the price a bit maybe but this is never a safe long term hold, because either you might get rugpulled or whales might dump hard and the price would never recover and you would be holding these coins forever.

So DYOR. There is no reason for you to use Rubic when there are literally 100x better products in the market.

>> No.28681890

If you're going to update the mkt cap for rubic. Update the market cap for 1inch. It's $540m.

>> No.28681902

I know that in the exact moment I press the sell button it’s gonna go +100%, so no, I will keep my lil stack even if I miss other moonshots

>> No.28681930

what does rubic have to do with MATIC? honest queastion

>> No.28681962


They are in partnership confirmed on previous AMA

>> No.28682129

Partnership with Matic to develop L2