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File: 971 KB, 1106x1012, 1605324930582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28652713 No.28652713 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi Anon it's aunt stacy here your Dad gave me your cell I hope you don't mind. I'm opening up a coin base account. I would like to buy Chain link do you think it's too high to buy? Or should I see if it goes down? Also is there another good one to pick that is a lower price? I'm not familiar with these kind of stocks.

>> No.28652797

Hi aunt Stacy, post nudes!

>> No.28652804

this isn't fud. She knows about chainlink because my dad told her about it i assume since i invested into chainlink for my parents.

>> No.28652855

sell signal. Normies getting into finance and crypto is when shit hits the fan.

>> No.28652941

except chainlink. link is a bear market bitcoin stock. and most anons will pour all their profit here

>> No.28652996

And let me clarify: I dont have an open line of communication with these people. I'm the shut in autist of the family. I probably havent talked to her for over 5 years

>> No.28653031

just tell her to DCA and put in atleast $10k and she will have a million in 3 years.

>> No.28653135

never even try to give financial advice, especially to family. it goes well, they pester you forever and expect help, it goes wrong, they get mad and shit talk you like it's your fault
>Hi, to be honest I have no clue I bought it a while ago cause I saw this thing online but haven't touched it since, I think there's some YouTube channels that help out with that sort of thing
and act completely clueless forever

>> No.28653163

My plan was to tell her to put in 50% now then split up the rest into a DCA
thats not really the part i was worried about... this is a middle aged women bros it doesnt get anymore normie is here top signal than that
but idk i dont think we are anywhere near top so maybe an outlier

>> No.28653252

word for word... you have an aunt STACY and she calls you "Anon"? Holy shit, anon.

>> No.28653295

your aunt calls you Anon? wtf

>> No.28653332

fuck off retards you know what i meant

>> No.28653338

Ignore her text

>> No.28653370

This time it's different

>> No.28653400

Why didnt you post a screenshot you stupid larping faggot? Also anyone here that believes this is a low iq turd

>> No.28653431

just help her out (assuming you have a decent relationship) and tell your dad to never do that again.

>yeah stace, this linky coin will be the backbone of the system that blockchain aims to accomplish but you have to look at it on a longer timeframe and not stress over short term price movements
>I know this sounds WEIRD and CREEPY but it has one of the brightest futures in all of crypto

it's not that hard, just make sure she understands the risk involved

>> No.28653441

Can you post pics of your aunt stacy please, anon?

>> No.28653486

tell her to buy dogecoin because it's cheap and "imagine if it reaches the btc price"

>> No.28653495
File: 499 KB, 565x525, 1613173241958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the top is in when Dave Ramsey is shilling his own rugpull

>> No.28653498

Tell her the truth. Only buy if shes comfortable with the very real possibility of losing a lot of money in the short term, and to do her own research.

>> No.28653505

>tfw you are not going to ruin only your money but also your family relatives money
anything you tell her will backfire for sure

>> No.28653614

Just seriously explain the risks in a way that she doesn't blame you for it.

>> No.28653992
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, why would it be bad anyway?
its not a larp... i would post the screenshots but i was too lazy to post from my phone
shes literally texting me asking
"are there any other really good ones i should buy that are low"
i told her aave and she said "that one's really high i'll stick with link" KEK
the memes are reality boys...
only if u buy chainlink

>> No.28654076

Let me talk to her

>> No.28654149
File: 441 KB, 995x2048, Screenshot_20210213-210359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are real boys how the fuck would someone even try to explain that aave is actually "cheaper" than link due to market cap LOL

>> No.28654221

This is happening nationwide
My boss said he got a referral link from his boomer dad to register on coinbase.

The normies are going to pump our bags to fucking jupiter.

>> No.28654463

I welcome the normoids and the incoming decentralized economy

>> No.28654546

post screenshot of the text you larping faggot

>> No.28654730

Fucking this, giving financial advice to anyone is a no win situation

>> No.28654976

nvm, im retarded

>> No.28655045
File: 298 KB, 490x500, auntwojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dearie me, my little chainlink stock really is doing something, now isn't it?

>> No.28655086


>> No.28655216


>> No.28655244


>> No.28655311

why does you aunt call you anon

>> No.28655439

Have you been able to explain to them what link is?

>> No.28655506


>> No.28655604

>aunt stacy
gr8 b8

>> No.28655627

you need to go back

>> No.28656640

I dont even bother trying. If a family member wants investment advice i tell them what to buy and tell them to research it on their own. I'm sure none of them have ever actually researched a single thing on their own KEK
>if it goes up
Become family genius/hero
>if it goes down because it all crashes
Blame the government
seems like a win win to me anon

>> No.28657216

thanks Aunt Stacy, I fucking bought some bc I'm a normie scum too.

why the fuck doesnt Binance have AAVE?

>> No.28657282


>> No.28657342

doesn't mean anything, your parents probably told them about you buying chainlink. the only normies who know about chainlink are ones who are connected somehow to the autists here at biz. i have a normie friend who bought 1500 link awhile back and now he's up 45k

>> No.28657351

hey aunt stacy buy grt or algo instead

>> No.28658391

Yeah this post wasn't intended as a normie sell indicator for link. Just thought it was funny that memes about normies are true to the most minute detail

>> No.28658861
File: 759 KB, 816x778, 6351D43A-7039-4982-AEAD-56CE529D757E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your aunts feet

>> No.28658973

My mom asked me today to help her but bitcoin. She was recommended it by my 74 year old aunt apparently.

>> No.28659305


Dude AAVE is legit but it did go up like 3823583758379% in the last few months. LINK is about to 3x she will think you are a god. I bought for my mom at $11.20, BTC at $14,995, and ETH at $700 lmao She's 70. She doesn't even look at the price just asks me occasionally.

>> No.28659482

Aunt Stacy is actually a larping pajeet