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28665130 No.28665130 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to lend and borrow monero on some sort of decentralized exchange?

>> No.28665208

Liquidity mine wrapped monero on uniswap

>> No.28665504

maybe this is too big brained for me but if you wrap monero doesn't that defeat the privacy feature because it being publicly recorded on the other blockchain?

>> No.28665909

here for replies

>> No.28666680
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why would anyone lend crypto to anonymous people

>> No.28667032

Because the borrower has to deposit some crypto to be used as collateral if they don't pay

>> No.28667209
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>lend money anonymously to strangers whose identities you can't know
>what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.28667257

that's literally what AAVE is for

>> No.28667303

Ren said its possible to add but hasnt started the process. What needs to be done is a monero developer add the commit to ren multichain and i think you'd find it on defi in no time. Its a technically difficult issue, rather than one people are ignoring.

>> No.28667399
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what's the point of borrowing money if you have to put up money as collateral?

>> No.28667551

What? Sir normie, id argue only collateralized loans are ethical. Noncollateralized loans are peak usury.

>> No.28667796

I used to think the same until someone explained how it works. I'll give you an example using BTC. BTC price = 50k. You put up 1 btc as collateral. You get HALF of its value in fiat as a loan. If you don't pay it back then you lose your btc but assuming your able to pay it back, you got a loan while letting your crypto appreciate, instead of having to sell it.

>> No.28668218

when you put your money in a bank you're money is being lent out to people you don't know.

they have monero on avve?

in this case people want the appreciation of an asset while having the liquidity for spending. For example if you want to source a product right now you can put up your crypto for collateral spend half paying a manufacturer, make a 20% profit on the sale and pay back your loan, all while your coins still went up in value.

good to hear

like it or not I think one day we'll have traditional style loans in crypto with smart contracts making it easier to determine credit worthiness, track funds, and offer insurance for defaults

>> No.28668488

Interesting. In a way this is almost like shorting btc. If I put up a btc in collateral and it crashed to $10, my loan is free and clear.... otherwise I simply pay it back steadily while my btc moons. How do I do this.

>> No.28669411

unfortunately most of the lending platforms I know of liquidate your position if the price goes down too far, thus its either useless or you just have to have enough in as collateral and take out a low enough percentage, say 10-20%, that you know won't get liquidated even if the market crashes. Right now theres nexo, blockfi, celcius, and if you want decentralized theres aave.

>> No.28669586

I think bao, maker, compound and synthetics might also let you do that but I really know nothing about them

>> No.28669745

Isn't it better to just stake ADA?

>> No.28670186
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