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File: 87 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210213-230635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28636692 No.28636692 [Reply] [Original]

Is this sustainable?

>> No.28637588
File: 159 KB, 700x392, umm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just sustainable it's fucking underbought.
1000 eoy is FUD.
81K End of Decade.

>> No.28637712


Take a look at Ethereum between February 2017 and June 2017 and come back here.

>> No.28637787


>> No.28637814
File: 810 KB, 720x960, 1611220901053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will sustain

>> No.28637868

>blue chip that hasn’t even x2’d its previous high starts to go up while the entire market already mooned and complete dog shit like DOGE goes up x10
>1 minute chart
>hurrr is this sustainable

fuck off retard

>> No.28637948

awwww how cute

>> No.28638014

I made 600,000 by selling my 30,000 link at 20 bucks a few weeks ago and I have regretted it ever since. I thought it was going to go back down to the teens and I wanted to swing my first time ever and never got the chance to come back in. I fucked up. But anyway, I diversified. I missed out on 1,000,000 when Link hit 31. So now I have to take a different route unless Link drops in which case I'll but my 30,000 back and never swing again. I have held for three years and thought maybe it was the right time to try a move. I failed...

>> No.28638227


Are you serious? Do you at least have some link left? You can still buy back in to minimize your damage

>> No.28638255

but seriously at least you made money, that's more than most people can say on this board

>> No.28638347


Anon, I...
That's a one month chart

>> No.28638411

Only you won’t buy back your 30k linkies even if they drop back to 20 (they won’t, at least not till the cycle resets) because you now owe a large sum of your gains to the IRS. This is why swingies always lose eventually. I find it hard to believe an OG link holder would fall for this honestly.

>> No.28638563
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, swinging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you seen this warning? Anyway, you made a good profit so it's not the end or anything but surprised an og holder would sell...

>> No.28638719

This screenshot is what talks me out of swinging EVERY TIME

.t LINK holder since pre-sale

>> No.28638814


This pic is horrible damn.

>> No.28638987

This. Nubiz literally wasn't around for that though.

>> No.28639214

fuck I knew this feel when I sold link at 12$ and it went up to 20$. Luckily I made a lot with UNI and bought back in at 21$ some weeks ago