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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28660242 No.28660242 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when GME posters said that this was going to be the biggest wealth transfer in modern history?
Remember when GME posters said that they were going to make the hedge funds pay every last cent after the events that happened in 2008?
Remember when GME posters said that the stock reaching $1000 was a conservative estimate and that $2000+ was likely?
Remember when GME posters called you a jew and kike if you told them the bubble was about to burst and they would be stuck holding bags?
My favorite part is how posters like this still exist, and justify the current situation with "everyone is openly saying they will bail, which will make the price moon to minimize winners". Even better, most hedge funds probably came out of this winners by shorting the stock at 300+.
You did listen to posters who told you to get out while you still could, right? You aren't literally bankrupt now begging for money on gofundme, right?

>> No.28660543

Mother fucker I 10xed my portfolio in the last week on fake internet money. You think I give a fuck about gay ass stocks?

>> No.28660596

>You think I give a fuck about gay ass stocks?
stocks are for fags
we moon gang nigga