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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 541x541, hoge.e87543d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28645479 No.28645479 [Reply] [Original]

Bought 900 million hoges a week ago. I now have 1.9 billion hoges. I did not put anymore money in. This was all through swingies.

Keep swinging cucks

>> No.28645793

immortal coin

>> No.28645963
File: 671 KB, 850x1081, mio_hoge_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28646290

the dog mascot looks like shit, the glasses look terrible and its not fun or cute. no one wants your edgy dog pajeet coin.

>> No.28646358
File: 630 KB, 800x1000, kirino_hoge_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hoge looks great thank you very much

>> No.28646362

need to check on mine

>> No.28646404

Yes, and tranny op's 1bil hoge was worth 10k for one minute few days ago. Now his 1,9bil is worth 10$ wow

>> No.28646442

Based deflating resurrection coin

>> No.28646523

the sex memes are creepy. this is just a cheap retarded ugly knock off of doge that completely fails to realize why doge did well in the first place. doge is cute and innocent and silly and reminds you of a dogs loyalty and friendship. you totally dilute that by making the dog edge and black and white and stoic and wearing shitty glasses. the glasses aren't even aviaters. the dog looks like its frowning, like its not even having fun. how could it be this tone deaf. fuck this coin.

>> No.28646625

>awful memes
enjoy holding this shit forever

>> No.28646655

why the fuck is it called hoge? what a shitty name.

i have an idea for a doge rip off called moge for no reason and its a dog crying and its wearing a covid mask. does that sound like a good token? i bet it does to the people who made hoge.

>> No.28646846
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bag holding tranny pajeets trying to scam unsuspecting new fags. Dont buy shitcoins which have pumped 100x and dumped 1000x. These niggers try to lure you in by posting zoomed in fake charts. Dont fall for this. Also, disgustingly cheap and creepy posting of hentai with hoge logos plastered over makes me wonder what irredeemable basement dweller degenerates still post these shilling their 1$ bags

>> No.28646861
File: 41 KB, 1405x497, certainly not a pump n dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week that 900 mil would have been worth more than your 1.9 billion is worth now.

>> No.28646957

I'll take 100

>> No.28646989

sounds like a great coin. When will you release it?

>> No.28647128

I might get in, seems like it has some staying power.

>> No.28647197


you are obviously a bag holder, this doesn't look good to anyone by now. its only been dumping.

>> No.28647307

does having AIDS also look good to you too?

>> No.28647408

This is a confirmed scamcoin with backdoor. Enjoy getting rugged.

>> No.28647517
File: 886 KB, 1000x1016, 1613183884654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Im invested in a lot of DeFi projects and I'm unironically most excited about hoge because of the community. I havent ever seen so much spontaneous creativity and collaborative innovation in any other crypto community. Its unique and whats kept it going.

Most people think coins only moon once but coins like bao had several large upswings in price that were spaced out. You just have to hodl!"

>> No.28647526

this is quite possibly the shittiest coin i have seen on /biz/

>> No.28647599
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 02f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you people are mentally ill. I m just warning any newfren here to just look up this scam coins chart. It ran its course i got a 5x on the pump and these bag holders are still in denial and venomous snakes trying to steal your money. Never get into shitcoins that have 100x'd the same week goddamn gtfo biz you indian trannies

>> No.28647657

the design of the hoge mascot makes it look like shit no matter what, that meme you just made with berserk looks like shit because the dog is frowning and looking away and it has shitty glasses on. its not fun. how could you make a meme coin that is ugly and not fun and has a shitty name and is in black and white and has ugly glasses. i don't think its possible to make a shittier token. i think if you made a coin called "poop token" it would do better. i think if you literally made a token called "pajeet coin" and it has a picture of an indian man with a headset phone on it would do better.

>> No.28647962
File: 162 KB, 343x500, 1612986935957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello yes ma'am thank you for your time
>please allow me one minute to speak with you ma'am
>i have an amazing an exciting oppurtunity for you
>Im invested in a lot of DeFi projects and I'm unironically most excited about hoge because of the community. I havent ever seen so much spontaneous creativity and collaborative innovation in any other crypto community. Its unique and whats kept it going.

Most people think coins only moon once but coins like bao had several large upswings in price that were spaced out. You just have to hodl!

>> No.28647992

stop beating a dead horse, the shilling of this dogshit coin is terrible even for /biz/ standards, let those bags go and stop trying to scam newfags

>> No.28648037


>> No.28648083

hoge is the sound i make when i dry heave thinking of this terrible coin that smells of poo and curry

>> No.28648166

I bought 100m hoge at 900sats, what do I win

>> No.28648246

can we all agree that the mascot and the name of this stupid coin is just fucking terrible? you couldn't have just made it a cute dog and named it after a cute dog? who the fuck thought to name it hoge? what does that even fucking mean? its literally autistic. "hey why isn't my coin doing well but doge is, my coin has the same name but with just one different letter, its also a dog but its also a cool dog thats a chad and is supposed to be better then doge, why won't people buy my bags? T.T" it totally fails to see why doge did well . i'm actually amazed at how socially unaware this is.

>> No.28648548

you just needed to make a crypto coin that was a cute funny dog and you fucked it up this badly with a bunch of extra bullshit like by naming it like doge but instead hoge so instead of it being like dog spelled and pronounced funny its just nonsense. and you made the dog look like its on antidepressents and its drawn in black and white and its wearing noir cyberpunkglasses, and you weirded everyone out with creepy porn memes and lazy copy pastes and now your just a bunch of bag holders. like you literally could have just made a coin called "chihuahua" and called the ticker "$chi" and had the taco bell dog as the mascot and you would have made money.

>> No.28648556
File: 750 KB, 850x1232, hoge_thiccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the name is literally what makes it better than all the doge copycats. you can actually tell its a doge copycat from the name

the fact that it did the run up so fast when exposed to twitter/reddit proves that the name/logo have traction w/ normies

>> No.28648657
File: 262 KB, 640x1079, one_hoge_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are you so butthurt friend? Did you sell at a loss? I did 3x on my initial investment, and bought back in recently, so I get 2x return even if I lose 100% of this second investment. Feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.28648774

go look at the husky chart right now. or the shiba chart.

people only aped in at first because they didn't want miss out on the next shiba and doge, and then they thought about it and realized that hoge is fucking terrible, and you haven't recovered since.

the name is terrible and teh design is terrible. dojira, husky, and shiba are still going strong because they aren't trying to be "the same but cooler" versions of doge, they are just dog coins.

every weird creepy anime porn meme you guys post with the hoge mascot just further hammers the nails in to the coffin. its physcally painful to see you guys be in this much denial.

>> No.28649031

you guys could have just made a scrappy doo coin and it would have probably mooned. people don't want their money to be cool and edgy and try to be better then someone. going the opposite direction would have ironically got way more attraction. even think about it. "i will pay you five hundred scrappy doos to help me move"

>> No.28649104

Shitty coin, shitty mascot, promoted by shitskinned telegram niggers.

>> No.28649210


lol this anon is so butthurt. Are you afraid HOGE is going to moon now that you saw we're still working on making it great, so you're trying to fud us dead?

>> No.28649692

I dont see an issue in newanons buying in. It is more propable it would go up than down. Ressurection is possible.

>> No.28649930

I sense a great stability in hoge so I might actually end up putting money I made on actual crypto into it during the bear market

>> No.28650213

>check dextools
>it's 90% sells, most for basically nothing

All of the jeets are out. It's dead.

>> No.28650815


that's a not bad plan. it's here to stay, but not sure when it will pump properly

>> No.28651299
File: 47 KB, 720x480, 01_top10historicallymisleadingfilms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoge is a fucking scam. I tried to warn you fuckers. But you reported me to the point i got banned from 4chan. True story

>> No.28651467
File: 1.06 MB, 800x1130, hoge_harem_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems like you're back?

>> No.28652054
File: 326 KB, 1318x1000, hogeshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought 900 million hoges a week ago. I now have 1.9 billion hoges. I did not put anymore money in. This was all through swingies.
>Keep swinging cucks

>> No.28652254
File: 286 KB, 850x1108, hodl_hoge_with_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28652879

This is correct. The twitter people who jumped in were not 'normies' but pump and dump groups.
They are the reason it shot up and dumped just as fast. Now HOGE is basically a cult, Run by teenagers on telegram. Hentai/Porn and Chad nonsense won't bring in any new buyers. Making Hoge games was a good start, but the games need to have more of a hook than 'it's a clone of a popular flash game with the Hoge logo!"

>> No.28653106
File: 202 KB, 480x360, 1612541705037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are disgusting subhumans trying to scam unsuspecting anons to buy you -80% worthless bags. Husky and Dogira atleast progression and a cute/retarded meme going for them and most importantly they havent PnD'd in 2 hours for 100x and then crashed to 100000% less than what the indian anonymous devs sold on you retard ass. You think someone will ever buy your shitbags by plastering that ugly logo on some deviant art cat girl? Also paying some disgusting porn actor to shill on unsuspecting zoomers to buy this scam is beyond reprehensible and thank god that cringe didnt work. Get the fuck off our board you belarussian untermensch

>> No.28653673
File: 1.20 MB, 1150x1221, hogejedi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a memeshitcoin
>makes the ugliest mascot
>makes the cringiest and creepiest of memes

Just what the FUCK were they thinking?

>> No.28653723

i appreciate everytime some swinglet sells, it makes my stacks grow

>> No.28653784

didnt read

>> No.28654304

oh but that one's cute

>> No.28654497


>> No.28656041

The worst financial move I've ever done was redoubling my bet on this shitcoin.

>> No.28657048

I hate what biz has become. We were all supposed to make it. We weren't supposed to scam each other with Poojeetcoins.

>> No.28657099

how much did you lose?

>> No.28657189

also whats ur plan? did u sell yet? it wouldnt even be worth it for me to pay the gas fees at this point. i'm depressed as fuck over this.

>> No.28657566
File: 659 KB, 896x1700, hoge_farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is not a scam, but a genuine homegrown biz coin. It would be much easier to make it if y'all stopped fudding and started helping, but we'll manage ourselves

>> No.28658153

don't forget the name is FUCKING RETARDED.

>> No.28658727

Oh my god this same nigger was in the telegram saying the exact same copypasta no one cares that you are as sensitive as a clitoris and suck indian cock

I'm never selling my HOGE lol

>> No.28658914
File: 1.21 MB, 1100x1092, 1612908237710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Home grown money I reckon. Fuck FUD have faith I know we'll make it

>> No.28659047
File: 55 KB, 800x533, mountains-salt-2592495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, you have to be a real humerlous cuck...

he probably bought the top :)

>> No.28659052
File: 96 KB, 1864x1080, hoge_runner_1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit a perfect 1000!

>> No.28659185
File: 33 KB, 620x348, a43526450db99749a4cff508500ad2b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28659367

thanks bro ..

>> No.28659461
File: 527 KB, 640x640, DWa6zGhW4AET3Ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have taken 4k profit :)

no regrets.

>> No.28659550

lol. anon just accept the loss and move on
you have fed the village

>> No.28659567

yeah i'm just gonna try to forget about it, it just sucks seeing all of the coins i actually bought/researched moon right after selling them all for this bullshit. learned my lesson LOL

>> No.28659634
File: 45 KB, 604x471, 1934407_105890927700_1163881_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering everything BAO was the better buy at at the bottom.

However, HOGE might still surprise you.

It's no scam, its your fello biztard. Anyone welcome to contribute and be frens.

>> No.28659762

It's always the same butt hurt fudder faggot in every thread replying 100x. If you hold HOGE don't sell. We are gonna make it.

>> No.28659977

Shut the fuck up retard. No you won’t. You bought a scam coin and are left holding the bags.

>> No.28660002

So what's up with HOGE atm?

I haven't switched it out at all, I've double checked to make sure I'm even looking at the right contract, but apparently 2500+ hoge is a fraction of a penny altogether?

>> No.28660072

yeah something like that, sounds like ur looking at the right one. sorry bro.