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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28659410 No.28659410 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all. Everybody here talks about "making it", but what exactly is the threshold?

>> No.28659523
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>> No.28659526


Bout tree fiddy

>> No.28659549

No less than $5M

>> No.28659558

it varies per individual and circumstances fucking nigger frog

>> No.28659574

enough to retire in ur country

>> No.28659600

if burger: 1-5 million if you're smart. 5-20 if you're not

>> No.28659636

$1m is poor man’s making it.
$5m is really making it.
$10m is big time making it.

>> No.28659640
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The more the central banks print their fiat money, the more you need to have made it.

>> No.28659682

1m is plenty for me

>> No.28659687


>> No.28659700

Depends, are you okay with hunting and scavenging for all of your meals?

>> No.28659726

anything that grants you financial freedom to pursue your own self interests and develop yourself. it depends on the country and person

>> No.28659748

It's different for everyone: 1.5m is enough for me to make it (i.e accomplish all of the things that I want out of money.)

>> No.28659801

4 million with a house and car.

>> No.28659829

It’s a paradox, because fiat will continue to get worse and worse. So the answer is simply to accumulate blue chip crypto forever and ever.

>> No.28659943

2m in crypto/stocks/pm

>> No.28659963

For me we’re looking at 100k on the high end

>> No.28659978
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20K it's enough to me. I live in a 3rd world country and all I want in my life it's to buy a farm.

>> No.28660021

Based & tradpilled

>> No.28660112

Enogh for starting my own business and stop being a wagie

>> No.28660143

depends on where you live and what kind of lifestyle you want. for me, it's 2.5 million. 500K to buy a house and 2 million invested in index funds to live on. With a very conservative 3% withdrawal rate i can have $60,000 to live on without running out of money

>> No.28660221

You decide when you make it.
For me, it's the McChicken. It's also $1.3 million. With that I can pay off the IRS menace, invest in a mixture of equities, gold, and cryptos, pay myself a dividend salary of $30,000 per year and compound the remainder, raising to $50k in ten years, with inflation raises every year until I'm dead and will never dilute my principal.
That's making it, for me.

>> No.28660373

If you're single, anything over 20k a year is a bonus. If you want kids, anything over 40k a year is bonus.

>> No.28660503

10M. 50m is really being ultra baller making it.

>> No.28660564


>> No.28660648
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Basically this, but an increased budget for guns and ammo.

>> No.28660774

1 million after taxes
less if youre in the third world
more if youre in europe / commonwealth

>> No.28660855

>If you're single, anything over 20k a year is a bonus.

I na 3rd world country sure, maybe. But not in the USA unless staying living in you parents basement in the goal.

3-5m can secure you a 100K a year lifestyle for life pretty much.

>> No.28660960
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for me making it is living in a castle like this while others suffer below me.

>> No.28661003

I need $200k-$300k to move to the Romanian country side and spend the rest of my days playing Vidya and getting drunk on homemade booze, fuck it feels so out of reach right now.

>> No.28661016

5m usd = comfy
10+ rich,
20+ wealthy

>> No.28661045


>> No.28661067


>> No.28661074

thats just a x10, easy to reach if you invest in shitcoins like mcdc or hoge
Big risk, big GAINZ

>> No.28661185

better question: what are the ideal made-it pass times?
i think ill keep working 20 hours a week doing something fun, also
learn a language
play instruments
read philosophy by the fireplace
party once a week

>> No.28661267

Give me $5M and I can start a clan back in my homeland of subsaharan Africa. I could buy 300 acres, a fishing boat, and a shit ton of cows, goats and camels. 4 wives, and each wife producing at minimum two children. Hire a bunch of workers, and make their families rich too.

>> No.28661289

totally seems like a shill, fucking nibba sCum

> are you thinking we are real retards here?
>I bought bot ocean coins and wait for full system for dex trading release

clever ass knows what tools to use for top trading

>> No.28661426

Absolutely realistic?
5 million Euro probably
That means in other words: I need LINK to hit $1346.67
So probably in about 4-5 years I will have /made it/
But it's pointless anyway in this world
>no gf
>no job
>no skills
>late 20 bloomer
>Corona lockdowns

>> No.28661428

100k 1st year
1M 3rd year
3M 5th year

It is possible /biz/?

>> No.28661613

suicide 7 figures
make it 9 figures
fuck you 12 figures

>> No.28661672

how about i give you smallpox instead

>> No.28661694

Ideal passtimes:
Creative endeavour (art, music, writing)
Learn a language
Grow wealth

>> No.28661698

What would you spend 20k a year on as a single?

>> No.28661924

1 mil in crypto + equities

I'll inharit another 1-2 mil. I'm good with 4% withdrawal on 2 mil.

>> No.28662385

if you only knew.....you have no idea.....

If you live modestly in a one bedroom apartment, and not in an expensive part of a city, rent is about 8k a year. this leaves 1k a month for expenses. Say 300 for health ins, 250 for food, 200 for car, 50 phone, 75 insurance, 75 internet, 50 water/electric, that's 20 k.

Sure it doesn't leave you any money, but 20k is roughly the bare minimum to have all your basic expenses covered, ( maybe 25k would have been a bit better estimate)

Throw in a part time job or more and it's at least a starting point. So anything on top of that, and your quality of life is just going to get better and better.

That's just me though... I consider making it being able to maintain anything on top of the basics.

Really though, to save some for retirement and have some spending money, 40k after taxes, 60k with a kid, is much more like it for a single. Anything over that really is starting to be "making it."

>> No.28662686

Owning at least 1 nice home and a rental or vacation property outright.
Plus a few hundothousand in the bank in cash. With investments worth 10-15 times that on a normal day.
A nice waifu and a mistress.
Some bros to play poker with.

>> No.28663055

you don't need money to start a business you can just do marketing related services and spear target clients with cold email

>> No.28663270

>No less than $5M
This. I'm just shy of $1 mil at age 32. My goal is $5 million before I turn 40.

>> No.28663297

$20MM so I can fund my game ideas.

>> No.28663399

thats a quite small goal

>> No.28663410

I’ve done that on 100k, at 1m my life will change

>> No.28663497

All I need is 100k, I can do everything else myself

>> No.28663610
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>1 million
you can afford to buy a house in a bumfuck rural town and eat home-cooked meals. You can go to a restaurant a few times per year and you can go on one modest vacation per year. You probably can't afford heath insurance unless you quality for government assistance. Kids go to public school.
>2 million
you can afford to buy a house in a medium cost of living city (Chicago, Dallas, Miami, etc.). You can afford to eat out at a restaurant once a week and you can go on two modest vacations per year. You can afford cheap health insurance. Kids go to public school.
>5 million
you can afford to buy a modest house in a high cost of living city (Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.). You can afford to eat out at a restaurant a few times a week and you can go on two vacations per year. You can afford decent health insurance. Kids go to private school.
>10 million
this is the beginning of fuck-you money. You can afford a large house anywhere you want (though billionaire mansions are still out of the question). You can go on four lavish vacations per year and you can eat out at restaurants daily. You have great health insurance. Kids go to the best private academies and have private tutors as needed.

>> No.28663623

Will let you know when we're no longer pricing things in USD.

100k to 1m is possible in one year
>t. have done that

>> No.28663695

Shut the fuck up. Big money doesn't work on shitcoins.

>> No.28664008

4 or 5m sounds bout right

Remember if ur a burger, u gotta give Uncle Sam like a 50% cut so ur 5m goes to 2.5m. Then u prolly wanna buy a house which is around 1m in nyc where i live. Then im down to 1.5m which youll allocate to stonks and whateve else to keep your wealth growing.

>> No.28664126

Monthly Salary must be at least 1IQR higher than your country's median
Monthly Salary * 6 = Emergency Fubd
Monthly Salary * 12 = Fuck you Money
Passive Cash Flow > Living Expense

>> No.28664600

10 mil personal liquid net, personal farm and property, 5 mil other properties, a few businesses worth a total of at least 1 mil revenue a year, 1.5 million savings and bonds, 250-500k cash, precious metals, and gems/jewelry with high resale value

At least if you want your kids and grandkids to make it through the collapse