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28657373 No.28657373 [Reply] [Original]

There are so many AVAX fudders in almost every AVAX thread here nowadays, it's become truly comical. I have been watching from the sidelines through this entire bug debacle for the past few days, but following these Neanderthal-level fudposts, I feel it's time to get involved.

AVAX chads, keep in mind these are nothing but some salty ass poorfags with their thumbs up their asses and nothing else to do but cry about how they missed the boat by spending every waking second of their pathetic lives trolling biz and posting senseless fud in every AVAX thread they see in an attempt to FUD you out of your earnings. Why they do this is unknown, perhaps because of jealousy, maybe for entertainment, but trying to rationalize their actions would quickly drive you mad. Replying to them will only push them =further, it is best to pretend they don't exist as any anon with an ounce of brainpower would read their baseless screeching and instantly write it off as total and complete bullshit.

Granted, bugs happened (as is to be expected with any truly groundbreaking technology), but were patched in record time and rolled out equally as fast, so either wait for the full report on the already fixed issue or sell your coins and fucking leave already, nobody wants you maggot dicked retards here for the next big pump when you will FOMO back in and start about how based AVAX is anyway.

The price action we are seeing now is a healthy correction down after our meteoric pump before we hit the bug. AVAX fudders got BTFO'd and priced out and look what they have resorted to. Greedy little fuckers. Enjoy your "double spend" fudding garbage as your "turkroach scam" screams fade into nothing when the elevator to the citadel begins to take off.

>> No.28657585

Coin pumps 10,000%: nothing

They will never learn

>> No.28657718

The FUD came before the dump because of 2 separate issues.
Avaxchuds are delusional.

>> No.28657811

this is sad at this point

>> No.28657893

The only one delusional is you if you think AVAX isn't a superior product to anything else on the market right now.

>> No.28657921
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Dont worry fren. I havent even sold 100 of my 5000 AVAX.

Our advantage is that AVAX holders are generally a higher IQ than the rest. Double digit iq "doublespend" FUD just makes me laugh.

No selling until Top 5 coin.

>> No.28657965

AVAX and Chad don't belong in the same sentence. The greedy fucking Turk rushed everything for the bull market and now Avalanche's reputation has taken a massive hit forever. Maybe Emin should learn to code rather than spending all his time on social media.

>> No.28657994
File: 546 KB, 697x809, 9647047E-59B0-469D-A8F4-53D3B8CBD359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have other coins ever been fudded this bad? It’s been insane the last few days

>> No.28658028
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uhh guys...i deposited my whole stack from my wallet back to okcoin about 10 minutes ago and its not showing up
did i get bogged?

>> No.28658046

You roaches realize that literally everything is pumping while avax is dumping right? Even when it wasn't dumping, there are a million other coins giving better returns. "hurr durr stay poor" fuck off roaches

>> No.28658058

Seethe more little whore. Paint your hate lipstick on my Lambo window

>> No.28658107


As if on cue the fudders arrive, welcome gents, don't forget to replace your diapers once in a while, we can smell your shit from here

>> No.28658108

Organized fud from the Radix team. Avalanche is the new star child to shit on when youre the unloved ugly child. They stay jealous.

>> No.28658131

Why put your trust in garbage coders? Stay poor faggot

>> No.28658132

I unironically hate both sides. I'm going to have to start filtering AVAX because the absolute state of these threads make me want to sell my stack

>> No.28658174

I havent seen such passionate fud ever, this is kinda bananas man

>> No.28658186

>Enjoy your "double spend" fudding garbage
A double spend on the blockchain being validated is possibly the worst thing that could happen to the integrity of a blockchain

>> No.28658266

its a sign the project is going baliastic soon and these poor little faggots are priced out beyind belief. this kind of fud happened with LINK and look where that ended up

oh look another braindead fudder who doesn't understand the concept of a double spend VS the concept of minting, move along back to the kiddie table with you - maybe read one of the many threads in the archive that fully debunked this FUD many times over, will you?

>> No.28658352

>oh look another braindead fudder who doesn't understand the concept of a double spend VS the concept of minting, move along back to the kiddie table with you - maybe read one of the many threads in the archive that fully debunked this FUD many times over, will you?
The problem with calling it a minting is that what happened is the same transaction hash was received 7 times by a wallet. So while you call it a minting, I would call it spending those funds 7 times, and they refer to the same thing.

>> No.28658423

If this happened to BTC today it would be over. AVAX devs have set a low standard for the future of finance. This is Cronje level bad.

>> No.28658445

Basically this. The market already deemed it as the chosen one, You're to be retarded to look at Pangolin debut day and think otherwise.

Shitcoins bagholders want to see AVAX fail because it deem them irrelevant.

>> No.28658499
File: 284 KB, 1000x653, 1613018968737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see kids, engaging the fudder is a recipe for disaster since they apparently don't understand how an archive works or how to use the simplest of things including internet search engines. likely one of these anons, image related

>> No.28658569

These posts are pre-doublespend bug

You can see the doublespend here


>> No.28658590

I couldn't give two fucks or shits about technical issues, all crypto is inherently worthless to me. Just answer me this will this PoS pump back up anytime soon?

>> No.28658716

Yes. Chainlink and Ethereum (Ethereum fuds were scarier because Ethereum itself experienced major bearish events like the Dao and parity wallets which required hard forks, Billion were *stolen* and funds weren't secure).

Chainlink fud was more about uncertainty because LINK didn't have fully operational product for years while it was on the market trading, Basically had fud overvalued like AVAX currently experience.

>> No.28658795

I don't see it going up until the full fallout from it, march 9th at earliest (token unlock)

>> No.28658936
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All eyes on me.

>> No.28659175

It wasnt a double spend, not even close. Learn to read nigger

It was a double export bug, a failed sanity check in the client caused 800 AVAX to be falsly minted. Its not a double spend and has been fixed

>> No.28659246

use the archives and read up on how you're wrong, this is not a thread to spoonfeed fudders the truth since you're gonna twist it anyway to fit your narratives

>> No.28659330

Yes, he spent it 7 times as a result of this bug. There is a demint function which lowers the balance and a mint function which raises the balance. Both are required when you spend them. Apparently except for this pajeet blockchain

Those posts are from before a /biz/raeli discovered he had 7x as much avax and bought 10+ ETH with it. They are from the chain generally shitting itself and being forced to go offline

>> No.28659491

you are a dumb illiterate faggot and have been thoroughly BTFO, fuck off with your bullshit fud

>> No.28659537

Nothing has been btfo, the 7x spend is publicly available info

>> No.28659716

frankly its hilarious how many times this has been proven wrong yet you fudders still come into every single avax thread you see and link this same shit, its truly comical

>> No.28659770

Nobody has proven anything wrong, he spent it 7 times. Emin has confirmed this fucking moron

>> No.28659909

radix is shit

>> No.28659936

I agree

>> No.28660001

please do link that, or maybe look at his actual tweet you illiterate fudding monkey


>> No.28660209

Are you retarded?
790 had to be burnt because of the double spend.
Avaxchuds are so delusional is sad.

>> No.28660280
File: 159 KB, 753x543, double spend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is saying that 790.2 AVAX was spent that didn't exist

>> No.28660366

dude's handle is @el33th4xor and he's definitely older than 12 kek

>> No.28660432

read the other AVAX thread and learn the difference between invalid minting and double spending. christ you faggots are insufferable. change your diapers boys, this level of fud is unprecedented kek


>> No.28660568

The difference is one has a justifiably bad stigma and the other is a term to avoid being labeled with it

>> No.28660716
File: 62 KB, 303x298, 1610781094045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to quote another anon since you apparently are illiterate

>a double spend is when you send a spending transaction that is confirmed and then broadcasting a second transaction that overwrites the first, ripping off the first recipient. no new coins.

that didn't happen - but enjoy the fud patrol, and thank you in advance for keeping the price down

>> No.28660737

You are insufferably embarrassing.